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We provide an exhaustive guide here to reproduce all experiments to train and evaluate the NTT model. Most of the steps are automated but some will have to be done manually as there are multiple platforms used separately e.g. NS3 for simulations and PyTorch-Lightning for the NTT implementation.

File descriptions:

The files inside the TransformerModels directory is as follows:

Core files -

  • : Pre-train the NTT by masking the last delay only.
  • : Pre-train the NTT by masking delays after choosing equally from the NTT's output encoded elements.
  • : Pre-train the NTT by masking delays after choosing equally from the NTT's output encoded elements and using multiple decoder instances.
  • : Pre-train the NTT by masking delays after choosing equally from the 3 levels of aggregation for the NTT and using multiple decoder instances.
  • : Fine-tune the NTT by masking the last delay only.
  • : Fine-tune the NTT by masking the last delay but initialize with multiple decoders to match the architecture when pre-trained with multiple decoders.
  • : Fine-tune the NTT to predict the MCT on the given data.
  • : Fine-tune the NTT to predict the MCT on the given data but initialize with multiple decoders to match the architecture when pre-trained with multiple decoders.
  • : Generate the sliding windows for the NTT from the processed NS3 simulations' packet data.
  • : All utility functions for data pre-processing.
  • : Train the ARIMA baselines.
  • : Train the Bi-LSTM baselines.
  • configs : Hyper-paramters for training the NTT model.

Plot files -

  • : Plot MCT loss curves after fine-tuning the NTT pre-trained on masking the last delay only.
  • : Plot MCT loss curves after fine-tuning the NTT pre-trained on masking on variable positions.
  • : Plot historgrams of predictions after pre-training and fine-tuning the NTT.

Others -

  • : A vanilla Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, naively trained on some packet data to predict delays. (this was only for initial insights)

The files inside the PandasScripts directory is as follows:

  • : Utility script to pre-process raw memento NS3 outputs to a format, which makes it easier to create the sliding windows and train the NTT. This is the actual script used.
  • : Utility script to pre-process raw NS3 outputs to a format, which makes it easier to create the sliding windows and train the vanilla transformer. This is NOT used, except for initial insights.

The structure inside the NetworkSimulators is as follows:

  • memento: Contains a working copy of ONLY the relevant code files for generating the pre-training and fine-tuning the NTT models. This cannot be run without the full setup, which is self contained in memento-ns3-for-NTT. Files inside this memento directory, should not be used anymore, except for quick reference.
  • ns3: This was used for initial insights only, and NO RESULTS from it have been included in the thesis.
    • Contains a working copy of the relevant code files for generating the pre-training for the vanilla NTT model, which is authored in To generate this data, you must install ns3 from scratch as mentioned here.Following which, all the .cc files in ns3 must be put in the scratch/ directory. This can be tricky, so we will provide a quicker alternative setup.
    • Alternatively, you can run the script, and use the files and to move the code files and results, in and out of the ns3 container.
    • You can run the files inside the container with the commands:
      • export NS_LOG=congestion_1=info
      • and then ./waf --run scratch/congestion_1.
    • This generates a folder called congesion_1 with the required data files.
    • For pre-processing, copy the congesion_1 folder into PandasScripts and run:
      • python --model tcponly --numsenders 6
    • The files can now be added to and the job can be run.

To reproduce results in the thesis:


To run on the TIK SLURM cluster, you need to install pyenv, details for which can be found here: D-ITET Computing.

On other clusters or standalone systems, you can use the system Python to create a new virtual environment.

$ python -m venv venv

After the environment has been created (created name is venv for simplicity):

If it is a pyenv environment, run

$ eval "$(pyenv init -)"
$ eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
$ pyenv activate venv

Else for normal Python virtual environments, run

$ source venv/bin/acvtivate

Now, install the Python dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, if installing environments and dependencies may not work on some systems (Eg. Windows), you can use our pre-built Docker image for setting up the same. The Docker image has a Python environment setup with the dependencies, along with the entire code packaged in it, for ease of use.

To use the docker image, run

$ ./

Or you can build your own Docker image locally. For this, run

$ docker build --tag ntt-docker .

The folder (submodule) memento-ns3-for-NTT contains instructions to generate the training data using NS3 simulations. The module is self contained and will generate a folder called results/, which will contain the required data. To preprocess, copy the results/ folder into the directory PandasScripts and run the script (modify the filesnames inside if needed):

$ python --model memento

This will generate the pre-processed files. The files maybe different, depending on the kind of data generated but all of them will end with _final.csv. Copy all files with this ending, into a folder named memento_data/ and move this folder to the TransformerModels directory.

Copying results/ and memento_data/ to these destinations is needed, else the execution will fail. After copying the files, the training and fine-tuning phase is ready to be initiated.

NOTE: If you are using the Docker image for NTT training, you will need to generate the pre-training data inside the Docker containers provided by memento-ns3-for-NTT. Following which, the results/ folder must be copied inside the ntt-docker container, into the same directories as mentioned above. This can be done with docker cp. Our Docker image doesn't support GPUs (yet), so feel free to modify the Dockerfile to include CUDA support, or run with CPUs for now.

Training and fine-tuning:

We need GPUs to run the training and fine-tuning, and this documentation only covers the steps to run on the TIK SLURM cluster. If running on other clusters, the setup might have to be modified a little. We provide a self-contained run script, in which you can uncomment out the job you want to run. Now you can just execute:

$ sbatch 

Reproduce the plots:

The specific log folders generated after a pre-training or fine-tuning job, must be copied with the EXACT same names, into a logs directories relative to the or files, as displayed in the .py files. Following that, the plots can be generated as simply as:

$ python
$ python


  • SBATCH commands in might need to be changed as per memory or GPU requirements.
  • For running the ARIMA baselines, GPUs are not needed.
  • On the TIK SLURM cluster, sometimes there is the following error OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory. To fix this:
    • Increase the amount of memory for the job to be run or
    • Reduce the num_workers argument in the DataLoader inside the given model's .py file from 4 to 1.
  • To switch to data from different topologies, you only need to change the NUM_BOTTLENECKS global variable in the respective model's .py you are running. Note that not all experiments are meant to be run on all topologies. For details on which topology is used for which experiment, refer to thesis.pdf
  • Checkpoints will automatically be saved in the respective log folders for every job (refer to the particular model's .py to see specific names). It is advisable to copy the .ckpt files into a new folder named checkpoints/, in order to initialise from the trained weights and not lose any work. This relative path checkpoints/*.ckpt can replaced in the appropriate .py file. Every fine-tuning .py file has a global variable PRETRAINED which can be set to True if you want to initialize from the saved weights, or False if fine-tuning must be done from scratch .
  • Different models have different instances of linear layers, and if you want to initialize fine-tuning from a checkpoint, you must ensure that the pre-training process had the same model architecture, else PyTorch model loading will fail. After initialization with the same architecture, the layers can be changed as per required. As a quick map,
  • The TRAIN global variable in the .py files is used to decide whether to train on the training data, or just test on the testing data.
  • The trainer API from PyTorch lightning (present in the all of the Transformer .py files) is used to select multiple GPUs using the strategy argument. Possible options are
    • dp : Data Parallel, this works always on the TIK SLURM cluster.
    • ddp : Distributed Data Parallel, this only works sometimes and we haven't used this. To run ddp jobs, modify the file, to include an srun command prior to the python command.
  • To save files, sometimes you might have to modify the directory and file names in the code, as needed on your machine. As this is not an end-to-end software, somtimes it is not possible to create a generic file saving system across multiple experiments.