Ansible module that fetches output dictionary from Terraform tfstate file from s3 backend.
- boto3
- json
- bucket - Name of the s3 bucket where Terraform state is stored. Required.
- object - Name of the s3 object where Terraform state is stored. Required.
- aws_profile - Name of the aws profile to be used. Default "default".
- aws_access_key - AWS access key to be used for bucket access. If declared aws_profile option is ignored and aws_secret_access_key option is required. Default "".
- aws_secret_access_key - AWS secret access key to be used for bucket access. If declared aws_profile option is ignored and aws_access_key option is required. Default "".
- aws_region - ID of AWS region to connect to s3 bucket from. Default "us-east-1".
The following play fetches Terraform outputs from arn:aws:s3:::terraform-state-repository/ireland/katapult_cloud_networking.tfstate using default AWS profile in ~/.aws/credentials
- hosts: localhost
become: false
- name: fetch Terraform networking outputs from Ireland region
bucket: "terraform-state-repository"
object: "ireland/katapult_cloud_networking.tfstate"
register: vpc_networking
- name: set vpc id
vpc_id: "{{ vpc_networking.vars.katapult_cloud_vpc_id }}"
The following play fetches Terraform outputs from arn:aws:s3:::terraform-state-repository/ireland/katapult_cloud_networking.tfstate using AWS access and secret access keys.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
- name: fetch Terraform networking outputs from Ireland region
bucket: "terraform-state-repository"
object: "ireland/katapult_cloud_networking.tfstate"
aws_access_key: AAABBBTTGSSSS45
aws_secret_access_key: jbd63ij2bdft/812ebud1f2623m2837rmmqj
register: vpc_networking
- name: set vpc id
vpc_id: "{{ vpc_networking.vars.katapult_cloud_vpc_id }}"
Utilize profile or access keys with minimal privileges to AWS resources. If possible utilize credentials with read only access to the Terraform state bucket.
Stefan Roman ([email protected])