2024-01-15 #1
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感谢 https://wangze.tech/%E6%B7%BB%E5%8A%A0%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA%E5%8C%BA 的教程,折腾把giscus评论加上了,唯一美中不足的是quartz设置成Graph view/Backlinks/giscus都只能放在layout的right区中,挤在一起不太美观,看看后续官方更新中是否有改进空间(官方已经将giscus插件放入upcoming feature了,见 https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/blob/v4/docs/features/upcoming%20features.md )。 |
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07:40#memos#人生人要有翻篇的能力One must have the ability to turn the page不依不饶就是画地为牢Relentless is to paint the dungeon as a prison这个世界没有真正快乐的人There are no really happy people in this world只有想得开的人Only those who can要永远相信Always believe所有的山穷水尽都藏着峰回路转All the mountains and rivers are hidden就算是一地鸡毛也能搓出一个鸡毛掸子Even a feather can make a feather duster 08:02#memos#人生成长和变更好Grow and change for the better是温柔又克制的过程It’s a gentle, controlled process温柔面对生活的刺Gently face the thorns of life克制拖延Refrain from delay克制懒惰Restrain laziness克制自己的坏情绪Keep your bad mood in check保持好心情stay in a good mood把皱皱巴巴的生活熨烫一下Iron the wrinkled life 08:34#memos#人生生活本就喜忧参半,任何事情,都有它的两面性。如果你凡事都往坏的方面想,那就是在自己捆绑自己。 10:37#memos#obsidian使用#obsidian插件 发现一个新插件https://github.
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