Releases: NMDSdevopsServiceAdm/SopraSteria-SFC
SKILLS FOR CARE sprint 37, version 3
[## 33376 ##] Registration survey not downloading
add conditional check in print row for the establishment(#4089)
SKILLSFORCARE Version 2 Sprint 37
- Admin - add notes to registration and workplace search results
- T & Cs wording update
- [## 33149 ##] BU not displaying RESOURCE errors
- Long term absent - new page
- Admin - Reject registration request back end
- Admin Registrations - Success alerts for approval and rejection
Feat/registration notes (#4031)
Feat: Long-term absence (#4032)
Add a paragraph to the Terms and conditions (#4035)
Circle CI Improvements (#4058)
Feat/reject registration back end (#4059)
Bug/remove skip test (#4034)
Changed error to correct code (#4062)
feat: addSuccessAlertsForRegistrationApprovalAndRejection (#4060)
SKILLSFORCARE Version 1 Sprint 37
- Admin - External Links(
- Admin - Reports(
- Training Multi update - Add link(
- Training Multi update - Select staff(
- Training Multi update - confirmation banner and numbers(
- Training Multi update - Add training details(
- Admin - Registration approval & Rejection buttons(
- Admin - Registrations pending - workplace details(
- Admin - Registrations pending - In progress(
fix errors when clicking checkbox (#4029)
Feat/registration approve and reject buttons (#4019)
Feat/add admin reports page (#4016)
Fix: Multi update (#4015)
Feat/registrations pending in progress (#4014)
Feat/add externa link page (#3996)
Fix: Multi Update - Snagging list (#3995)
Feat/multiple training alert (#3994)
Feat: Multi update - select staff (#3989)
Feat/pending registration (#3964)
SKILLSFORCARE Version 5 Sprint 36
- Bugfix for BU not closing connections
SKILLSFORCARE Version 4 Sprint 36
- Bug fix for database connections
SKILLSFORCARE Version3 Sprint 36
Bug - fix for registrations not loading
SKILLSFORCARE Version 2 Sprint 36
- [## 32308 ##] Site has crashed(
add delete to userAudit model type enum (#3942)
Tech Debt: Refactor workplace name address (#3944)
Fix: Workplace name address - back button (#3945)
Feat/registration requests page (#3963)
Added a fallback if server busy and changed all existing errors to 50…
Upped install and front end test to 8gb of RAM (#3968)
build(deps-dev): bump puppeteer from 7.1.0 to 10.2.0 (#3849)
Changed validation to be a separate worker not on the main thread (#3988
SKILLSFORCARE Version 1 Sprint 36
- [## 27912 ##] Parent incorrectly seeing manage mandatory training in workplace that owns their own data
- [## 29318 ##] Navigation when completing a staff record and then updating main service
- Flu vaccination
- Add a new qualification
- Primary user Journey - 1 (primary) edit user
- Changing primary user
Feat: Add new qualification (#3899)
Tech Debt: Refactor select workplace address (#3900)
Feat/change primary edit user (#3917)
Feat/delete user (#3918)
Feat/changing primary user (#3919)
Feat/edit user deleting primary user (#3920)
Bug/parent still seeing notification (#3921)
bug(hideMandatoryTrainingLinkWhenReadOnlyAccess): Add check for canEd…
Tech debt/refactor find workplace address (#3922)
Updated the length allowed in a provider ID (#3938)
Feat: Flu vaccination (#3939)
Fix: Delete user migration (#3940)
add delete to userAudit model type enum (#3942) (#3943)
SKILLSFORCARE Version 1 Sprint 35
- Create account fix: Having responses set when pages returned to
- Create account/Add workplace snagging list
- Spike 2 days - Look at scaling prod up and down
- Admin pages - left hand menus
- LA Completion - Plus signs for each area and Open All
- 1/2 day spike - admin page width
- LA Completion - Insert LAs into a new table
- LA Completion - Reset all
- Fixing change/add information links when contracted and average weekly hours are reset
- Create an account - Check you details page - Change links
- Create account - We could not find your workplace address - non regulated
- LA Completion - Clickable LA name
- LA Completion - adding all the LAs to their areas
- Create account - What's your workplace address
- Set back button for New select main service
- Create an account - Find your workplace address
- Create account parent start page
- Create your an account - Create username and password
- Create an account - What's the name of your workplace
- Create an account - Select your workplace - Postcode (regulated)
- Create an account - confirmation page
- Create account - select your workplace address (non regulated)
- Create an account - Is this your Workplace - using Location ID
- Create an account - Select your main service page
- Create account - What's your workplace name and address (CQC regulated)
- Create an account - Add your user details
- Create an account - We could not find your workplace using Location ID or postcode
- Create an account - Security question
- Create a shared service for all the functionality which is duplicated between the registration service and workplace service
- LA Completion - LA monitoring main page
- LA Completion - Set dates for the return
- LA Completion - Main page
- [## 17865 ##] Year of entry not removed when country of birth is changed from other to don't know
- Create an account - Check you details page - Layout only
- Changing the non-CQC flow to have workplace name page after selecting address
- Registration survey
- LA completion - Reports
- [## 27916 ##] Bulk upload not creating other job roles
- Mocking feature flags in local environments
create migration to add new laUID column to LA table, update model and tests to return UID in get request (#3830)
create migration for changing the possible values in the la table status column (#3833)
Feat/couldn't find workplace address (#3835)
Feat: Create Account - Confirm details change links (#3836)
Fix: Create account change links - non CQC regulated (#3853)
Local Authority List (#3827)
Fix: Find workplace address back link (#3854)
feat(setRoutingForWorkplaceAddressNotListedLink): Change link for workplace address not listed to workplace-name-address (#3856)
Reset LA's (#3857)
Revert 'Revert Live': Create account and LA Monitoring, This reverts commit 34dccf2
Remove local-authority-returns spec file which was deleted on test branch (#3858)
Tech debt/mock feature flag endpoint (#3859)
LA Reports (#3860)
Added new option to why did you create an account on registration survey (#3861)
Fix/create account snagging list (#3862)
Fixed other services input not showing when selecting an other option (#3863)
Fix/workplace name address validation (#3864)
Fix: Create Account - prefill responses (#3865)
Feat/parent thank you page (#3867)
Tech debt: Refactor select workplace (#3869)
Added fix rather than defaulting to 0 and added no option (#3868)
Fix: select workplace continue button (#3886)
Pattern Validation to only allow postcode and location ID's (#3887)
Set workplaceNotFound$ to false on select-workplace-address page (#3888)
Fix/resetting workplace and registration services (#3870)
Added front end tests and added more memory to fe tests (#3866)
Fix/is this your workplace errors (#3889)
Fix: Prefill workplace not found (#3892)
Add address line 3 to registration endpoint (#3893)
Fix: pre filling workplace name address (#3895)
SKILLSFORCARE Version 3 Sprint 34
- Previous fix added check for canEditEstablishment before running
, but because canEditEstablishment was set asynchronously and wasn't set before being checked, the update function wouldn't run when it should. - When staff records are being updated in WDF, when confirm button is clicked for a field on previous staff record and the same field also needs confirming on next record, the meeting requirements message stayed instead of changing back to the confirmation buttons.
Work done
- Changed ngOnInit to async and use can in permissions service instead of making call to backend in workplace summary component
- Changed mock feature flag service to return true for getValueAsync
- Added worker uid to wdf-field-confirmation component and reset confirmButtonClicked when uid is changed(user has gone on to different staff record)
- Minor versions in package-lock json updated