Releases: NETivism/netiCRM
Release note of 5.1.9:
bf8d5f2, 5743235 refs #39227, add webp and jpg to generated image. mailing editor image change from png to jpg
e82c025 refs #36410, allow non-manager to create other on pcp
1f1e571 Refs #29827, Fix variable name typo error.
9fda4e2 Refs #37248, Fix tappay total_amount format as sync.
Release note of 5.1.8:
498590d refs #27758, change column header to contribution type of search result
920f983 refs #38679, fixes lock name too long for mysql
8e6c901 refs #35875, add group link for smart group custom search in group list
28e9bab refs #33862, fixes PCP bg filename escape for frontend
679ec25 refs #29827, fixes css / js should escape filename on contribution page
1539177 refs #38244, change translation of event thank you page.
6d869d0 refs #37131, gh-91, update zh_TW translation
635b73d e0ca14b refs #38868,fixes export mapping field not saved, fixes mapping update and create save checkbox issues
e12cfc0 Refs #39000, When custom value have thousandth place should be import successful.
f1288d2 Refs #39041, Upgrade tappay js sdk to 5.17.0
51388cd Refs #37248, Add copyContribution function to TapPay Payment.
Release note of 5.1.7:
50999d3 refs #38960, porting smarty math function to latest.
a5d1b66 Refs #38935, copy custom data as copy contribution page.
868cd3c refs #39044, fixes drupal 10 views can't get file info.
975cafe refs #39047, trigger monthly recurring only for TapPay.
1f6ebef refs #39043, add shorten url to default csp.
e5ffc64 refs #37300, add pcp related translation about draft.
Release note of 5.1.4:
5c3b662 Refs #37567,Avoid memory leak as encrypting xlsx.
2431568 2d8afc9 refs #38033, fixes performance of first time donor page. Fixes first donor query issue, ui improvement
574d121 c3891af refs #38815, check all empty and block import when non of sort_name required fields have value. Fixes import contribution without contact fields will causing errors.
Release note of 5.1.2:
d2a6183 e3a0416 refs #38859. Add quote escaping to fix JS error
ed89f26 6d635c4 Refs #38855, Workaround for export error when there are NULL field.
b245e11 6453fcd 39f388f refs GH-70, #38792, fixes php 8 compatibility of function static
c684707 Refs #38849, Modify report has bug in php 5.6.
Release note of 5.1.0: 44c556929 update version tag e150bc9bb Update gencode e895ecc4a Update submodule a1297b0b2 refs #38792, safer uniqid generation b932595cb Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 72f19f2cf refs #38627, add translation of security config #skip-builld 08e33bec7 refs #38792, unlock export encrypt option ab48c5baf refs #38627, improve ux of security config page c4d5f636a Refs #38118, Recover accidentally deleted code. 299085d9c Refs #38118 1f, Exclude advanced select id when not input advanced select. fd20313fe Merge branch 'hotfix-37654' into develop d269a4b62 Refs #37654, Modify denied hint text in payment form. 1207432b3 Merge branch 'hotfix' into hotfix-37654 fcb32a7e9 Merge branch 'hotfix-37654' into develop 7cd5bf454 Refs #37654,For have been failed registration, pay again is available. 42d1e45d4 Refs #37654, Modify pay later payment registration behavior. 7fc309bb9 Refs #37654, Add pay later option to payment main page. ba082da19 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop ac03a3596 refs #38118, remove contribution booster test for d10 408a1888b Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 9401272a1 refs #38118, remove unfinish spgateway test on drupal 10 aba792920 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop ee9cd4eb1 Refs #37248, Merge 37248 to develop. dcbbbde26 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop acbbc94b5 refs #38118, add env of drupal verison for d7, force pull image befoare every test e9052f0d8 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 778e41df8 Merge branch 'hotfix-37248' into develop e64f83884 refs #37956, fixes typo of drupal 10 versio 1d4a63001 refs #37956, fixes drupal 10 testing in drone e823c3766 refs #37956, add php8-d10 test, make sure parallel 2 pipelines only 8507352c7 Refs #37248, Modify copyContributionTypeSource rule. 66d7d6043 refs #37956, each pipline have own notification d8abb871f refs #38118, prevent duplicate trxn_id, display error when contribution create failed. 78e860a0c refs #38118, modify drone yml to separate pipelines for different php version 79b635ccf Update submodules 5ff46fda6 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 5d4cc9472 Refs #37248, Use config setting for recurring contribution type. aee687a99 Merge branch 'hotfix' into hotfix-37248 1205cdb9c Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop b6772947c Update submodule ffd8aeb9e refs #38118, add php8 for testing on drone. #skip-build 2ab7bb8f6 refs #38118, fixes spgateway somtimes failed (invoice_id) 19c530301 refs #38118, fixes spgateway sometimes failed. 93065147a Merge branch 'develop-37956' into develop 4af111b22 Refs #38118, Remove spgateway and contribution booster test on d10 ci yml. 9e89d972a Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop c260cab50 Refs #38118, Add logout event. 15e316533 Refs #38118, Add wait time. bc693eb5b Refs #38118, Update ci yml and combined event register test. 0343abf7e Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 9a99df3a1 Refs #38118, Update locator element. 1d21f6b6c Refs #38118, Change method of navigating to info page. 9f902ad38 Refs #38118, Update event url for register event test. 2ce5695c3 Refs #38118, Remove wait time and set user not login for register event test. 04ae74a56 Refs #38118, Add wait time for test. 199bbe73d Refs #38118, Update drone yml for playwright test. 0034e63b8 Refs #38118, Select the first event when test event participant. ba544ddc7 Refs #38118, Reload page to test event participant. ee265b2ec Refs #38118, Reload page to test event register. 3ffe4e751 Refs #38118, Update test email for event register. cbb2dcc72 Refs #38118, Update ci yml for testing. 8f81892b8 Refs #38118, Remove unused image block for mailing test. ca17e5938 Refs #38118, Remove unused code for mailing test. a42dfe5bb Refs #38118, Remove Group Name Exception in ci testing. 068e7c7c2 Merge branch 'hotfix' into hotfix-37248 3b3b53c8d Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 3cc145920 Refs #38118, Update test email for event register test. 9695b36a3 Refs #38118, Add mail edit test for ci testing. e8c5a157c refs gh-72, skip var which should use variable not db value 5ecdbc126 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 9535031a5 refs gh-72, update default csp rules 7d311eb4f Merge branch 'develop-37956' of into develop-37956 fef89f385 Refs #38118, Update ci yml to get different artifact for ci testing. 7bacdbaf8 Merge branch 'develop-37956' of into develop-37956 390d410ec Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 aad8ef72d Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop 38ea44e3c refs #37956, complete remove open id field in contact editing interface c5bf3ca48 Merge branch 'develop-37956' of into develop-37956 3b4afce30 Refs #38118, Update membership type name for ci testing. 883e03a0b Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 d661a13b0 Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop 27251a0cd Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 235007426 Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop 0f07a0401 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 8b54422d2 refs gh-72, fixes default csp rules 053fcb920 Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop bd159f9af Refs #37248,move copyContribution func to baseIPN. fac64937e Refs #37248, change copyContribution place. baedc8ccf Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 2c016607e Refs #37730, Change functions to static for applicable in develop branch. 8eb842853 Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop ca99dff2d Refs #38118, Updated ci yml to generate reports in HTML format. d17d94a78 Refs #38118, Update ci yml to get artifact. ced315f11 refs #37956, fixes pear library compatibility ac07d1217 refs #37956, fixes drupal 10 / php 8 error 95534d2d9 refs #37956, fixes drupal 10 smtp sending c650232e6 refs #37956, fixes drupal 10 https anonymous session management 322c1d285 Refs #37218, Update get parmas for participant. da87e910e Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop f0624206c Merge branch 'hotfix-37626' into develop f394fe3d7 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 b1b3af104 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 6806cc81b refs #37956, remove 8.1 deprecated auto_detect_line_endings cde1b5bc2 Merge pull request #107 from maninhouse/develop-38199 8c25c78e1 refs #38199, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 35f711b87 refs #38199, add playwright test for contribution booster pages e7faa37ca Merge pull request #106 from maninhouse/develop-38169 931c2fb6a refs #38169, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 908be31a3 refs #38169, add playwright test for recurring contribution using payment SPGATEWAY a474b230a Merge branch 'develop-37956' into develop 19c5a4803 Merge pull request #105 from maninhouse/develop-38070 49be3a80e refs #38070, update ci.yml and .drone.yml f7772ecd1 refs #38070, add playwright test for editing mailing content in "compose on-screen" mode 5687dc7d4 refs #37956, fixes 8.1 compatibility based on smoke test cee1ac896 refs #37956, fixes openai output parser d302aee19 refs #37956, playwright page test add click link test on each pages eec799b97 refs #37956, add playwright compatible on debug enabled 115761bf1 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 c258c59b4 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop ac661a025 refs #37956, remove contact_check radio click on membership type of playwright test e54212809 refs #37956, fixes membership type test issue 892f74ef6 refs #37956, fixes php8 membership type delete issue 306e52dd4 refs #37956, correct impoort testing have wrong membership type b0070cfc9 refs #37956, add testing for membership type create 1ef6cdddd refs #37956, fixes PHP 8 ajax endpoint call bb7766544 refs #37956, #38118, fixes php 8 issue on import 3364f9774 refs #37956, #38118, fixes advanced search test error 235d56310 refs #37956, fixes contribution form should fill custom receipt fields 2c928f067 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 c069ba4ec refs #38111, trying to fixes allpay test 3e4e50572 update submodules 64a309a0e Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 239420476 refs #38111, correct the testing of allpay 448a4c657 refs #38111, add ALLPAY assertion of custom values update in recurring 6b6b2d1c9 refs gh-72, fixes csp default values should allow iframe from official website 0497ab77e refs gh-72, #37771, fixes security setting for admin 26fe764e1 refs #38111, ALLPAYTest can be also trigger on develop env fab572963 refs #37904, change CiviUnitTestCase class extend logic 6fd70072e refs #37956, add findElementByLabel to make sure locator found correct element 3a65b5bfe Refs #37939, Add test cases to check website during major version updates. 2db955497 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 70689a8c0 refs gh-72, #37771, do not hide security setting to user 04d69dc4a Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 2a9907606 refs #37956, fixes long time typo 798e330c4 refs #37956, #38118, fixes playwright page loop logic issue 38db51918 Refs #37463, Rearrange Participant Editing test on test7. 6b43b6e45 refs #37956, trying to fixes possible timeout for long custom data test e1334cc41 refs #37956, fixes drupal 10 related issues. 4e0df7f52 refs #37956, put event registration to the end of test d52e6ea66 refs #37956, update playwright action timeout time and rearrange Participant Editing test. 7ecebc61e Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37956 2bce07518 refs #36956, fixes possible type error on smarty generated code 8b8f01a76 Refs #37463, Rearrange Participant Editing test on test7. 759ded963 Refs #37463, Update playwright action timeout time and rearrange Participant Editing test. 3f8544f0b Refs #37463, Update playwright expect timeout time. 519959646 refs #36956, correct testing path of duplicated receipt id a313f7dfc refs #37956, add drupal version to env var DRUPAL bad1d1441 refs #37956, correct civicrm directory mount in container ff66bb168 refs #37956, Make sure civicrm module exists in drupal 10 when ci a7a20dd30 refs #37956, correct notification needs of github action 953522b9c refs #37956, remove redundant container name dbd0d6ffc refs #37956, drupal 10 testing 0a728ff5f refs #37956, make unit test compatible with phpunit 10 fe496e3f3 refs #37956, playwright page title assertion should support drupal 10 1a6681e69 Merge branch 'hotfix-38065' into develop edc255606 Merge branch 'develop-37463' into develop 5b294a6cb Refs #37463, Rearrange batch file and check membership type exists. 6721538c7 Refs #37463, Rearrange import file. 6bfe2f422 Refs #37463, Rearrange ci.yml. 60f07aacf Merge pull request #103 from maninhouse/develop-37687 c7e378fc8 refs #37687, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 8ee58e5a0 refs #37687, rewrite batch_action.test.js to batch_action.spec.js with playwright 24eb64ea1 Merge pull request #102 from maninhouse/develop-37688 816034f5e refs #37688, update ci.yml and .drone.yml da81e73b5 Update submodule b60618ea1 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop ee1df71b2 refs #37688, rewrite import.test.js to import.spec.js with playwright 0856cf8e3 Merge branch 'develop-37905' into develop bfd9318ee Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 1986bb941 refs gh-70, fixes report summary redundant code 76380fab2 refs #37905, fixes get_class type error issue 147f191de refs #37905, fixes InvalidScalarArgument error found by psalm. 1fb6dc105 refs #37905, fixes MethodSignatureMismatch found by psalm a74657828 refs #37905, fixes syntax error 2c55c5027 refs #37905, fixes Too many arguments found by psalm 41a40c8cc refs #37905, add openai autofixer prove of concept code 1eaa11394 refs #37905, fixes wrong casing of class name found by psalm b4268c213 refs #37956, fixes typo of strlen de418df14 refs #37956, fixes incompitable function of drupal 10 65e6586e9 refs #37956, fixes allpay test for phpunit 10 0ebc7ef4e refs #37956, fixes phpunit 10 support 4ad567f3a refs #37956, add drupal 10 support c483e0900 Refs #37218, Remove participant api test on php8. 9e95815ef Refs #37218, Remove participant api tests. 9564d254d Refs #37218, Update api tests for php5 ci testing. 4175ebeaf Update submodule 7357478c0 Refs #37218, Update membership api test for CI testing. ef1958851 Refs #37688, Update container name after merge develop branch. 7c00e78e8 Refs #37688, Remove test8 on notification after merge develop branch. c8257a4a5 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-37463 a590704a4 refs #37688, Update submodule 9d0f90778 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-gh70 c7e170d1c Merge pull request #101 from maninhouse/develop-37686 8303b10d6 Merge branch 'develop' into hotfix b84058332 refs #37686, update ci.yml and .drone.yml a411d5ffd refs #37686, rewrite add_group.test.js to add_group.spec.js with playwright 16c8bcec2 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 370745b87 refs gh-70, upgrade submodules 85c5a1b87 refs gh-70, purge unused libraries (part 3) f19beb3fa refs gh-70, remove tinymce support in CRM core 4f80cbf41 refs gh-70, fixes function parameter have default value should not followed by a required parameter. 5a833ccbb refs gh-70, no php4 constructor fa444297a refs gh-70, purge unused libraries (part 2) e99f09c5c refs gh-70, purge unused libraries (part 1) 95c32ce3b refs gh-70, fixes possible implode issue, fixes ITX syntax error a72f9b0a2 refs gh-70, trying to upgrade pear to latest version 86cc01c1a refs gh-70, html form element shoudn't parsed by money format bb9fed064 refs gh-70, change PDOException to Exception 47869e41c refs gh-70, fixes function parameter have default value should not followed by a required parameter. 335a6cc3a refs gh-70, remove money_format, use number_format instead 7073d6164 refs NETivism/netiCRM#70, remove get_magic_quotes related functions 4dca90f1a refs gh-70, convert allowed tags to array constant 7bffb58d1 refs gh-70, tidy implode and qill issue for search function 0b7ad9647 refs gh-70, add warpper for implode strict type check e344782b6 refs gh-70, add wrapper for array_key_exists strict type check 317d5640e refs gh-70, normalize array related function name d89cd6f41 Merge branch 'develop-gh70' of into develop-gh70 bd4652a72 refs gh-70, fixes deprecated function each dd9e182c3 refs gh-70, fixes construct name of php7 64af04b78 refs gh-70, fixes various php 7.0 compatibility issues 1c2c6a71d GH-70, Modify custom search error and report error in php8. 0d2a77f38 Merge pull request #100 from maninhouse/develop-37685 872e9ca39 refs #37685, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 21d3dd5d1 GH-70, Fix report error, tcpdf error, and some error for php8. e1d4e33b4 refs #37685, rewrite advanced_search.test.js to advanced_search.spec.js with playwright ccf49be70 Refs GH-70, Fixes typo for ContributionRecurTest. a7df49c31 Merge branch 'develop-gh72' into develop 838d352ca refs gh-72, add CSP syntax validator 4b541da5d refs #36952, gh-72, Move CSP settings to security. ff035b69e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop-gh72 ff76cfe0f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/hotfix' into develop-gh72 e295e71de refs #36952, gh-72, Change the variable style. 3a0495409 Update submodule 7eb7ce928 Update submodule db8cd10f0 refs gh-69, change interface 54654afa1 Refs GH-70, Fixes for php8 to run backertest file. 0466ca69a Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop fd4b0c6e7 refs #37771, gh-69, move host trust settings from misc to security a16f78952 Refs #36681, Add if condition to check is array or not. ed91f080d Refs GH-70, Fixes non-static function and replace usage of deprecated function each with foreach. 79de56617 Merge pull request #99 from maninhouse/develop-37767 c42ad4c7d refs #37767, update ci.yml and .drone.yml c2ea1f93e refs #37767, change code to prevent timeout error in contribution_status_id selection df5f7858c GH-70, Modify for php8 can pass casperjs testing in ci. 47ec3e38e Refs #36681 45f, Add group_type for group create api. ad2dc5e23 Refs #37218, Add api test for php version 5 and Update ActivityTest. 3ca918a2c GH-70, Modify for php8 ci testing (api testing and event registration.) 658d46f37 Refs GH-70, Remove failed phpunit test for php 8. bdd77ba02 Refs GH-70, Annotation failed phpunit test and update ci yml. 32b4303ae Merge branch 'develop' into develop-gh70 782018e6a Refs GH-70, Add CiviUnitTestCase for php version 8. f60a5a244 Merge pull request #98 from maninhouse/develop-37684 776a8d778 refs #37684, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 9f51796e5 refs #37684, rewrite contribution_allpay_barcode.test.js to contribution_allpay_barcode.spec.js with playwright 867420d32 Merge pull request #97 from maninhouse/develop-37683 3bea6ee68 refs #37683, update ci.yml and .drone.yml e0aa1e401 refs #37683, rewrite contribution_allpay_atm.test.js to contribution_allpay_atm.spec.js with playwright ead8426e9 Refs GH-70, Modify errors for installed in php8.0. a740cb051 Refs GH-70, Modify pages.js error after installed in php8.0. bf857da2a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop-gh72 f796fe1ee Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/hotfix' into develop-gh72 fa5db616a refs #36952, gh-72, Add the Content Security Policy default values in the config settings so that can be used after a fresh installation. 9054183c5 Refs #36681, Update api doc for group delete. 6884bacf2 Merge pull request #96 from maninhouse/develop-37529 e4993cffa Refs #36681, Update api doc for group update. 6027b2953 refs #37529, update ci.yml and .drone.yml 8b08708df Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 56cc7f65b Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 47eed551a refs #37529, rewrite contribution_allpay.test.js to contribution_allpay.spec.js with playwright 1328c6e0b Merge branch 'develop' of into develop dc83d8f7d refs #36681, fixes api getfields fetch wrong group bdf9eec9b Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop d49f530b0 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 55aaf4612 refs gh-69, allow cli skip trusted host limit 76decd4fa Merge branch 'develop' of into develop d3ae5228f Refs #37218, Update create participant test for CI test. 4df9c170e Merge pull request #94 from maninhouse/develop-37264 a5cb90167 Refs #37218, Update yml file for participantTest. 4df603a9e Refs #37218, Add participant api tests for CI testing. a12dd3179 Merge branch 'hotfix-37771' into develop 2c451892b Refs #37218, Update parameter for CI testing. aece15a73 Refs #37218, Add phone api tests for CI testing. 262174098 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop d138f3bd1 refs gh-69, add global settings for trusted hosts bfb30ac27 Merge branch 'develop' of into develop 7b8457752 refs #34982. Add accessibility outline style b55734629 Refs #37171, Update teardown and setup function for phpunit8. 120000b4d refs #37264, refactor yml files to ensure proper execution of custom_data testing in Github workflow d28b5b92a Merge pull request #93 from maninhouse/develop-37264 88b4e72d8 refs #37264, refactor yml files to ensure proper execution of custom_data testing in Github workflow bcaed4979 Merge pull request #92 from maninhouse/develop-37264 c4ee9cd80 refs #37264, update yml files for CI testing be0d303fb GH-70, Modify some error from page.js. 4757c663d refs gh-70, fixes non-static of PEAR_Downloader::downloadHttp call b8d933b93 refs gh-70, correct non-static function of HTML_QuickForm::createElement 89ffca6a6 refs gh-70, correct non-static function of DB_Table::throwError e1f26e0ff refs gh-70, correct notification dependency 6ecede83a refs gh-70, add php8 testing to ci.yml 4f6ab774b GH-70, Modify some array_key_exists to property_exists. 8a077221c refs #37264, rewrite custom_data.test.js to custom_data.spec.js with playwright 42d0c8f58 GH-70, Modify some err, modify property_exists for objects params, not array. f58d3985d GH-70, Make getModeSelect function static. a046f1ceb GH-70, Modify del function isn't compatible err. f7395b226 Refs #36952, GH-70, Modify necessary non-static function to static. 79965715f Refs #36681, Update api doc for group get. 269262ac5 Refs gh-70, Update html db pear mail module to support php8. 580b9a10c Refs #36952, GH-70, Modify compatibility for php5 (is_countable only for php7). 90dd16d8d Refs #36952, GH-70, Modify compatibility for php5. 2b48d85a1 Refs #36952, GH-70, Modify wrong fix. b3640fe23 Refs #36952, GH-70, Modify some syntax error. 80103ccfa refs gh-70, fixes call to non-static method for php8 e2e8a5cc1 refs gh-70, update pear date module to support php 8.0 eb24fef68 refs gh-70, remove out-dated openid library, use internal function to normalize url instead. 0921952d7 refs gh-70, fixes curly brace usage with strings b331ced05 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-gh72 aaac37537 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-gh70 0ff9dd162 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop 1233a2358 GH-70, Modify smarty file, sync to civicrm core. 3737032eb refs #36952, gh-72, Add a link to the function of filling in default values. 998261d52 refs #36952, gh-72, Adjust the default value based on the configuration rules defined. 2913b04f8 Merge branch 'develop-36952-gh69' into develop a0d6e7210 refs 36952, gh-69, return error when host whitelist validation fails. 7e84f6792 refs #37463, fixes init script file name 1dc1b333c Refs #37463, Remove playwright test from CI. e821c199b refs 36952, gh-69, fix permission issue of trusted host setting a6ab7dc7c Merge pull request #87 from maninhouse/develop-37258 271a819a2 Refs #37463, Add playwright test for php 5 CI. b2ffa5269 Refs #37463, Remove casperjs file for php 5 CI environment. feab11fb1 refs 36952, gh-69, update translation string dd0d5a1d2 refs 36952, gh-69, update description of trusted host setting 4e27f81fa Merge branch 'develop' into develop-36952-gh69 2996745cc GH-70, Modify QuickForm.php and relative behavior. 3b02db9b3 Refs #37463, Remove casperjs file for ci. 9176ef539 refs #37258, rewrite add_profile.test.js to add_profile.spec.js with playwright 71f9b8f61 Refs #37329, gh-73, Add permission for ajax employer endpoint. 0689d2317 GH-70 Modify in CRM folder for PHP8.0. 80f6577dc Refs #37463, Only run page test for CI testing. c87ea0461 refs refs #36952, gf-72, Add a common CSP default value and exclusion path. e8ec78c30 GH-70, Modify some function to static. f91f8c1d5 refs 36952, gh-69, verify HTTP_HOST through whitelist. 050ccec11 Merge branch 'develop' into develop-36952-gh69 7d0e9ce86 Refs #37463, Remove unused command. c2f1ea5b7 Refs #37463, Update yml to run correct init file. 6b9a58790 Refs #37463, Print setup file for ci testing. 3e8dd762b Refs #37218, Add API tests for CI testing. f03f935b6 Refs #37463, Add playwright test for ci testing. 2d86c9067 Merge pull request #85 from maninhouse/develop-37379 f39303a24 refs #37379, refactor event_register.spec.js db1301ca6 Refs #37136 21f, gh-73, Add permission for endpoint. 002e5102c Merge branch 'develop' into develop-36952-gh69 a0757267d GH-70, Let GenCode.php can be executed in php8.0. 4628b9c0f GH-70, Modify static function and method_exists and syntax for 8.0. 0efe135da Merge branch 'develop' into develop-gh70 04d674204 Merge branch 'hotfix' into develop e63c3d379 refs #36952, gf-72, Move the content security policy to Miscellaneous settings. a6717d28b refs 36952, gh-69, add trusted hosts setting 7f79d94f4 Merge pull request #84 from maninhouse/develop-37257 0b6a8e7d1 refs #37257, refactor files in playwright/tests that using the function of utils.js 26db606d5 Refs #37350, Update AJAX autocomplete cf err condition method. 04cdce979 GH-70, Modify static function if necessary. d598f9cf8 refs #37257, rewrite edit_contact.test.js to edit_contact.spec.js with playwright 5818f0f5f Remove redundant HTML element. 8fa848967 refs #36952, gf-72, Add Disable csp rules and change descriptions. a328130ee GH-70,Modify some syntax and compile err for 8.0 382dad2b3 refs #36952, gh-72, Add CSP setting form. af768e98a refs #36952, gh-72, Try as a starting point of CSP.