XML Conforms to this Schema which is updated regularly
Further explanation of important terms can be found here
- clinical_study {O} - all data about the clinical trial stored under this field including clinical_results
- required_header {O} - header that provides general info about the download
- download_date {O} - date the data was downloaded
- link_text {O} - the text that would display instead of the url if opened in a webpage
- Says the same thing for each file
- url {O} - where to find the data for the file online
- id_info {O} - different ways to classify the study id
- org_study_id {O} - full id of the study
- secondary_id {M} - shortened or different id to use to find the study
- nct_id {O} - ClinicalTrials.gov identifier for the study (unique)
- nct_alias {M} - alternate version of the nct_id
- brief_title {O} - title of the clinical trial
- acronym {O} - condensed abbreviation of the title
- official_title {O}
- sponsors {O} - wrapper
- lead_sponsor {O} - wrapper
- agency - organization running the clinical trial
- agency_class - the type of the organization
- Values: NIH, US Fed, Industry, Other
- collaborator {M} - wrapper
- agency - organization supporting the clinical trial that is not the sponsor
- agency_class - the type of the organization
- Values: NIH, US Fed, Industry, Other
- lead_sponsor {O} - wrapper
- source {O} - who is funding the study
- oversight_info {O} - wrapper
- has_dmc - whether or not the study has a data monitoring committee
- Values: Yes, No
- is_fda_regulated_drug
- Values: Yes, No
- is_fda_regulated_device
- Values: Yes, No
- is_unapproved_device
- Values: Yes, No
- is_ppsd
- Values: Yes, No
- is_us_export
- Values: Yes, No
- has_dmc - whether or not the study has a data monitoring committee
- brief_summary {O} - wrapper
- textblock - short explanation of what the study is doing and looking to test
- detailed_description {O} - wrapper
- textblock - more indepth explanation of the study, includes a lot more information than the breif summary
- overall_status {O} - potential values depend on the study_type
- Study Type: Expanded Access - Values: Available, No Longer Available, Temporarily Not Available, Approved for Marketing
- Study Type: N/A - Values: Withheld
- Study Type: Anything Else - Values: "Active, not recruiting", Completed, Enrolling by invitation, Not yet recruiting, Recruiting, Suspended, Terminated, Withdrawn
- last_known_status {O} - most recent status of a study that has not been verified in at least 2 years
- why_stopped {O} - reason for discontinuing the study
- start_date {O}
- completion_date {O}
- primary_completion_date {O}
- phase {O} - current phase of the clinical trial (1-4)
- Values: N/A, Early Phase 1, Phase 1, Phase 1/Phase2, Phase 2, Phase 2/Phase 3, Phase 3, Phase 4
- study_type {O} - classification of the study
- Values: Expanded Acess, Interventional, N/A, Observational, Observational [Patient Registry]
- has_expanded_access {O} - does the clinical trial allow patients with immediately life threatening conditions to participate
- Values: Yes, No
- expanded_access_info {O} - wrapper
- expanded_access_type_individual
- Values: Yes, No
- expanded_access_type_intermediate
- Values: Yes, No
- expanded_access_type_treatment
- Values: Yes, No
- expanded_access_type_individual
- study_design_info {O} - wrapper
- allocation - how the tests are administered to the patients
- Value: Randomized
- intervention_model - general design of the strategy for assigning treatments to participants
- intervention_model_description
- primary_purpose - reason for the clinical trial
- Values: Treatment
- observational_model
- time_persepective
- masking - tells who knows which people were treated
- masking_description
- allocation - how the tests are administered to the patients
- target_duration {O} - optional - desired length of the study
- primary_outcome {M} - (outcome=endpoint) just a wrapper
- measure - important for evaluating the effect of the treatment, what it is supposed to do
- time_frame - how long it takes to see the outcome's effects
- description
- secondary_outcome {M} - (outcome=endpoint) just a wrapper
- measure - important for evaluating the effect of the treatment, what it is supposed to do
- time_frame - how long it takes to see the outcome's effects
- description
- other_outcome {M} - (outcome=endpoint) just a wrapper
- measure - important for evaluating the effect of the treatment, what it is supposed to do
- time_frame - how long it takes to see the outcome's effects
- description
- number_of_arms {O} - number of groups/sub-groups in the clinical trial
- number_of_groups {O} - number of different overall trial goups (possibly)
- enrollment {O} - number of participants in the clinical study tagged with a type
- Types: Actual, Anticipated, Estimate
- condition {M} - disease, disorder, etc being studied
- arm_group {M} - wrapper
- arm_group_label {M} - treatment group
- arm_group_type
- Values: Experimental, Placebo Comparator
- description
- intervention {M} - treatment
- intervention_type - type of treatment
- Values: Behavioral, Biological, Combination Product, Device, Diagnostic Test, Dietary Supplement, Drug, Genetic, Procedure, Radiation, Other
- intervention_name - name of treatment
- description
- arm_group_label {M} - arm group associated with this treatment
- other_name {M} - other way to identify the treatment
- intervention_type - type of treatment
- biospec_retention {O} - wrapper
- Values: None Retained, Samples With DNA, Samples Without DNA
- biospec_descr {O} - wrapper
- eligibility {O} - who can participate in the study
- study_pop - population of the study
- textblock
- sampling_method
- Values: Probability Sample, Non-Probability Sample
- criteria
- textblock - details about desired participants
- gender
- Values: Female, Male, All
- gender_based
- Values: Yes, No
- gender_description
- minimum_age
- Format: XX Years
- maximum_age
- Format: XX Years
- healthy_volunteers - Yes or No
- study_pop - population of the study
- overall_official {M} - main point of contact for the clinical study
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degree
- role
- Values: Principal Investigator, Sub-Investigator, Study, Study Director
- affiliation
- overall_contact {M?} - first person to call for more info about the study
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degrees
- phone
- phone_ext
- overall_contact_backup {M?} - second person to call for more info about the study
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degrees
- phone
- phone_ext
- location {M} - where the study is being conducted
- facility - wrapper
- name - name of the facility
- address - wrapper
- city
- state
- country
- status
- Values: "Active, not recruiting", Completed, Enrolling by invitation, Not yet recruiting, Recruiting, Suspended, Terminated, Withdrawn
- contact {M?}
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degrees
- phone
- phone_ext
- contact_backup {M?}
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degrees
- phone
- phone_ext
- investigator {M}
- first_name
- middle_name
- last_name
- degree
- role
- Values: Principal Investigator, Sub-Investigator, Study, Study Director
- affiliation
- facility - wrapper
- location_countries {O} - countries the study is being conducted in
- country {M}
- removed_countries {O} - countries no longer in the study
- country {M}
- link {M} - wrapper
- url - link to another website about this data
- description
- reference {M} - sources of information for study
- citation
- PMID - unique identifier used in PubMed
- results_reference {M} - wrapper
- citation
- PMID - unique identifier used in PubMed
- verification_date {O} - most recent date that the study sponsor/investigator confirmed trial info is accurate
- study_first_submitted {O} - date of first submission to ClinicalTrials.gov
- study_first_submitted_qc {O} - date when study was consistent with NLM quality control review criteria
- study_first_posted {O} - date the study first appeared on ClinicalTrials.gov
- results_first_submitted {O} - date the summary results were first submitted to ClinicalTrials.gov
- results_first_submitted_qc {O} - date when study results were consistent with NLM quality control review criteria
- results_first_posted {O} - date the summary results first appeared on ClinicalTrials.gov
- disposition_first_submitted {O} - date the disposition was first submitted to ClinicalTrials.gov
- disposition_first_submitted_qc {O} - date when disposition was consistent with NLM quality control review criteria
- disposition_first_posted {O} - date the disposition first appeared on ClinicalTrials.gov
- last_update_submitted {O} - last date the sponsor/investigator submitted updates to the trial on ClinicalTrials.gov
- last_update_submitted_qc {O} - date when study was consistent with NLM quality control review criteria
- last_update_posted {O} - last date the sponsor/investigator updates were posted on ClinicalTrials.gov
- responsible_party {O?} - person responsible for submitting information about the study to ClinicalTrials.gov
- name_title - only used in old style
- organization - only used in old style
- responsible_party_type
- Values: Sponsor, Principal Investigator, Sponsor-Investigator
- investigator_affiliation
- investigator_full_name
- investigator_title
- keyword {M} - keyword in the study
- condition_browse {O} - searchable conditions that this study would appear as a result of
- mesh_term {M} - one condition
- intervention_browse {O} - searchable interventions that this study would appear as a result of
- mesh_term {M} - one intervention
- patient_data {O} - information about the patients
- sharing_ipd - whether or not they are sharing individual patient data
- Values: Yes, No
- ipd_description
- ipd_info_type {M}
- ipd_time_frame
- ipd_access_criteria
- ipd_url
- sharing_ipd - whether or not they are sharing individual patient data
- study_docs {O} - wrapper
- study_doc {M} - wrapper
- doc_id
- doc_type
- doc_url
- doc_comment
- study_doc {M} - wrapper
- provided_document_section {O} - wrapper
- provided_document {M} - wrapper
- document_type
- document_has_protocol
- document_has_icf
- document_has_sap
- document_date
- document_url
- provided_document {M} - wrapper
- pending_results {M} - appears only when the data provider has submitted study results for QC review, but those results have not yet been publicly posted
- submitted - date
- returned - date
- submission_canceled - date
This section will only appear in the database as (Yes, No) of whether or not clinical_results exist in the study
- clinical_results - results of the clinical trial (within clinical study wrapper)
- can appear multiple times
- participant_flow
- recruitment_details
- pre_assignment_details
- group_list
- group - has only a group_id as an attribute
- can appear multiple times
- Values: P1, P2, P3, P4
- title
- description
- group - has only a group_id as an attribute
- period_list
- period - can appear multiple times
- title
- milestone_list
- milestone - can appear multiple times
- title
- participants_list
- participants - has group_id (phase) and count (number of people) as attributes
- milestone - can appear multiple times
- drop_withdraw_reason_list
- drop_withrow_reason - can appear multiple times
- title
- participants_list
- participants - has group_id (phase) and count (number of people) as attributes
- drop_withrow_reason - can appear multiple times
- period - can appear multiple times
- baseline
- population
- group_list
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- Values: P1, P2, P3, P4
- title
- description
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- analyzed_list
- analyzed
- units - what is being analyzed (ex: Participants)
- scope
- count_list
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- analyzed
- measure_list
- measure - ???
- can appear multiple times
- title
- description
- population
- units - what is being measured (ex: Participants, mL)
- param - the purpose or final result of the measurement
- Values: Geometric Mean, Geometric Least Squares Mean, Least Squares Mean, Log Mean, Mean, Median, Number, Count of Participants, Count of Units
- dispersion - how the spread is being calculated
- Values: 80% Confidence Interval, 90% Confidence Interval, 95% Confidence Interval, 97.5% Confidence Interval, 99% Confidence Interval, Full Range, Gemoetric Coefficient of Variation, Inter-Quartile Range, Standard Deviation, Standard Error
- units_analyzed
- analyzed_list
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- units - what is being analyzed (ex: Participants)
- scope
- count_list
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- class_list
- class - can appear multiple times
- title
- analyzed_list
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- units - what is being analyzed (ex: Participants)
- scope
- count_list
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units)
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- analyzed_list
- category_list
- category - can appear multiple times
- title
- measurement_list
- measurement - has a group_id, value, spread, lower limit, upper limit as attributes
- category - can appear multiple times
- class - can appear multiple times
- measure - ???
- outcome_list
- outcome - can appear multiple times
- type
- Values: Primary, Secondary, Other Pre-specified, Post-Hoc
- title
- description
- time_frame
- safety_issue
- Values: Yes, No
- posting_date
- population
- group_list
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- Values: P1, P2, P3, P4
- title
- description
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- measure - ???
- can appear multiple times
- title
- description
- population
- units - what is being measured (ex: Participants, mL)
- param - the purpose or final result of the measurement
- Values: Geometric Mean, Geometric Least Squares Mean, Least Squares Mean, Log Mean, Mean, Median, Number, Count of Participants, Count of Units
- dispersion - how the spread is being calculated
- Values: 80% Confidence Interval, 90% Confidence Interval, 95% Confidence Interval, 97.5% Confidence Interval, 99% Confidence Interval, Full Range, Gemoetric Coefficient of Variation, Inter-Quartile Range, Standard Deviation, Standard Error
- units_analyzed
- analyzed_list
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- units - what is being analyzed (ex: Participants)
- scope
- count_list
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- count - has group_id similar to group above and count (number of units) as attributes
- analyzed - can appear multiple times
- analysis_list
- analysis - can appear multiple times
- group_id_list
- group_id - can appear multiple times
- groups_desc
- non_inferiority_type
- Values: Superiority, Non-Inferiority, Equivalence, Other, Non-Inferiority or Equivalence, Superiority or Other
- non_inferiority_desc
- p_value
- p_value_desc
- method
- method_desc
- param_type
- param_value
- dispersion_type
- Values: Standard Deviation, Standard Error of the Mean
- dispersion_value
- ci_percent
- ci_n_sides
- Values: 1-Sided, 2-Sided
- ci_lower_limit
- ci_upper_limit
- ci_upper_limit_na_comment
- estimate_desc
- other_analysis_desc
- group_id_list
- analysis - can appear multiple times
- type
- outcome - can appear multiple times
- reported_events
- time_frame
- desc
- group_list
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- Values: P1, P2, P3, P4
- title
- description
- group - has only a group_id as attributes
- serious_events
- frequency_thresold
- default_vocab
- default_assessment
- category_list
- category - can appear multiple times
- title
- event_list
- event - can appear multiple times
- sub_title
- assessment
- Values: Non-systematic Assessment, Systematic Assessment
- description
- counts - has group_id, subjects_affected, subjects_at_risk, events as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- event - can appear multiple times
- category - can appear multiple times
- other_events
- frequency_thresold
- default_vocab
- default_assessment
- category_list
- category - can appear multiple times
- title
- event_list
- event - can appear multiple times
- sub_title
- assessment
- Values: Non-systematic Assessment, Systematic Assessment
- description
- counts - has group_id, subjects_affected, subjects_at_risk, events as attributes
- can appear multiple times
- event - can appear multiple times
- category - can appear multiple times
- certain_agreements
- pi_employmee - whether or not all principal agents are employed by the sponsor of the study
- Values: "All Principal Investigators ARE employed by the organization sponsoring the study.", "All Principal Investigators are NOT employed by the organization sponsoring the study."
- restrictive_agreement
- pi_employmee - whether or not all principal agents are employed by the sponsor of the study
- limitations_and_caveats
- point_of_contact
- name_or_title
- organization
- phone