A computer is made of different devices, called hardware (the central processing unit or CPU, memory devices as the RAM main memory or hard disk, output devices as a screen or printer, etc).
- The CPU or central process unit is the core of the computer and the one that runs programs. Modern CPUs are microprocessors. * Then, we have the main memory, or random-access memory or RAM. This memory can be quickly accessed by the CPU at any (random) location, but is volatile (temporary) memory that is used while running a program and erased when shutting off a machine. It stores data and program portions that the CPU needs in real time.
- The hard disk is a secondary storage device that holds users data in a persistent (long term) way. Programs are usually stored in this device, and loaded to RAM as needed.
- Then, we have input devices (keyboard, mouse, etc) and output devices (screen, printer, etc).
Computer memory is split into cells called bytes. It is the minimum unit of memory you can address in a computer. A byte contains eight bits and used to encode a single number or character. A bit represents a binary digit (i.e., 0 or 1). Thus, each bit is a two-state device (0 or 1), which can have different physical representations (a positive or negative charge, two directions or magnetisation or polarisation, etc). It is related to the 0 (off) and 1 (on) in switches. You can understand a bit as a ON-OFF switch and a byte as 8 of them.
With 0s and 1s, you can represent numbers in base-2 (binary numbers).
Note: If you are not familiar with binary numbers or base-2 numerals, let me provide a short introduction. In the binary system, the only digits are 0 and 1 (in the decimal system you are used to there are 10 digits, i.e., 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). We all know that the number 12304 in the decimal system is 10000+2000+3000+4 or analogously, 1*10^4+2*10^3+3*10^2+0*10^1+4*10^0. So, the number 10110 is 1*2^4+0*10^3+1*10^2+1*10^1+0*10^0, which in decimal system is 22.
Exercise: What is the largest number that can be stored with 8 bits (1 byte)? It is 11111111 in binary system, which represents 2^0+2^1+2^2+2^3+2^4+2^5+2^6+2^7 = 255. With 8 bits you can represent the 256 integers 0, 1, ..., 255. If you need to store larger numbers, you will use 2-bytes or 16-bit (representing integers till 65535), 32-bits, 64-bits, etc.
Note: The previous exercise assumes you are only interested in zero and positive integers (a.k.a. unsigned). If you want to represent positive and negative numbers (a.k.a. signed), we conceptually need to keep one bit for the sign, limiting the maximum number we can represent. See here for more details.
Note: Real numbers (a.k.a. floating point numbers) are also represented in a computer using a binary base. In a nutshell, we write our number in scientific notation, e.g., 120.95 is 1.2095 x 10^2 or simply 1.2095E2, using some bits for the binary representation of the exponent, other set of bits for the so-called significant, and one bit for the sign. Reals or floats are usually stored using 64-bits.
Note: Real numbers can have infinity digits, while computers can only use a finite representation (some bites). As a result, the representation of a real number in a computer involves a rounding error. The closest number to N is approx. N(1+10^-16) for 64-bits representations.
Not only numbers but anything stored in a computer is written in terms of 0s and 1s. E.g., each alphabet character is represented by a number stored in the computer as a set of bites. This translation between characters and numbers is called a character set. The most famous character set is ASCII (in which A is 65 or 01000001, B is 66 or 1, C is 67, ...). However, ASCII only represents 128 English letters, some punctuation marks and other additional characters (it uses 7 bits of a byte, thus it can only represent 128 characters). Unicode was developed in the 1990s to overcome this limitation, which represents symbols for many languages in the world and is becoming the standard character set (it uses 16 bits, and thus can represent 65535 characters).
Exercise: Google ASCII codes to find the numeric representation of symbols in a computer. Next, take a look at the Unicode list of characters.
But we can go much further than numbers and characters in a computer, as you know. We can transform many things into digital data (a bite-based representation). An image in a computer is nothing but an array of numbers, in which each number in the matrix represents a color for each pixel in your screen (those tiny dots). Colors are thus represent by a numeric code. One can consider 8 bits per pixel (256 colors), 16 bits per pixel (65536 colors), 24 bits per pixel (16777216 colors, also known as true color), etc. The same idea applies for sounds and samples.
As you probably know, computers can do lots of different things for you, because they can be programmed. The program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by the CPU to perform a specific task. Each instruction tells the CPU to perform a basic operation.
The CPU is an electronic device that has been designed to carry out some very specific operations. A CPU works in instruction cycles: 1) an instruction is fetched from memory; 2) the instruction is decoded; 3) the instruction is executed. The kind of instructions that an CPU can perform is very limited.
The CPU can perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of two numbers), memory operations reading a piece of memory or moving data from one location to another) and logical operations (test whether two values are equal). However, CPUs can perform these operations extremely fast.
Computers only understand machine code (a list of 0s and 1s, the machine language). Each basic operation a CPU can perform can be expressed in machine language (via a binary structure, 0s and 1s). The set of CPU instructions is the CPU instruction set (which differs from one brand to another, e.g., the one for Intel is different from the one for AMD).
A computer requires software (collection of programs) to run. We can distinguish among system software (the operating system, e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux, assemblers, compilers, interpreters) and applications (Zoom, Chrome, Word, Acrobat, etc). In this unit, we will be focused on scientific programming, i.e., programs that solve scientific problems.
As we have seen above, machines can only understand machine code, but programming straight in machine code (in terms of 0s and 1s) is extremely hard for humans. It is clear that we need a translator between humans and computers. In the origins of computation, assembly language was created to replace binary numbers by easier to digest expressions (e.g., add
to add, mul
to multiply, mov
to move in memory) and an assembler translated this keys into machine language to be processed by the computer. However, assembly language is a very hard low-level language that is specific to a CPU architecture and requires a deep understanding of the CPU.
You are fortunate. In SCI1022, we will teach you high-level languages. High-level languages are more expressive (you can implement complex programs in few lines), CPU architecture-independent and much easier to understand by humans. +
As an example, if I want to create a Linux-compatible program that prints Hello world
in assembly language, it would read
;Copyright (c) 1999 Konstantin Boldyshev <[email protected]>
;"hello, world" in assembly language for Linux
;to build an executable:
; nasm -f elf hello.asm
; ld -s -o hello hello.o
section .text
; Export the entry point to the ELF linker or loader. The conventional
; entry point is "_start". Use "ld -e foo" to override the default.
global _start
section .data
msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa ;our dear string
len equ $ - msg ;length of our dear string
section .text
; linker puts the entry point here:
; Write the string to stdout:
mov edx,len ;message length
mov ecx,msg ;message to write
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
; Exit via the kernel:
mov ebx,0 ;process' exit code
mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;call kernel - this interrupt won't return
whereas in an advanced and expressive up-to-date language (Python), it would just read
print('Hello world')
There are thousands of high-level programming languages. The first one was FORTRAN
, which dates back to the 1950s, and still in use (in updated forms). FORTRAN
was created for scientific applications (its name comes from FORmula TRANslator). The most popular languages nowadays are C
, Java
and Python
. C
was created in the 70s, and its successor C++
is from the 80s. Java
is primarily used to create web applications. Python
is a multi-purpose language that is very popular in science and industry. However, programming languages are evolving (new versions, like Python 3.0
in 2008), new languages are born (like Go
or Julia
) and others are just disappearing (like Basic
Each programming language has its keywords, operators, and syntax (pretty much like human languages, leaving operators aside). For instance, examples of Python
keywords are if
, else
, for
and operators are +
, **
, ==
. The syntax is a set of rules that determine how a program must be written. For instance, Python
uses indentation to define blocks of code (e.g., code to run if a condition holds)
if n>3 :
Instead, this code does not respect the Python
syntax and will return a syntax error
if n>3 :
As commented above, high-level languages must be translated into machine code in order to be executed. There are two big families of high-level languages: compiled languages and interpreted languages. The difference between them is the translator, which in the first case is a compiler and in the second one is an interpreter. As we note below, this is not the only possible classification of programming languages.
A compiler translates the whole high-level language program into a machine code program (an executable). The machine program is created before run-time (i.e., execution), and it can be then executed as many times as one wants. C
, C++
are compiled languages. On the contrary, an interpreter reads each individual instruction in a high-level program, translates it to a machine code, executes, and proceeds to do the same of the next instruction; translation is during run-time. They do not create an executable, and must translate the code every time they are run. Python
, Matlab
, R
and Mathematica
are an interpreted languages.
The high-level language written by the programmer (you) is the source code. It is written using a text editor to create raw text file(s). The programmer may make use of a compiler to translate the source code or an interpreter to translate and execute it. If the code contains syntax errors (bugs), the compiler or debugger will return a syntax error (in compilation time), and the programmer has to fix it to proceed any further. As an example, when trying to compile this C
code, the compiler will throw an error the addition if integers and strings is not defined, even though the code would never execute the rogue instruction.
int age1 = 10;
char str[] = "hello";
int my_age
if (age1 > 10)
my_age = age1+str;
When using an interpreter, the errors will be triggered during run-time (execution time). In this Python
code (which makes use of an interpreter), we will be able to go through this code without any issue, because the rogue line will never be executed.
age1 = 10
str = "hello"
if age1 > 10:
my_age = age1+str
A code can also contain other kinds of errors, e.g., mathematical errors (you are not really computing what you should). These errors are silent errors that a compiler or debugger cannot detect, and many times are hard to find. The process of finding errors (bugs) in a code is called debugging. Programmers have at their disposal tools to navigate through their codes in the search of bugs, called debuggers. Debugging is a tedious but common part of programming.
In this section we consider another taxonomy of programming languages accordingly to the way data types of variables are handled. Accordingly to this taxonomy, a language can be either statically-typed or dynamically-typed, or static or dynamic, respectively, for short. Generally speaking, static codes are compiled and dynamic codes are interpreted, and you can think that static-compiled and dynamic-interpreted are the same at this level.
In order to check types before running the code, a static language compels the developer to declare the type of any variable. For example, if we want to declare integer variables in our C
code we would write:
int age1;
int age2;
int diff;
age1 = 10;
age2 = 20;
diff = substract(age2,age1); // Function call that substracts age1 to age2
All this type information is required by a static compiler in order to transform the code written in a static language into machine code. Compilers can exploit different kinds of optimisation to generate highly efficient code. Thus, static languages are used in the industry and academy when performance is a requirement, e.g., when implementing computationally intensive algorithms. The most important static languages are C
, C++
and Fortran
; Fortran
was the first commercially available programming language, developed from inception for mathematical computations, but its usage is continuously decaying.
However, the performance of static languages comes with a price. The learning curve is very steep and the productivity of developers can be very low. The programmer must declare the types of all the variables in a code, which makes code development quite tedious. The compilation step can also take a considerable amount of time.
On the other side of the spectrum, we have the dynamic languages. Dynamic languages (e.g., Python
, R
, do not require type declaration, which prevents the possibility to have a pre-compilation step; one cannot generate machine code if the types of the variables are unknown. Instead, the code is interpreted at run-time using an special program called interpreter.
One could write the previous C
code in Python
age1 = 10
age2 = 20
def diff(num1,num2): return num1-num2
These languages are more expressive, drastically increasing the productivity of developers. The price to pay is a (in many cases unacceptable) performance hit that can easily be of the order of hundreds.
In this unit, we will focus on dynamic languages, since the performance hit is not an issue, in general, in undergraduate scientific projects and some scientific tasks. In any case, one can combine the productivity of dynamic languages with the performance of static languages by using pre-compiled external libraries (written in C
, C++
, or Fortran
) for the computationally intensive kernels. One ubiquitous approach is to combine Python
code with the C
library NumPy for array computations (you will do this in the Python
workshop). In order for this approach to work, Python
code must involve vectorisation, e.g., operations are applied to whole arrays instead of individual entries.
The static vs. dynamic paradigms, code productivity and performance are serious issues to be considered when creating scientific software projects. There is no the best alternative, since it is very case-dependent. Analogously, it is hard to decide which is the best static or dynamic programming language, since it depends on the type of work to be performed.
In fact, new programming languages are being created to solve the drawbacks of existing approaches. There is a third family of programming languages that are compiled in run-time. This is called just-in-time (JIT) compilation. A JIT compiler is somewhere between a static compiler (because it compiles blocks of code being used in a run) and an interpreted (because it compiles in run-time).
deserves special mention in the frame of scientific coding. It is a dynamic language originated in 2011 at MIT that does not suffer the performance hit. It involves JIT compilation and the user can decide whether to annotate the type of a variable (in key places, for performance, like in static languages) or not (so-called duck typing, as in dynamic languages).
SCI1022 includes four different workshops on three dynamically-typed languages, namely, Python
, R
, and an untyped language, Mathematica
. Python
is common to all students. Python
is one of the most popular languages for scientific coding, especially for data science. It is widely used both in academia and industry because of its simplicity and flexibility. Python
is an object-oriented language, and probably the best one for learning this programming paradigm. Python is general purpose and can be used in any scientific discipline, from computational mathematics and physics to data science. Python
is a community-driven open source project, with thousands of freely available packages in almost any discipline.
Students must pick one additional module among R
, Matlab
, Mathematica
. We provide a description of the three different languages that would help students to pick the one that better fits their requirements. You can do your own research, in order to decide which is the right language for you. There are also different indices that measure the popularity of programming languages, e.g., the TIOBE index. You can find the ranking here.
Below is a very short description of the three languages. More detailed information can be found in the respective Moodle pages.
is a commercial numerical computing environment that is easy to learn and use. It is very popular at undergraduate university programmes, especially in mathematics and some engineering disciplines, and used in some research areas. The basic package comes with linear algebra, data processing and plotting tools. Extra functionality is provided by Mathworks through toolkits. Monash has a MATLAB
site-license that allows Monash students to install it on their personal computers.
is an open source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R
provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. It is widely used in data science and applications, e.g., in biology or chemistry. In the field of data science, one can find a freely available package for almost anything.
Wolfram Mathematica
is a proprietary program which is particularly well-suited for symbolic computations. It is an untyped language. It can be of interest for undergraduate students in mathematics and physics which require to make intensive use of symbolic computation. Monash has a Mathematica
site-license that allows Monash students to install it on their personal computers.