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File metadata and controls

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Aria Accessibility in React

Create an ARIA Log Provider

  • Provides access to the ARIA-logs. By adding a message to the log the message can be read by a screen reader:
  • The log role is used to identify an element that creates a live region.
  • Using JavaScript, it is possible to dynamically change parts of a page without requiring the entire page to reload. ARIA live regions rovide a way to programmatically expose dynamic content changes in a way that can be announced by assistive technologies.
// 1) Create Context: AriaLogProvider.tsx
import { createContext, FC, useCallback, useContext, useState } from 'react';

type RemoveMessageFn = () => void;

interface IAriaLogContext {
  addMessage: (message: string) => RemoveMessageFn;

const AriaLogContext = createContext<IAriaLogContext | undefined>(undefined);

export const AriaLogProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState<string[]>([]);

  const addMessage = useCallback((message: string) => {
    setMessages((existing) => [message, ...existing]);

    return () => setMessages((existing) => existing.filter((otherMessage) => otherMessage !== message));
  }, []);

  return (
    <AriaLogContext.Provider value={{ addMessage }}>
      <div role='log' className='aria-log'>
        { => (
          <p key={message}>{message}</p>


export const useAriaLog = () => {
  const context = useContext(AriaLogContext);

  if (!context) {
    throw new Error("Missing context for 'useAriaLog' hook.");

  return context;
// 2) Make aria-message-log only available to screen readers
.aria-log {
  position: absolute;
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  padding: 0;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
  white-space: nowrap;
  border: 0;
// 3) Create AriaMessage Component
import { useEffect, VFC } from 'react';
import { useAriaLog } from './AriaLogProvider';

interface AriaMessageProps {
  children: string;

export const AriaMessage: VFC<AriaMessageProps> = ({ children: message }) => {
  const { addMessage } = useAriaLog();

  // message is automatically removed with remove function that is returned from addMessage()
  useEffect(() => addMessage(message), [addMessage, message]);

  return null;
// 4) Example of implementation in Page Component
import { FC } from 'react';
import { AriaMessage } from '../../atoms';
import { Page } from '../../../utils/pages';
import { Sidebar } from '../../organisms/sidebar';

interface PageProps {
  page: Page;

export const Page: FC<PageProps> = ({ page, children }) => {
  return (
    <div className='page'>
      <div className='page__sidebar'>
        <Sidebar currentPage={page} />
      <h2 className='page__title'>Elterngeldrechner mit Planer</h2>
      <div className='page__content'>{children}</div>

export interface Page {
  text: string;
  route: string;

export type Pages = Record<string, Page>;

export const pages: Pages = {
  home: {
    text: 'Home',
    route: '/',
  // ...

const Home = () => {
  // ...

  return <Page page={pages.home}>{/* ... */}</Page>;

ARIA Attributes in JSX Elements

  • aria-label is important, when content of HTML element is not self-explanatory; aria-label explicitly tells what the button will do
  • aria-controls identifies an element whose content is controlled by the current element: here name is form field whose value is changed by a button click
<button className='counter__button' type='button' onClick={onDecrease} aria-label='verringern' aria-controls={name}>
  <Icon name='minus' size={20} />
  • define aria-label for sections to select easily elements in tests
interface Props {
  elternteil: ElternteilType;
  elternteilName: string;

export const EinkommenFormElternteil: VFC<Props> = ({ elternteil, elternteilName }) => {
  // ...

  return <section aria-label={elternteilName}>{/* ... */}</section>;

// ...spec.tsx
describe('Einkommens Page', () => {
  const getElternteil1Section = () => screen.getByLabelText('Elternteil 1');
  // ...

Example of a Form Field Group to wrap one or multiple form fields

  • aria-roledescription attribute defines a human-readable description for the role of an element
import { AriaAttributes, FC } from 'react';

interface FormFieldGroupProps extends AriaAttributes {
  headline?: string;
  description?: string;

export const FormFieldGroup: FC<FormFieldGroupProps> = ({ headline, description, children, ...aria }) => {
  return (
    <section aria-label={headline} aria-roledescription={description} className='form-field-group' {...aria}>
      {headline && <h3>{headline}</h3>}
      {description && <p className='form-field-group__description'>{description}</p>}

Example of a Custom Checkbox

  • aria-invalid attribute true/false indicates that input value is invalid
  • aria-describedby attribute shows where a description is connected to this element
import { FieldErrors, FieldValues, Path, UseFormRegister, get, FieldError, RegisterOptions } from 'react-hook-form';
import { Description } from '../../atoms';
import classNames from 'classnames';

interface Props<TFieldValues extends FieldValues> {
  register: UseFormRegister<TFieldValues>;
  registerOptions?: RegisterOptions<TFieldValues>;
  name: Path<TFieldValues>;
  label: string;
  errors?: FieldErrors<TFieldValues> | boolean;

export const CustomCheckbox = <TFieldValues extends FieldValues>({
}: Props<TFieldValues>) => {
  let hasError = false;
  let errorMessage = '';
  if (typeof errors === 'boolean') {
    hasError = errors;
  } else {
    const error: FieldError | undefined = get(errors, name);
    if (error) {
      hasError = !!error;
      errorMessage = error.message || '';

  return (
    <div className='custom-checkbox'>
        {...register(name, registerOptions)}
        className={classNames('custom-checkbox__input', hasError && 'custom-checkbox__input--error')}
        aria-describedby={errorMessage && `${name}-error`} // connection to id in <Description />
        className={classNames('custom-checkbox__label', hasError && 'custom-checkbox__label--error')}
      {errorMessage && (
        <Description id={`${name}-error`} error={true}>

Example of a Custom Date

  • aria-hidden attribute true/false indicates that element and all childs are NOT visible
  • aria-placeholder attribute defines a short hint (word, short phrase) intended to help with data entry when a form control has no value
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { FieldPath, FieldValues, useController, UseControllerProps } from 'react-hook-form';
import { IMask, IMaskInput } from 'react-imask';
import nsp from '../../../globals/js/namespace';
import { Description } from '../../atoms';

interface CustomDateProps<TFieldValues extends FieldValues, TName extends FieldPath<TFieldValues>>
  extends UseControllerProps<TFieldValues, TName> {
  label: string;

export const CustomDate = <TFieldValues extends FieldValues, TName extends FieldPath<TFieldValues>>({
}: CustomDateProps<TFieldValues, TName>) => {
  const {
    field: { onChange, onBlur, value, ref },
    fieldState: { error },
  } = useController({ control, rules, name });

  return (
    <div className={nsp('custom-date')}>
      <label className={nsp('custom-date__label')} htmlFor={name}>
      <div className={classNames(nsp('custom-date__field'), error && nsp('custom-date__field--error'))}>
          aria-hidden={true} /* here hidden since aria-placeholder takes over */
            d: {
              mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
              placeholderChar: '_',
              from: 1,
              to: 31,
              maxLength: 2,
            m: {
              mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
              placeholderChar: '_',
              from: 1,
              to: 12,
              maxLength: 2,
            Y: {
              mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
              placeholderChar: '_',
              from: 1900,
              to: 2999,
              maxLength: 4,
          onAccept={(value) => onChange(value as string)}
          aria-placeholder='Eingabeformat Tag Monat Jahr zum Beispiel 12.05.2022'
          aria-describedby={error && `${name}-error`}
      {error && (
        <Description id={`${name}-error`} error={true}>