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TypeScript and React

More detailed information about TypeScript can be found in my TS summary repo

New React Project with TypeScript

Information about React and TypeScript:

Official TS Documentation, Examples and Playground:

React TypeScript Cheatsheet:

  • npx create-react-app . --template typescript -> instead of . insert folder name
  • React is automatically compiling TS code to JS code
  • @types/... in package.json are type packages that add type annotations to React JS libraries

Practice Examples

  • use a models folder with ts files (NOT tsx) to define data types used in your app

    • you can use type, interface or class definition
    • class name can be used like a type definition in a component
    // models/todo.ts
    class Todo {
      id: string;
      text: string;
      constructor(todoText: string) {
        this.text = todoText; = new Date().toISOString(); // not perfect unique id, but good enough here
  • React.FC is the generic fn type for React functional components

    • advantage: you have support for built-in props (-> children) without defining them everytime on your own
    • use <> to merge your own props type obj with the built-in base props
    • React.FC is the generic type and I explicitly set only the concrete props type used in the respective component
    • generic means here that different fn components have different props definitions
    interface Props {
      items: Todo[];
      removeTodo: (id: string) => void;
    const Todos: React.FC<Props> = ({ items, removeTodo }) => {
      // ... component
// Todos.tsx
const Todos: React.FC = () => {
  const { items, removeTodo } = useContext(TodosContext);

  return (
    <ul className={classes.todos}>
      { => (
        // pass id as argument into fn
        // 1) remove.bind(null,
        // bind method to prepare my removeTodo fn for further execution that is passed in later as arg;
        // bind first arg is always "this" keyword, but don't need it here, so it's null;
        // 2) use anonymous fn
        <TodoItem key={} text={item.text} removeTodo={() => removeTodo(} />

// TodoItem.tsx
// "e: React.MouseEvent" as parameter of removeTodo is not needed here because I don't need it in my use case
const TodoItem: React.FC<{ text: string; removeTodo: () => void }> = ({ text, removeTodo }) => {
  return (
    <li className={classes.item} onClick={removeTodo}>
  • useRef<HTMLInputElement>:
    • define kind of data that ref will store, that means which input element will be connected to ref
    • <HTMLInputElement> is built-in type -> they are available for all DOM elements, look at lib in tsconfig.json;
    • to find type name, search mdn [DOM element] and have a look at DOM interface
  • e: React.FormEvent: special type for form submission event; MouseEvent would it be in case of onClick event
// NewTodo.tsx
const NewTodo: React.FC = () => {
  const { addTodo } = useContext(TodosContext);
  const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);

  const submitHandler = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
    // current? not necessary here, because submit fn is only executed when ref has a value;
    // hypothically if element would not exist then value of enteredText would be undefined;
    // use ! if you are sure that current can't be null here
    const enteredText = inputRef.current!.value;

    if (enteredText.trim().length === 0) {
      // throw error

  return (
    <form className={classes.form} onSubmit={submitHandler}>
      {/* htmlFor establishes connection with content with the same id */}
      <label htmlFor='text'>Todo text</label>
      <input type='text' id='text' ref={inputRef} />
      <button>Add Todo</button>
  • type alias type TodosObj: to reuse type definition in multiple places
// Context.tsx
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Todo from '../models/todo';

type TodosObj = {
  items: Todo[];
  addTodo: (text: string) => void;
  removeTodo: (id: string) => void;

// specify generic type of argument of createContext fn;
// TodosObj is type definition of arg obj
export const TodosContext = React.createContext<TodosObj>({
  // default value definition
  items: [],
  addTodo: () => {},
  removeTodo: (id: string) => {},

// children is a default prop, so don't need to describe its type
const TodosContextProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
  // useState is generic fn -> I can set type of data I wanna store inside
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([]);

  const addTodoHandler = (text: string) => {
    const newTodo = new Todo(text);
    setTodos((prev) => [newTodo, ...prev]);

  const removeTodoHandler = (id: string) => {
    setTodos((prev) => prev.filter((todo) => !== id));

  const contextValues: TodosObj = {
    items: todos,
    addTodo: addTodoHandler,
    removeTodo: removeTodoHandler,

  return <TodosContext.Provider value={contextValues}>{children}</TodosContext.Provider>;

export default TodosContextProvider;

tsconfig.json default settings in React

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    // included TS libraries
    // -> influences which kind of types are known out of the box by your TS code
    "lib": [
      "dom", // default DOM types
    // also plain JS files allowed in project
    "allowJs": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    // strictest possible settings for TS -> all types have to be explicitly defined in places where TS can't infer types
    "strict": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "jsx": "react-jsx"
  "include": ["src"]