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React Testing with React Testing Library and Jest

Usefull Links

Cheatsheet React Testing Library: React Testing Library Tutorial:

Overview Testing

  • Manual Testing: Developer writes code and previews and tests code manually in browser
    • important to see what users will see
    • when implementing new features, other things may break
    • error-prone: hard to test all possible combinations and scenarios
  • Automated Testing:
    • code that tests your code
    • test the individual building blocks of your app
    • allows you to test ALL building blocks at once
  • Different kinds of automated tests:
    • Unit Tests:
      • test the individual building blocks (-> functions, components) in isolation
      • most common and important kind of test
      • isolated test: you mock dependencies and test internals of a unit
      • further from how users interact with website
      • more likely to break with refactoring
    • Integration Tests:
      • test the combination of multiple building blocks (-> how components work together)
      • projects typically contain a couple of integration tests
      • React specific: in general not so easy to differentiate between integration and unit tests
      • important, but good to focus on unit tests in most cases
    • End-to-End (e2e) Tests:
      • use actual browser and Server (e.g. with tools Cypress, Selenium)
      • test complete scenarios in your app as the user would experience them
      • projects typically contain only a few e2e tests
      • important but can also be done manually (partially)
  • What and how to test?
    • test the different building blocks
    • unit tests = the smallest building blocks that make up your app
    • test success and error cases, test all possible scenarios (-> rare (but possible) results)

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

  • write failing tests before writing code
  • then implement the code according to specifications set by tests
  • process:
    1. write empty "shell" component function in your file
    2. write tests -> expect tests to fail
    3. write code -> then tests pass

Standard Questions to Ask before Writing Tests

  1. What to render?
    • the smallest component possible that encompasses everything needed for the tests
  2. Do I need to pass props when rendering a component?
    • pass props
  3. Do I need to wrap the test into a Provider (Context, Theming, Redux) or in a Router?
    • if in your App, the Provider or Router is outside of your rendered component, you have to make it available in your test and wrap it around this rendered component
  4. In which file and directory should I write the respective tests?
    • group tests for a component (-> unit tests)
    • group them for a specific sequence like an order process (-> functional tests)
  5. Which behavior in my App needs testing?
  6. Not to test?
    • What queries and events do I use?
  7. Is there anything asynchronous in my component?
    • use async await

Tools & Setup

Jest and React Testing Library are already set up when using create-react-app

  1. Jest:

    • a general JavaScript Testing Framework (-> not specific for React)
    • tool for test running -> finds and runs tests and determines whether tests pass or fail
  2. React Testing Library:

    • creates virtual DOM for "simulating" (-> rendering) the React app/components
    • provides utilities for interacting with virtual DOM: searching (-> getBy\* etc.) and user actions
    • allows testing without a browser
  3. ESLint Plugins for React Testing Library and Jest DOM:

    • eslint is already installed when using create-react-app
    • install Plugins: npm i eslint-plugin-testing-library eslint-plugin-jest-dom
    • go to package.json, delete the following
     "eslintConfig": {
        "extends": [
    • create new .eslintrc.json in root folder and insert configuration:
       "plugins": ["testing-library", "jest-dom"],
       "extends": [
    • example of rules and plugins (of tutorial teacher udemy course)
       "extends": [
       "settings": {
         "import/resolver": {
           "node": {
             "extensions": [".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx"],
             "paths": ["src"]
       "parserOptions": {
         "ecmaVersion": 2018,
         "sourceType": "module",
         "ecmaFeatures": {
           "jsx": true
       "plugins": [
       "env": {
         "browser": true,
         "node": true,
         "es6": true,
         "jest": true
       "rules": {
         "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": [2, { "devDependencies": true }],
         "testing-library/await-async-query": "error",
         "testing-library/no-await-sync-query": "error",
         "testing-library/no-debug": "warn",
         "jest-dom/prefer-checked": "error",
         "jest-dom/prefer-enabled-disabled": "error",
         "jest-dom/prefer-required": "error",
         "jest-dom/prefer-to-have-attribute": "error",
         "react/prop-types": ["off"],
         "sonarjs/cognitive-complexity": ["error", 5],
         "max-lines-per-function": ["warn", 50],
         "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".tsx", ".jsx"] }],
         "import/extensions": ["error", "never"],
         "import/no-unresolved": 2,
         "simple-import-sort/imports": "error",
         "simple-import-sort/exports": "error",
         "sort-imports": "off",
         "import/order": "off",
         "no-shadow": "off",
         "@typescript-eslint/no-shadow": "error",
         "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error",
         "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn",
         "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off",
         "prettier/prettier": "error",
         "react/jsx-one-expression-per-line": "off",
         "react/jsx-curly-newline": "off"
    • add .eslintcache to .gitignore

    Add VSCode settings file to global VSCode settings:

  4. React Hooks Testing Library: tool for testing custom React hooks

Testing React Components & Building Blocks

  • npm test react script starts jest in watch mode: tests are executed and file changes are watches

    • watch mode:
      • watches changes in files since last commit
      • only run tests related to these files, unless you wanna run all test
  • npm test -- --coverage

  • 3 "A"s of writing tests:

    • Arrange: set up test data, test conditions and test environment
    • Act: run logic that should be tested (e.g. execute fn)
    • Assert: have a look inside the browser and compare received results with expected results
  • describe() fn is globally available to create testing suite to group tests

    • 2 args: a) description string, b) anonymous fn that contains all test fns in the fn body
    • good practice: test suite description and test fn description form nice sentences to understand the aim of a test
  • test() or it() is globally available, receives 2 args:

    1. description of test (string) to identifie test in output
    2. anonymous fn containing testing code
    3. test fails if error is thrown in fn (e.g. if assertions fail)
    • test loop with it.each()
      [/text1/i, 'HasNoSelection' as const],
      [/text2/i, 'HasTakenMoreThanTheAvailableBEGMonths' as const],
      // ...
    ])('should show text %p if validation returns %p', async (expectedText, errorCode) => {
      render(<Monatsplaner />);
      // mock implementation is shown somewhere else
        isValid: false,
        errorCodes: [errorCode], // errorCodes is Array in this implementation
      const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i });
  • test.only() and test.skip()

    • if you have multiple tests, you can run only one certain with test.only(...) or skip a certain test with test.skip(...)
  • render(<App />) creates virtual DOM (a simulated browser) for a JSX argument (-> a component and his entire component tree)

    • Hint: outputs HTML tree of App component when writing tests, first render component and then debug what's visible screen.debug();
  • screen allows access the virtual DOM:

    Which query to use?

    • types of query methods in screen obj:

      • getBy...: returns element or throw error if element is not found
      • queryBy...: returns element or null if element is not found (NOT throw error),
        • when you are asserting that an element is NOT there: like expect(screen.queryByText(/suchen/i)).toBeNull()
        • even though getBy... throws error if element is not found and expect statement wouldn't be reached, it's more readable and good practice to write direct assertion
      • findBy...: returns Promise
        • for async tasks if element is eventually on the screen or for second rendering of component if element is eventually on the screen
      • search variants for multiple elements: return array of elements if found
        • getAllBy: throws error if nothing found
        • queryAllBy: returns empty array if nothing found
        • findAllBy: returns Promise
    • search types of query methods: use priority a) over b) over c)

      • a) Accessible by every user
        • getByText (most preferred - element text content)
        • getByRole (most preferred - aria role)
        • getByLabelText (label or aria-label text content)
        • getByPlaceholderText (input placeholder value)
        • getByDisplayValue (form element current value)
      • b) Semantic Queries
        • getByAltText (img alt attribute)
        • getByTitle (title attribute or svg title tag)
      • c) Test ID
        • getByTestId (data-testid attribute on element)
    • 2nd argument of query methods is options object

      • example 1: { exact: false/true }

        // without `exact: false`, `Hello World` wouldn't match `Hello World!`
        screen.getByText('Hello World', { exact: false });
        // true: default
        // false: casing doesn't matter and match occurs also for substrings
      • example 2: { name: /link text/i }

        // find element with role 'link' and accessibility name
        screen.getByRole('link', { name: /link text/i });
  • role of HTML element:

    • some elements have built-in roles: button, a, input (when type is defined) etc.
    • overview roles
    • Hint: testing library shows all selectable roles if you provide a non-existing role in the rendered component's HTML screen.getByRole('')
  • within(): select first an element like e.g. a section, then use within to select only a child element of this section

    import { render, screen, within } from '@testing-library/react';
    import { AriaMessage } from './AriaMessage';
    import { AriaLogProvider } from './AriaLogProvider';
    describe('Aria Message', () => {
      it('should put every message into the log to let the screen reader read the messages', () => {
        const message1 = 'Message 1';
        const logElement = screen.getByRole('log');
  • userEvent to simulate user actions (-> is to be prefered over fireEvent)

    • add multiple interaction methods:
    • hint: use clear method -> when updating a text element with a userEvent, first use userEvent.clear(element) to be sure that only wished entry is inserted
  • expect() (-> Jest global fn starts assertion) with matcher method from jest-dom: e.g. expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument()

  • jest-dom:

    • comes with create-react-app
    • src/setupTest.js imports it before each test, makes matchers available
    • DOM-based matchers: e.g. toBeVisible(), toBeInTheDocument(), toBeChecked()
    • general matchers (that can apply to any node code): toBe(), toHaveLength()
    • list of custom matchers:
      • toBeInTheDocument (most common)
      • toBeNull (most common)
      • toBeDisabled
      • toBeEnabled
      • toBeEmptyDOMElement
      • toBeInvalid
      • toBeRequired
      • toBeValid
      • toBeVisible
      • toContainElement
      • toContainHTML
      • toHaveAccessibleDescription
      • toHaveAccessibleName
      • toHaveAttribute
      • toHaveClass
      • toHaveFocus
      • toHaveFormValues
      • toHaveStyle
      • toHaveTextContent
      • toHaveValue
      • toHaveDisplayValue
      • toBeChecked
      • toBePartiallyChecked
      • toHaveErrorMessage
      • toHaveDescription
      • toEqual (-> for non-primitive values for deep equality check)
      • toBe (-> for primitive values for equality check)


// Example 1: App.spec.ts
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import App from './App';

test('renders learn react link', () => {
  render(<App />); // Arrange

  // Act: ...nothing

  // Assert: identifie element by a text (-> here: Regex case insensitive);
  const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);
// Example 2: Greeting.js
import { useState } from 'react';
import Output from './Output';

const Greeting = () => {
  const [changedText, setChangedText] = useState(false);
  const changeTextHandler = () => setChangedText(true);

  return (
      <h2>Hello World!</h2>
      {!changedText ? <Output>Good to see you</Output> : <Output>Text changed</Output>}
      <button onClick={changeTextHandler}>Change Text</button>

// Greeting.spec.ts
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; // package to simulate user events
import Greeting from './Greeting';

describe('Greeting component', () => {
  test('renders Hello World as a text', () => {
    render(<Greeting />);
    const element = screen.getByText('Hello World', { exact: false });

  test('renders "good to see you" if button was NOT clicked', () => {
    render(<Greeting />);
    const paragraph = screen.getByText('good to see you', { exact: false });

  test('renders "changed" if button was clicked', () => {
    render(<Greeting />);
    // Act: button is a role that elements can have on screen, and I have only 1 btn in this component, so the right one is selected
    const btn = screen.getByRole('button');;
    // Assert
    const outputElement = screen.getByText(/changed/i);

  test('does not render "good to see you" if button was clicked', () => {
    render(<Greeting />);
    const btn = screen.getByRole('button');;
    // Assert: returns null if element is not found on screen
    const outputElement = screen.queryByText('good to see you', { exact: false });

Jest Mocking and Jest Mock Function

  • jest.fn() - Jest mock function does nothing:
    • it's a placeholder to avoid errors
    • use it when you don't need a function to be realy executed in a test
    • important to clear mock before each test: yourMockFunctionName.mockClear()
// Example: mock onSubmit of TestComponent that includes the CustomNumberField component which should be tested
interface TestFormValues {
  testField: string;

interface Props {
  max?: number;

describe.only('Custom Number Field', () => {
  const onSubmit = jest.fn();

  const TestComponent: FC<Props> = ({ max }) => {
    const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm<TestFormValues>();

    return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
        <CustomNumberField control={control} name='testField' label='Number Field Label' max={max} />
        <Button type='submit' label='Submit' />

  beforeEach(() => {
    onSubmit.mockClear(); // clear mock before each test

  it('should not allow an empty field', async () => {
    render(<TestComponent />);
    const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' });
    const error = screen.getByText('Dieses Feld ist erforderlich');

Mocking of entire module

  • you can mock an entire module (e.g. react-router)
    • first use jest.mock("react-router") in top of testing file to replace the real import ... in the component
    • mock navigate() of useNavigate hook with jest.fn()
    • before each test, clear the mock and define that useNavigate returns the navigate mock
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; // import needed because it's used in beforeEach()

describe('Validation of form', () => {
  let navigate = jest.fn();

  beforeEach(() => {
    (useNavigate as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(navigate);

  it('should ...', async () => {
    render(<ComponentWithNextPageButton />);

    const error = screen.queryByText('Dieses Feld ist erforderlich');

Mocking a specific function of a library

  • Example 1: for API that returns data, but you only need to test how UI behaves with returned values
// Example 1
import { validateElternteile, ValidationResult } from '@egr/monatsplaner-app';

jest.mock('@egr/monatsplaner-app', () => {
  const original = jest.requireActual('@egr/monatsplaner-app');
  return {
    validateElternteile: jest.fn(),

describe('Submit validation Monatsplaner', () => {
  const mockValidateElternteile = validateElternteile as jest.Mock<ValidationResult>;

  beforeEach(() => mockValidateElternteile.mockClear());

    [/mindestens ein Elternteil muss Elterngeld beantragen/i, 'HasNoSelection' as const],
      /reduzieren Sie auf die verfügbare Anzahl von BasisElterngeld-Monaten/i,
      'HasTakenMoreThanTheAvailableBEGMonths' as const,
    // ...
  ])('should show error message %p if validation returns error code %p', async (expectedText, errorCode) => {
    render(<Monatsplaner />, { preloadedState }); // preloaded state Redux; configured in test-utils.ts

      isValid: false,
      errorCodes: [errorCode], // errorCodes is Array in this implementation

    const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /Elterngeld beantragen/i });

    expect(navigate).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // navigate was also mocked (NOT shown here)
  • Example 2: React Portals to avoid error that component can NOT be found in DOM; mock only createPortal fn
// Example 2
jest.mock('react-dom', () => {
  const actual = jest.requireActual('react-dom');

  return {
    createPortal: (element: ReactNode) => element,
  • Example 3: API fetches external data; test only UI and avoid fetching in tests
    • Hint: better way is to use Mock Service Worker to simulate HTTP request
// Example 3
import { EgrCalculation } from '../../../globals/js/calculations/egr-calculation'; // import needed because it's used in beforeEach()

describe('Rechner', () => {
  let simulationErgebnis: ElternGeldSimulationErgebnis;
  const mockEgrSimulation = { simulate: jest.fn() };

  beforeEach(() => {
    simulationErgebnis = {
      rows: [
          vonLebensMonat: 1,
          bisLebensMonat: 12,
          basisElternGeld: 1001,
      async () => simulationErgebnis // mock return value of async simulate()
    // mock what happens when EgrCalculation class is instantiated: only fn that is needed in test component (mockEgrSimulation.simulate()) is mocked here
    (EgrCalculation as unknown as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => mockEgrSimulation);

  it('should calculate and display the Elterngeld', async () => {
    const state: Partial<RootState> = {
    const store = configureStore({ preloadedState: state, reducer: reducers });

    render(<Rechner />, { store });
    // ...

    await'Elterngeld berechnen'));

    await screen.findByLabelText('Elterngeld berechnen Ergebnis');
      state: 'success',
      data: [
          vonLebensMonat: 1,
          bisLebensMonat: 12,
          basisElternGeld: 1001,

Jest Mock Function as Prop

  • when you have a function passed as a prop to a component, you may need to pass this fn also when rendering in tests
    • TypeScript, PropTypes or other prop validators will require
    • OR inside the test, the fn gets called, but this doesn't matter for the test (-> e.g. a fn that calculates a total value but you're not tracking this value in your tests)
  • solution: use jest.fn()
render(<User updateTotal={jest.fn()} />);

Async Testing


  • use waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => ...) as assertion when you're waiting asynchronously that an element disappears from screen AND nothing appears instead (-> like a hover effect for a popover)
import { render, screen, waitForElementToBeRemoved } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';

test('popover appears on hovering', async () => {
  render(<Form />);
  // popover is hidden
  const nullPopover = screen.queryByText(/this is a popover text/i);

  // popover appears
  const textToBeHovered = screen.getByText(/i let popover appear/i);
  const popover = screen.getByText(/this is a popover text/i);
  // even though getByText throws error if element is not found and expect statement
  // would not be reached, it's more readable and good practice to write direct assertion

  // popover disappears
  await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText(/this is a popover text/i));

HTTP requests with Mocks

  • problem: during development, DON'T send real HTTP requests to server:
    • HTTP requests cause a lot of traffic when you have a lot of tests
    • POST/PUT requests would insert or change data in database
  • solution: replace browser built-in fn with mock function (-> dummy fn that overwrites built-in fn)
    • only test your code (-> fetch, localStorage etc. are built into browser, you rely on them)
    • test code and output of your component

Using Mock Service Worker

  • Mock Service Worker mimics response from server
    • npm i msw
    • create handlers
    • create test server: listens during tests, sends response, resets after each test
  • configure handlers with all wished HTTP requests of RestAPI:
// ./mocks/handlers.js
import { rest } from 'msw';

// Handles RestAPI (-> rest)
export const handlers = [
  // HTTP method to mock (-> get, post etc.)
  // full URL to mock (-> e.g. http://localhost:3030/users)
  // response resolver function: req (request obj), res (fn to create response), ctx (utility to build response)
  rest.get('http://localhost:3030/users', (req, res, ctx) => {
    return res(
      // simulate which data type I get back of server (-> here array)
        { name: 'matchu', imagePath: '/images/matchu.png' },
        { name: 'pitchu', imagePath: '/images/pitchu.png' },
// ./mocks/server.js
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node';
import { handlers } from './handlers';

export const server = setupServer(...handlers);
import { server } from './mocks/server';
// establish API mocking before all tests
beforeAll(() => server.listen());
// reset any request handlers that are maybe added during tests, that they don't affect other tests
afterAll(() => server.resetHandlers());
// clean up after tests are finished
afterAll(() => server.close());
  • test component that contains a HTTP request
    • GET request happens in User component
    • with configuration in setupTest.js, handlers.js and server.js test runs component and mock service worker intercepts to the request and sends back handler response
describe('User component', () => {
  test('displays image for each scoop option from server', async () => {
    render(<Users />);
    // find images with 'avatar' at the end ($) of alt text
    const userAvatars = await screen.findAllByRole('img', { name: /avatar$/i });

    // confirm alt text of images (create array of alt texts)
    const altTexts = => item.alt);
    // arrays + objects use toEqual() while nums + string use toBe()
    expect(altTexts).toEqual(['matchu avatar', 'pitchu avatar']);
  • simulate Error Server Response

    • import your server obj and rest obj of Mock Service Worker and overwrite defined handlers with new handlers with an error response (here: status code 500)
  • await waitFor(() => {}, options): if you need to wait until all of your mock server promises are resolved;

import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import Users from '../Users';
import { server } from '../../../mocks/server';
import { rest } from 'msw';

describe('Users component', () => {
  test('handles error for users and comments routes', async () => {
      rest.get('http://localhost:3030/users', (req, res, ctx) => res(ctx.status(500))),
      rest.get('http://localhost:3030/comments', (req, res, ctx) => res(ctx.status(500)))

    render(<Users />);

    // without waitFor alerts array would only have length 1
    await waitFor(async () => {
      const alerts = await screen.findAllByRole('alert');
// create browser.js
import { setupWorker } from 'msw';
import { handlers } from './handlers'; // your preconfigured mock handlers

// This configures a Service Worker with the given request handlers.
export const worker = setupWorker(...handlers);

// index.js
import { worker } from './__test-utils__/mocks/browser';

Testing with Context, Router, Redux Provider and Theming Provider

Option 1: Wrapper

  • inside of render method, use wrapper property in options object to add needed ContextProvider, Router, Redux Provider or Theming Provider
render(<Example />, { wrapper: ContextProvider });

Option 2: Customize render method (recommended since reusable)

  • create a proper testing-utils file
// test-utils.jsx
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { ContextProvider } from '../store/Context';

// ui: standard name to refer to JSX
// options: obj like the default render method has
const renderWithContext = (ui, options) => render(ui, { wrapper: ContextProvider, ...options });

export * from '@testing-library/react'; // re-export everything from this file
export { renderWithContext as render }; // override render method
  • Example with AriaLogProvider, ToastProvider (both are Contexts) and Redux Store
// test-utils.tsx
import { FC, ReactElement } from 'react';
import { render, RenderOptions } from '@testing-library/react';
import { configureStore, Store } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { reducers, RootState } from '../redux/index';
import { AriaLogProvider } from '../components/atoms';
import { ToastProvider } from '../components/atoms/toast';

interface RenderOptionsWithRedux extends RenderOptions {
  preloadedState?: Partial<RootState>;
  store?: Store;

interface TestWrapperProps {
  store: Store;

const TestWrapper: FC<TestWrapperProps> = ({ store, children }) => {
  return (
        <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>

const renderWithReduxAndContext = (
  ui: ReactElement,
    store = configureStore({ reducer: reducers, preloadedState }),
  }: RenderOptionsWithRedux = {}
) => {
  const Wrapper: FC = ({ children }) => <TestWrapper store={store}>{children}</TestWrapper>;
  return render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...renderOptions });

export * from '@testing-library/react'; // re-export everything
export { renderWithReduxAndContext as render }; // override render method
  • in test file: you can import render an ALL other methods (screen, waitFor etc.) from testing-utils.jsx OR if you want to have default setup from @testing-library/react

Example: Testing with React Context

  • look which data of Context is needed in Component to execute your tests
  • create custom render that receives providerProps as second argument
  • create const providerProps in test in order to mock data and fns that are needed for tests
  • mock needed functions: jest.fn() replaces exactly the "real" function at a desired point and offers new test methods (e.g. toHaveBeenCalledWith)
// CatchButton.tsx
import { useContext } from 'react';
import { PokeContext } from '../../store/Context';
import classes from './CatchButton.module.css';

const CatchButton: React.FC = () => {
  const { addPokeToCartHandler, pokemon, pokeCart } = useContext(PokeContext);

  const disabled = pokeCart.some((item) => === pokemon?.id);

  return (
      className={`${classes.btn} ${disabled ? classes.disabled : ''}`}
      onClick={() => addPokeToCartHandler(pokemon!)}
      {disabled ? 'Gefangen' : 'Fangen'}
// testing-utils.jsx
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { PokeContext } from '../store/Context';

const customRender = (ui, { providerProps, ...renderOptions }) => {
  return render(<PokeContext.Provider {...providerProps}>{ui}</PokeContext.Provider>, renderOptions);

export * from '@testing-library/react';
export { customRender as render };
// CatchButton.spec.tsx
import { render, screen } from '../../../__test-utils__/testing-utils';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import CatchButton from '../CatchButton';

describe('CatchButton component', () => {
  const pokemon = {
    id: 123,

  test('has active btn when there is no pokemon in cart', () => {
    const providerProps = {
      value: {
        pokeCart: [],
    render(<CatchButton />, { providerProps });
    const btn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /fangen/i });

  test('has disabled btn when there is the same pokemon in cart', () => {
    const providerProps = {
      value: {
        pokeCart: [{ id: 123 }],

    render(<CatchButton />, { providerProps });
    const btn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /gefangen/i });

  test('adds pokemon to context when button is active', () => {
    const mockAddPokeToCartHandler = jest.fn();
    const providerProps = {
      value: {
        pokeCart: [],
        // Jest Mock Fn replaces exactly the "real" function at a desired point and offers new test methods (e.g. toHaveBeenCalledWith)
        addPokeToCartHandler: mockAddPokeToCartHandler,

    render(<CatchButton />, { providerProps });
    const btn = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /fangen/i });;
    expect(mockAddPokeToCartHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: 123 });

Testing React Apps that use React Router

Option 1: Include real React Router

  • include Router in the App component
  • then for tests, always render App component (never child components)
  • navigate to your pages in tests by finding and clicking links on the page
  • advantage: less complicated test setup
  • disadvantage: no immediate load of routing history (current and previous page) in test setup

Option 2: Implement a test React Router

// Routes defined in App.jsx to be tested
const App = () => {
  return (
        <Link to='/'>Home</Link>
        <Link to='/users'>Menus</Link>
          <Route path='/' element={<App />} />
          <Route path='/users' element={<Users />} />
          <Route path='/users/:id' element={<Users />} />

// Users.jsx
import { useParams, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

const userData = {
  matchu: { name: 'Mat Chu', address: '12 Main Street' },
  pitchu: { name: 'Pit Chu', address: '34 First Street' },

const Users = () => {
  // use useParams hook to access dynamic pieces of URL
  // in a real app, info would come from server
  const { id } = useParams();

  // if no id in URL parameter -> list of links to all users
  if (!id) {
    return (
        {Object.entries(userData).map(([urlParam, data]) => {
          return (
            <li key={urlParam}>
              <Link to={`/users/${urlParam}`}>{}</Link>
  // if id URL parameter -> show information about user
  const data = userData[id];
  return (
      <h1>User: {}</h1>
  • test below causes error because you're using useParams without Router provider
// Users.spec.tsx
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import Users from './Users';

test('renders without error', () => {
  render(<Users />);
  • solution: customize render method with the built-in testing MemoryRouter of React Router DOM
// test-utils.jsx
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

// important to have initial route, otherwise MemoryRouter throws error
const initialRoutes = options?.initialRoutes ? options.initialRoutes : ['/'];

// pass initial routes inside of component;
// if more than one route, pass array
const MemoryRouterWithInitialRoutes = ({ children, initialRoutes }) => {
  return <MemoryRouter initialEntries={initialRoutes}>{children}</MemoryRouter>;

// create customRender that wraps UI in a memory Router
const customRender = (ui, options) => {
  return render(ui, {
    wrapper: (args) =>
export * from '@testing-library/react';
export { customRender as render };
  • now you can use import { render } from './test-utils.jsx' in Users.spec.tsx
// Users.spec.tsx
import { render, screen } from './test-utils.jsx';
import App from './App';

test('renders user page', () => {
  // render App in test since it includes "Routes" wrapper component which is important to match routes
  render(<App />, { initialRoutes: ['/users/matchu'] });
  const header = screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /matchu/i });

Testing with multiple Providers

// testing-utils.jsx
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { ContextProvider } from '../store/Context';
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

const Providers = ({ children, initialRoutes }) => {
  return (
      <MemoryRouter initalEntries={initialRoutes}>{children}</MemoryRouter>

// ui: standard name to refer to JSX
// options: obj like the default render method has it
const renderWithContextAndRouter = (ui, options) => render(ui, { wrapper: Providers, ...options });

export * from '@testing-library/react';
export { renderWithContextAndRouter as render };

Testing React Portals

  • Approach: you are mocking only createPortal method of the current react-dom module
// setupTests.ts
import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

jest.mock('react-dom', () => {
  const original = jest.requireActual('react-dom');

  return {
    createPortal: (element: ReactNode, target: Element) => element,

Debugging Tips

  • screen.debug(): prints out what DOM looks like at this point
  • read test error output carefully
    • which assertion is failing
    • copy/paste errors into web search
  • Errors and Solvings:
    • Unable to find role="role": Either role doesn't exist, or no element with that role that also matches name option
    • Warning: An update to component inside a test was not wrapped in act(...): there was an update to the component after the test completed. Use await findBy*
    • Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.: there was an update to the component after the test completed. Use await findBy*
    • Error: connect ECONNREFUSED no Mock Service Worker handler associated with this route and method

Advices for React Testing Library

  • destructure what you need from render, because it returns a collection of utilities; don't use wrapper as the variable name for the return value from render

    // ❌
    const wrapper = render(<Example prop='1' />);
    wrapper.rerender(<Example prop='2' />);
    // ✅
    const { rerender } = render(<Example prop='1' />);
    rerender(<Example prop='2' />);
  • don't use cleanup -> because cleanup happens automatically

    // ❌
    import { render, screen, cleanup } from '@testing-library/react';
    // ✅
    import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
  • use screen for querying and debugging

    // ❌
    const { getByRole } = render(<Example />);
    const errorMessageNode = getByRole('alert');
    // ✅
    render(<Example />);
    const errorMessageNode = screen.getByRole('alert');
  • install and use @testing-library/jest-dom for the right assertion -> because error messages that I get are much better

    const button = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /disabled button/i });
    // ❌
    // error message:
    //  expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
    //  Expected: true
    //  Received: false
    // ✅
    // error message:
    //   Received element is not disabled:
    //     <button />
  • learn when act is necessary, don't wrap things in act unnecessarily -> e.g. render and fireEvent are already wrapped in act

    // ❌
    act(() => {
      render(<Example />);
    const input = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /choose a fruit/i });
    act(() => {
      fireEvent.keyDown(input, { key: 'ArrowDown' });
    // ✅
    render(<Example />);
    const input = screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /choose a fruit/i });
    fireEvent.keyDown(input, { key: 'ArrowDown' });
  • use the right query; look at

    // ❌
    // assuming you've got this DOM to work with:
    // <label>Username</label><input data-testid="username" />
    // ✅
    // change the DOM to be accessible by associating the label and setting the type
    // <label for="username">Username</label><input id="username" type="text" />
    screen.getByRole('textbox', { name: /username/i });
    • don't use container to query elements

      // ❌
      const { container } = render(<Example />);
      const button = container.querySelector('.btn-primary');
      expect(button).toHaveTextContent(/click me/i);
      // ✅
      render(<Example />);
      screen.getByRole('button', { name: /click me/i });
    • query by the actual text rather than using test IDs etc.

      // ❌
      // ✅
      screen.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i });
    • use *ByRole most of the time -> the name option allows you to query elements by their Accessible Name, it works even if element has text content split up by different elements

      // assuming we've got this DOM structure to work with
      // <button><span>Hello</span> <span>World</span></button>
      screen.getByText(/hello world/i);
      // ❌ fails with the following error:
      // Unable to find an element with the text: /hello world/i. This could be
      // because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can
      // provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible.
      screen.getByRole('button', { name: /hello world/i });
      // ✅ works!
  • Avoid adding unnecessary or incorrect accessibility attributes -> accessibility attributes should really only be used when semantic HTML doesn't satisfy your use case

    • hint: to make inputs accessible via a role, specify type attribute
    // ❌
    render(<button role='button'>Click me</button>);
    // ✅
    render(<button>Click me</button>);
  • Use @testing-library/user-event over fireEvent where possible -> userEvent is built on top of fireEvent

    • example: fireEvent.change triggers a single change event on input. However the type method triggers keyDown, keyPress and keyUp events for each character as well
    // ❌
    fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: 'hello world' } });
    // ✅
    userEvent.type(input, 'hello world');
  • Use query* variants only for asserting that element cannot found

    // ❌
    // ✅
  • use find* any time you want to query for something that should be available async -> find* queries use waitFor under the hood

    // ❌
    const submitButton = await waitFor(() => screen.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i }));
    // ✅
    const submitButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /submit/i });
  • wait for a specific assertion inside waitFor and only put one assertion in a callback -> purpose of waitFor is to allow you to wait for a specific thing to happen that has a non-deterministic amount of time between the action you performed and the assertion passing

    // ❌
    await waitFor(() => {});
    // ❌
    await waitFor(() => {
    // ✅
    await waitFor(() => expect(window.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo'));
  • put side-effects outside waitFor callbacks -> reserve callback for assertions only

    // ❌
    await waitFor(() => {
      fireEvent.keyDown(input, { key: 'ArrowDown' });
    // ✅
    fireEvent.keyDown(input, { key: 'ArrowDown' });
    await waitFor(() => {
  • If you want to assert that something exists, make that assertion explicit and don't skip assertion

    // ❌
    screen.getByRole('alert', { name: /error/i });
    // ✅
    expect(screen.getByRole('alert', { name: /error/i })).toBeInTheDocument();