- look at
React Testing.md
with React SPA you build only one big JS code bundle for entire website that every user needs to download when visiting the page
Lazy Loading
:- only load certain parts of code when it's needed
- recommanded for more complexe Apps to reduce size of code bundle AND reduce initial loading time of website
- easy to implement when using routing since you can split code by routes
- How to implement?
- implement lazy loading using
with anonymous arrow fn which resolves to a dynamic import - in fn body call import as a fn and pass import path
- finally
is executed by React when new component is needed, NOT in advance like normally for all imports - lazy creates a separate code chunk which is only downloaded when the new component is visited
- Problem: download code chunk could take some ms
- Solution: for meantime you need to define a fallback with
component wrapped aroundRoute(s)
-> fallback is shown when download takes a little bit longer
- implement lazy loading using
import { lazy, Suspense } from 'react'; import { Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom'; import LoadingSpinner from './components/UI/LoadingSpinner'; const AllQuotes = lazy(() => import('./pages/AllQuotes')); const NewQuote = lazy(() => import('./pages/NewQuote')); const NotFound = lazy(() => import('./pages/NotFound')); const App = () => { return ( <Suspense fallback={ <div className='centered'> <LoadingSpinner /> </div> } > <Routes> <Route path='/quotes' element={<AllQuotes />} /> <Route path='/new-quote' element={<NewQuote />} /> <Route path='*' element={<NotFound />} /> </Routes> </Suspense> ); };
- execute a script which outputs a production ready minified and optimized bundle of App
- use
npm run build
in CLI to usebuild
script defined inpackage.json
build folder
is created which holds all content to deploy App -> never change code in this folder since they're overwritten automatically if you rebuildstatic folder
contains optimized css & JS code
- Notice: a React SPA is a
Static Website
-> that means it's only made by HTML, CSS & browser/client side JS code, NO server side code involved - to publish SPA,
Static Site Host
is needed -> google for static website hosting provider Example Firebase
:- create project
- go to
in sidebar - click on
Jetzt starten
- install Firebass CLI globally
npm install -g firebase-tools
and follow instructions - attention to answer to question
What do you want to use as your public directory? (public)
: type inbuild
, NOT public Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? (y/N)
: yes (explanation look below)File build/index.html already exists. Overwrite?
: no (because I wanna use my own build html file)- remove website from internet:
firebase hosting:disable
in CLI
- Client is user using the browser:
- sends request to server
- request contains full URL with path like
that was entered
- Server is remote machine which hosts the production-ready React code
- sends response to client which contains all HTML, CSS, JS React code
- JS React code contains React router code which looks for path (i.e. part of URL after domain like
) and displays respective components on client-side
- by default when server gets request, server looks for different files for different URLs
- that's not wished behaviour for SPAs -> I wanna ignore path after domain AND always return same response (HTML, CSS, JS) to client
- need to
configure server
-> look into documentation of hosting provider and their: rewrite all urls to /index.html, so that no matter which kind of URL the request was send to, the client returns always same html file which then requests same JS code