- if URL path changes, visible content changes
- traditional way: different HTML files are requested and loaded
- when building complex user interfaces, we typically build a
Single Page Application (SPA)
- only 1 initial HTML request & response, afterwards JavaScript take over
- Page (URL) changes are then handled by client-side (React) code -> changes visible content without fetching new HTML file
Documentation for upgrading from v5
third party package React Router
helps to handle different paths on the page and render components for these
component: inindex.js
wrap App component to activate React Routerimport { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'; // ... import statements ReactDOM.render( <Router> <App /> </Router>, document.getElementById('root') );
is a component with props that allows to define certain path and component that should be rendered- v6: to be rendered elements are passed via
prop as JSX into<Route>
- v5: elements were wrapped
<Route> <Component/> </Route>
- v6: to be rendered elements are passed via
component always have to wrapRoute
components -> order of Route components doesn't matter, algorithm takes the best matching path to render- v6:
prop insideRoute
(v5) AND its behavior no longer exists -> in v6: Router looks always for exact matches- if you want to imitate old behavior to render multiple
components, then use/*
(-><Route path='/products/*' />
); if URL path matches roots (here/products
) then it's rendered - BUT notice in this context: internal algorithm of React Router was improved, that Router searches best fit for a path, so if 2 Routes are available
<Route path='/products/*' />
and<Route path='/products/:productId' />
it would pick the most exact or explicitly declared path (-> here the 2nd one)
- v5:
instead ofRoutes
AND inside Switch only first Route that matches (AND it matches only the first part of a path like/test
) would be active at the same time- order of Route components are important since Switch searches for first match;
- v6:
dynamic routes with params:
is a dynamic placeholder that accepts every value in URL path; inside of the passed element component you can get access to param:id
hook- hook catches dynamic param in URL path
- returns obj with key(s) of all dynamic placeholders used in URL path (-> you can use multiple):
const { id } = useParams()
component to redirect user -> addreplace
prop to<Navigate>
when you wanna have real redirect (i.e. replace current URL path), otherwise link is only pushed to browser history- v5: look at
- v5: look at
Not Found 404
fallback page with wildcard*
that matches every other incoming URL -> notice that*
matches only all paths if they're not used by otherRoute
// App.js
import { Routes, Route, Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';
// ... import components
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
<Route path='/' element={<Navigate replace to='/test' />} />
<Route path='/test' element={<Test />} />
<Route path='/products' element={<Products />} />
<Route path='/products/:productId' element={<ProductDetail />} />
<Route path='*' element={<NotFound />} />
Links and nested Routes have
relative paths
depending on the root path of the current component (-> you won't need custom path resolving with useRouteMatch hook anymore)- relative path is defined
without /
whereas absolute path is defined with/
// relative path <Link to={`${id}`}> // absolute path <Link to={`/quotes/${id}`}>
- relative path is defined
nested routes
:- when using nested routes then at top level you have to add
in path to tell React Router that the passed element is even displayed if there is no exact path match (-> since nested routes extend the whole path) Notice
: onlyroutes with descendant routes
(defined in other components!) use a trailing*
in their path to indicate they match deeply- nested routes could be defined in the child component as with v5 OR defined directly in the root component wrapped into the root
;- notice: nested route then still uses relative path;
- advantage to have all routes in one place;
- use
component in child component to position nested route
- nested routes are now relative paths, so only add extension of root path in child component
- v5: for more flexible routing code for
nested routes
, in v5 you could useuseRouteMatch
hook (-> look below), no longer needed in v6
- when using nested routes then at top level you have to add
// App.js
import { Routes, Route, Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';
// ... import components
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
<Route path='/welcome/' element={<Welcome />}>
<Route path='hello' element={<p>Welcome in the nested route</p>} />
{/* OPTION 2: nested route defined in child component */}
{/* <Route path='/welcome/*' element={<Welcome />} /> */}
// Welcome.js
import { Link, Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
const Welcome = () => {
return (
<h1>The Welcome Page</h1>
<Link to='hello'>Link to nested Route</Link>
{/* OPTION 2: nested route defined in child component */}
<Route path='hello' element={<p>Welcome in the nested route</p>} />
</Routes> */}
<Outlet />
programmatic navigation: redirection action is triggered by code, NOT by a click of user; use
(v6) hook (-> replacesuseHistory
(v5)) that allows to change the browser historyconst navigate = useNavigate(); navigate('/welcome', { replace: true });
- omit second arg if you want to push path to browser history
instead of replacing -> navigates to previous or forward page (-x
page before or forward) replace
is like a redirect and replaces current page (back btn is NOT working);- whereas
pushes new page on the stack of pages (back btn is possible) - pushing or replacing a page leads to re-evaluation of target component(s), even if target is same page
- omit second arg if you want to push path to browser history
component allows to change path without refreshing whole page -
component offers option to set different styles when link is active- by passing anonymous fn with parameter obj navData that includes property isActive that is internally changed after click on NavLink
- v5: there was specific prop called
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; import classes from './Header.module.css'; const Header = () => { return ( <header className={classes.header}> <nav> <ul> <li> // v5 <NavLink activeClassName={classes.active} to='/test'> Test </NavLink> // v6 <NavLink className={(navData) => (navData.isActive ? classes.active : '')} to='/welcome'> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> ); };
component (-> look below) does not exist in v6 at the moment -
working with
query parameters
: example of sorting quotes by ascending or descending order- using
hooks: whereasuseNavigate
gives access to browser history obj,useLocation
gives access to currently loaded page
import { useNavigate, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import QuoteItem from './QuoteItem'; import classes from './QuoteList.module.css'; // sorting helper fn: // for ascending true or false, return means the same: // return +1 means sort() sorts a to higher index than b; // return -1 means sort() sorts a to lower index than b; const sortQuotes = (quotes, ascending) => { return quotes.sort((quoteA, quoteB) => { if (ascending) { return quoteA.id > quoteB.id ? 1 : -1; } else { return quoteA.id < quoteB.id ? 1 : -1; } }); }; const QuoteList = ({ quotes }) => { const navigate = useNavigate(); const location = useLocation(); // default JS class URLSearchParams that returns obj // that contains all query params key value pairs const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); // evaluates to true or false const ascending = queryParams.get('sort') === 'asc'; const sortedQuotes = sortQuotes(quotes, ascending); const changeSortingHandler = () => { // 1) pushing a page leads to re-evaluation of target component(s); // if quotes are currently sorted ascendingly // then new query param after click would be 'desc' // navigate(`${location.pathname}?sort=${ascending ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`); // 2) alternative way of creating string paths for target destination navigate({ pathname: location.pathname, search: `sort=${ascending ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`, }); }; return ( <> <div className={classes.sorting}> <button onClick={changeSortingHandler}>Sort {ascending ? 'Descending' : 'Ascending'}</button> </div> <ul className={classes.list}> {sortedQuotes.map((quote) => ( <QuoteItem key={quote.id} id={quote.id} author={quote.author} text={quote.text} /> ))} </ul> </> ); };
- using
// useHttp hook
import { useReducer, useCallback } from 'react';
const httpReducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === 'SEND') {
return {
data: null,
error: null,
status: 'pending',
if (action.type === 'SUCCESS') {
return {
data: action.resData,
error: null,
status: 'completed',
if (action.type === 'ERROR') {
return {
data: null,
error: action.errorMsg,
status: 'completed',
return state;
const useHttp = (requestFn, startWithPending = false) => {
const [httpState, dispatch] = useReducer(httpReducer, {
status: startWithPending ? 'pending' : null,
data: null,
error: null,
const sendRequest = useCallback(
async (requestData) => {
dispatch({ type: 'SEND' });
try {
const resData = await requestFn(requestData);
dispatch({ type: 'SUCCESS', resData });
} catch (error) {
type: 'ERROR',
errorMsg: error.message || 'Something went wrong!',
// spread operator converts state object (which is returned from the reducer) into a comma separated list of key/value pairs;
// these key/value pairs are appended to the object returned from useHttp
return {
// api.js -> request functions library
const FIREBASE_DOMAIN = 'https://DUMMY.app';
export const getAllQuotes = async () => {
const res = await fetch(`${FIREBASE_DOMAIN}/quotes.json`);
const data = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(data.message || 'Could not fetch quotes.');
const transformedQuotes = [];
for (const key in data) {
const quoteObj = {
id: key,
return transformedQuotes;
export const getSingleQuote = async (quoteId) => {
const res = await fetch(`${FIREBASE_DOMAIN}/quotes/${quoteId}.json`);
const data = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(data.message || 'Could not fetch quote.');
const loadedQuote = {
id: quoteId,
return loadedQuote;
export const addQuote = async (quoteData) => {
const res = await fetch(`${FIREBASE_DOMAIN}/quotes.json`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(quoteData),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const data = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(data.message || 'Could not create quote.');
return null;
export const addComment = async (requestData) => {
const res = await fetch(`${FIREBASE_DOMAIN}/comments/${requestData.quoteId}.json`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(requestData.commentData),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const data = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(data.message || 'Could not add comment.');
return { commentId: data.name };
export const getAllComments = async (quoteId) => {
const res = await fetch(`${FIREBASE_DOMAIN}/comments/${quoteId}.json`);
const data = await res.json();
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(data.message || 'Could not get comments.');
const transformedComments = [];
for (const key in data) {
const commentObj = {
id: key,
return transformedComments;
// AllQuotes.js -> use case to get data with useHttp hook and request fn library
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import useHttp from '../hooks/useHttp';
import { getAllQuotes } from '../lib/api';
import LoadingSpinner from '../components/UI/LoadingSpinner';
import QuoteList from '../components/quotes/QuoteList';
import NoQuotesFound from '../components/quotes/NoQuotesFound';
const AllQuotes = () => {
// second arg is true to start in loading state when fetching data;
// destructured data array is named with alias loadedQuotes
const { sendRequest, status, error, data: loadedQuotes } = useHttp(getAllQuotes, true);
useEffect(() => {
// add sendRequest fn as dependency, BUT will never change
// because of useCallback used in hook
}, [sendRequest]);
if (status === 'pending') return <LoadingSpinner />;
if (status === 'error') return <p className='centered focused'>{error}</p>;
if (status === 'complete' && loadedQuotes.length === 0) return <NoQuotesFound />;
return <QuoteList quotes={loadedQuotes} />;
component: inindex.js
wrap App component to activate React Router -
is a component with props that allows to define certain path and component that should be rendered; ALL paths that match e.g./test
are rendered and became active (-> also e.g./test/abc
) -
component: can wrap Route components -> then only first Route that matches (AND it matches only the first part of a path like/test
) would be active at the same time -
tells React Router that this path leads only to match if there is exact match - so notice: in Switchexact
is always needed, when there are more than one Route that matches the path, and without Switch when I wanna render only one exact component -
component to redirect user -
dynamic routes with params:
is a dynamic placeholder that accepts every value in URL path; inside wrapped component you can get access to param:id
hook- hook allows catching of dynamic param in URL path;
- returns obj with key(s) of all dynamic placeholders used in URL path (can use multiple):
const { id } = useParams()
Not Found 404
fallback page with wildcard*
that matches every other incoming URL -> should come last that it not consume one of the above pathsimport { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'; // ... import statements ReactDOM.render( <Router> <App /> </Router>, document.getElementById('root') ); // App.js import { Route, Switch, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; // ... import components const App = () => { return ( <> <Header /> <main> <Switch> <Route path='/' exact> <Redirect to='/test' /> </Route> <Route path='/test'> <Test /> </Route> <Route path='/products' exact> <Products /> </Route> <Route path='/products/:productId'> <ProductDetail /> </Route> <Route path='*'> <NotFound /> </Route> </Switch> </main> </> ); };
nested routes: can use Routes wherever I want -> in example below if
page is active, Route is evaluated -> in/test
path only a nested path like/test/1
would work to display a wished component -
programmatic navigation: redirection action is triggered by code, NOT by a click of user; use
hook that allows to change the browser history -> returns obj with methodsreplace()
is like a redirect and replaces current page (back btn is NOT working);- whereas
pushes new page on the stack of pages (back btn is possible) - pushing or replacing a page leads to re-evaluation of target component(s), even if target is same page
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; const Test = () => { const history = useHistory(); // somewhere invoked function const dummyFn = () => history.push('/products'); return ( <section> <Route path='/test/1'> <p>Welcome in the nested route</p> </Route> </section> ); };
component: allows to change path without refreshing whole page -
component: sets css class on active anchor item that you can style active link differentlyimport { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; import classes from './Header.module.css'; const Header = () => { return ( <header className={classes.header}> <nav> <ul> <li> <NavLink activeClassName={classes.active} to='/test'> Test </NavLink> </li> </ul> </nav> </header> ); };
component: preventing possibly unwanted route transitions - takes 2 props:when
can betrue
and enables or disables component;message
is anonymous fn with parameter of location obj and a msg string in fn body
import { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Prompt } from 'react-router-dom'; const Form = ({ onAddQuote, isLoading }) => { const [isEntering, setIsEntering] = useState(false); const authorInputRef = useRef(); const textInputRef = useRef(); const submitFormHandler = (e) => { // ... do something }; const formFocusedHandler = () => setIsEntering(true); const finishEnteringHandler = () => setIsEntering(false); return ( <> <Prompt when={isEntering} message={(location) => `You want to leave ${location.pathname}? Entered data will be lost.`} /> <form onFocus={formFocusedHandler} onSubmit={submitFormHandler}> <div> <label htmlFor='text'>Text</label> <textarea id='text' rows='5' ref={textInputRef} /> </div> <div> <button onClick={finishEnteringHandler}>Add</button> </div> </form> </> ); };
working with
query parameters
: example of sorting quotes by ascending or descending order- using useHistory and useLocation hooks: whereas
gives access to browser history obj,useLocation
gives access to currently loaded page
import { useHistory, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'; import QuoteItem from './QuoteItem'; import classes from './QuoteList.module.css'; // sorting helper fn: // for ascending true or false, return means the same: // return +1 means sort() sorts a to higher index than b; // return -1 means sort() sorts a to lower index than b; const sortQuotes = (quotes, ascending) => { return quotes.sort((quoteA, quoteB) => { if (ascending) { return quoteA.id > quoteB.id ? 1 : -1; } else { return quoteA.id < quoteB.id ? 1 : -1; } }); }; const QuoteList = ({ quotes }) => { const history = useHistory(); const location = useLocation(); // default JS class URLSearchParams that returns obj // that contains all query params key value pairs const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); // evaluates to true or false const ascending = queryParams.get('sort') === 'asc'; const sortedQuotes = sortQuotes(quotes, ascending); const changeSortingHandler = () => { // 1) if quotes are currently sorted ascendingly // then new query param after click would be 'desc'; // use location obj property pathname (-> here correspond to '/quotes') // history.push(`${location.pathname}?sort=${ascending ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`); // 2) alternative way of creating string paths for target destination history.push({ pathname: location.pathname, search: `sort=${ascending ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`, }); }; return ( <> <div className={classes.sorting}> <button onClick={changeSortingHandler}>Sort {ascending ? 'Descending' : 'Ascending'}</button> </div> <ul className={classes.list}> {sortedQuotes.map((quote) => ( <QuoteItem key={quote.id} id={quote.id} author={quote.author} text={quote.text} /> ))} </ul> </> ); };
- using useHistory and useLocation hooks: whereas
more flexible routing code for
nested routes
with a)useRouteMatch
hook and b)rendering different content
based on URL path- a) in nested routes you can use useRouteMatch hook obj to make nested route more flexible for changes in root route
- (string) path pattern used to match. Useful for building nested<Route>s
- (string) matched portion of the URL. Useful for building nested<Link>s
- b) Link is only visible when user is on exact path, after clicking on Link, it disappears
import { Route, Link, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom'; const ChildComponent = () => { const match = useRouteMatch(); return ( <> <Route path={match.path} exact> <Link to={`${match.url}/comments`}>Load Comments</Link> </Route> <Route path={`${match.path}/comments`}> <Comments /> </Route> </> ); };
- a) in nested routes you can use useRouteMatch hook obj to make nested route more flexible for changes in root route