const arr1 = [1, 2];
const arr2 = Array.from('Hi') // ['H', 'i'] -> transforms an iterable into an array
// rarely used
const arr3 = new Array(1, 2) // notice: new Array(5) -> empty array with length 5
const arr4 = Array.of(1, 2);
arr.push(); // adds item at the end
arr.pop(); // removes item at the end
arr.unshift(); // adds item at the beginning and moves all items one index higher
arr.shift(); // removes item at the beginning and moves all items one index lower
arr.splice(START_INDEX, NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_DELETE?, ...ITEMS_TO_INSERT?); // returns removed items
arr.slice(START_INDEX, END_INDEX?) // returns new shallow copy of array, end index not included
arr.concat(ARRAY[]) // merges two or more arrays; does NOT change existing arrays, but instead returns a new array
arr.indexOf(ITEM_VALUE, START_INDEX?) // returns first index where the passed value is found in an array
arr.lastIndexOf(ITEM_VALUE) // same as above, but starts searching in array from the end
arr.find((item, index?, fullArray?) => item === 'test'); // returns first matching item (i.e. return is true)
arr.findIndex(); // same as above, but returns found index
arr.includes(ITEM_VALUE) // returns boolean value
const newArr =, index?, fullArray?) => {
// ... logic
return newItem;
}) // transforms items of array, returns new array, does NOT mutate original array
const sortedArr = [10, 1, 5].sort((a, b) => {
if(a > b) return 1; // a must be after b (-> a +1 position)
if (a < b) return -1; // a must be before b (-> a -1 position)
return 0; // no change
const filteredArr = [1, 2].filter((item, index?, fullArray?) => item === 1); // return true means, that item is kept (-> filtered out in new array), false means opposite
const total = [1, 5, 10].reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex?, fullArray?) => accumulator + currentIndex, 0); // reduces values of array items to another new value or wished construct
const data = ['test;10']
const splitData = data.split(";"); // ['test', '10']
const arr = ['hello', 'world'];
const joinedString = arr.join(' '); // 'hello world'