diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 66a1de4..3d59942 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,34 +17,44 @@ Matrix Transform
This library currently provides the following operations:
- - addition
- - direct sum
- - subtraction
- - multiplication
- - division (using [A].[B]-1)
- - division by
- - division into
-together with functions for
- - adjoint
- - antidiagonal
- - cofactors
- - determinant
- - diagonal
- - identity
- - inverse
- - minors
- - trace
- - transpose
+- addition
+- direct sum
+- subtraction
+- multiplication
+- division (using [A].[B]-1)
+ - division by
+ - division into
+together with functions for
+- adjoint
+- antidiagonal
+- cofactors
+- determinant
+- diagonal
+- identity
+- inverse
+- minors
+- trace
+- transpose
+and classes for
+- Decomposition
+ - LU Decomposition with partial row pivoting,
+ such that [P].[A] = [L].[U] and [A] = [P]|.[L].[U]
+ - QR Decomposition
+ such that [A] = [Q].[R]
## TO DO
- - power()
- - EigenValues
- - EigenVectors
- - Decomposition
+- power() function
+- EigenValues
+- EigenVectors
+- Decomposition
+ - Cholesky Decomposition
@@ -52,7 +62,7 @@ together with functions for
To create a new Matrix object, provide an array as the constructor argument
$grid = [
[16, 3, 2, 13],
[ 5, 10, 11, 8],
@@ -63,12 +73,12 @@ $grid = [
$matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
The `Builder` class provides helper methods for creating specific matrices, specifically an identity matrix of a specified size; or a matrix of a specified dimensions, with every cell containing a set value.
-$matrix = new Matrix\Builder::createFilledMatrix(1, 5, 3);
+$matrix = Matrix\Builder::createFilledMatrix(1, 5, 3);
Will create a matrix of 5 rows and 3 columns, filled with a `1` in every cell; while
-$matrix = new Matrix\Builder::createIdentityMatrix(3);
+$matrix = Matrix\Builder::createIdentityMatrix(3);
will create a 3x3 identity matrix.
@@ -79,34 +89,34 @@ Matrix objects are immutable: whenever you call a method or pass a grid to a fun
To perform mathematical operations with Matrices, you can call the appropriate method against a matrix value, passing other values as arguments
-$matrix1 = new Matrix([
+$matrix1 = new Matrix\Matrix([
[2, 7, 6],
[9, 5, 1],
[4, 3, 8],
-$matrix2 = new Matrix([
+$matrix2 = new Matrix\Matrix([
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
-echo $matrix1->multiply($matrix2);
or pass all values to the appropriate function
-$matrix1 = new Matrix([
+$matrix1 = new Matrix\Matrix([
[2, 7, 6],
[9, 5, 1],
[4, 3, 8],
-$matrix2 = new Matrix([
+$matrix2 = new Matrix\Matrix([
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
-echo Matrix\multiply($matrix1, $matrix2);
+var_dump(Matrix\multiply($matrix1, $matrix2)->toArray());
You can pass in the arguments as Matrix objects, or as arrays.
@@ -115,7 +125,7 @@ If you want to perform the same operation against multiple values (e.g. to add t
## Using functions
When calling any of the available functions for a matrix value, you can either call the relevant method for the Matrix object
$grid = [
[16, 3, 2, 13],
[ 5, 10, 11, 8],
@@ -127,8 +137,8 @@ $matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
echo $matrix->trace();
-or you can call the function as you would in procedural code, passing the Matrix object as an argument
+or you can call the function as you would in procedural code, passing the Matrix object as an argument
$grid = [
[16, 3, 2, 13],
[ 5, 10, 11, 8],
@@ -140,7 +150,7 @@ $matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
echo Matrix\trace($matrix);
When called procedurally using the function, you can pass in the argument as a Matrix object, or as an array.
$grid = [
[16, 3, 2, 13],
[ 5, 10, 11, 8],
@@ -151,7 +161,7 @@ $grid = [
echo Matrix\trace($grid);
As an alternative, it is also possible to call the method directly from the `Functions` class.
$grid = [
[16, 3, 2, 13],
[ 5, 10, 11, 8],
@@ -163,3 +173,33 @@ $matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
echo Matrix\Functions::trace($matrix);
Used this way, methods must be called statically, and the argument must be the Matrix object, and cannot be an array.
+## Decomposition
+The library also provides classes for matrix decomposition. You can access these using
+$grid = [
+ [1, 2],
+ [3, 4],
+$matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
+$decomposition = new Matrix\Decomposition\QR($matrix);
+$Q = $decomposition->getQ();
+$R = $decomposition->getR();
+or alternatively us the `Decomposition` factory, identifying which form of decomposition you want to use
+$grid = [
+ [1, 2],
+ [3, 4],
+$matrix = new Matrix\Matrix($grid);
+$decomposition = Matrix\Decomposition\Decomposition::decomposition(Matrix\Decomposition\Decomposition::QR, $matrix);
+$Q = $decomposition->getQ();
+$R = $decomposition->getR();
diff --git a/classes/src/Decomposition/Decomposition.php b/classes/src/Decomposition/Decomposition.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f014448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/src/Decomposition/Decomposition.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+luMatrix = $matrix->toArray();
+ $this->rows = $matrix->rows;
+ $this->columns = $matrix->columns;
+ $this->buildPivot();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get lower triangular factor.
+ *
+ * @return Matrix Lower triangular factor
+ */
+ public function getL()
+ {
+ $lower = [];
+ $columns = min($this->rows, $this->columns);
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ for ($column = 0; $column < $columns; ++$column) {
+ if ($row > $column) {
+ $lower[$row][$column] = $this->luMatrix[$row][$column];
+ } elseif ($row === $column) {
+ $lower[$row][$column] = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ $lower[$row][$column] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new Matrix($lower);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get upper triangular factor.
+ *
+ * @return Matrix Upper triangular factor
+ */
+ public function getU()
+ {
+ $upper = [];
+ $rows = min($this->rows, $this->columns);
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; ++$row) {
+ for ($column = 0; $column < $this->columns; ++$column) {
+ if ($row <= $column) {
+ $upper[$row][$column] = $this->luMatrix[$row][$column];
+ } else {
+ $upper[$row][$column] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new Matrix($upper);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return pivot permutation vector.
+ *
+ * @return Matrix Pivot matrix
+ */
+ public function getP()
+ {
+ $pMatrix = [];
+ $pivots = $this->pivot;
+ $pivotCount = count($pivots);
+ foreach ($pivots as $row => $pivot) {
+ $pMatrix[$row] = array_fill(0, $pivotCount, 0);
+ $pMatrix[$row][$pivot] = 1;
+ }
+ return new Matrix($pMatrix);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return pivot permutation vector.
+ *
+ * @return array Pivot vector
+ */
+ public function getPivot()
+ {
+ return $this->pivot;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Is the matrix nonsingular?
+ *
+ * @return bool true if U, and hence A, is nonsingular
+ */
+ public function isNonsingular()
+ {
+ for ($diagonal = 0; $diagonal < $this->columns; ++$diagonal) {
+ if ($this->luMatrix[$diagonal][$diagonal] === 0.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function buildPivot()
+ {
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ $this->pivot[$row] = $row;
+ }
+ for ($column = 0; $column < $this->columns; ++$column) {
+ $luColumn = $this->localisedReferenceColumn($column);
+ $this->applyTransformations($column, $luColumn);
+ $pivot = $this->findPivot($column, $luColumn);
+ if ($pivot !== $column) {
+ $this->pivotExchange($pivot, $column);
+ }
+ $this->computeMultipliers($column);
+ unset($luColumn);
+ }
+ }
+ private function localisedReferenceColumn($column)
+ {
+ $luColumn = [];
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ $luColumn[$row] = &$this->luMatrix[$row][$column];
+ }
+ return $luColumn;
+ }
+ private function applyTransformations($column, array $luColumn)
+ {
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ $luRow = $this->luMatrix[$row];
+ // Most of the time is spent in the following dot product.
+ $kmax = min($row, $column);
+ $sValue = 0.0;
+ for ($kValue = 0; $kValue < $kmax; ++$kValue) {
+ $sValue += $luRow[$kValue] * $luColumn[$kValue];
+ }
+ $luRow[$column] = $luColumn[$row] -= $sValue;
+ }
+ }
+ private function findPivot($column, array $luColumn)
+ {
+ $pivot = $column;
+ for ($row = $column + 1; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ if (abs($luColumn[$row]) > abs($luColumn[$pivot])) {
+ $pivot = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ return $pivot;
+ }
+ private function pivotExchange($pivot, $column)
+ {
+ for ($kValue = 0; $kValue < $this->columns; ++$kValue) {
+ $tValue = $this->luMatrix[$pivot][$kValue];
+ $this->luMatrix[$pivot][$kValue] = $this->luMatrix[$column][$kValue];
+ $this->luMatrix[$column][$kValue] = $tValue;
+ }
+ $lValue = $this->pivot[$pivot];
+ $this->pivot[$pivot] = $this->pivot[$column];
+ $this->pivot[$column] = $lValue;
+ }
+ private function computeMultipliers($diagonal)
+ {
+ if (($diagonal < $this->rows) && ($this->luMatrix[$diagonal][$diagonal] != 0.0)) {
+ for ($row = $diagonal + 1; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ $this->luMatrix[$row][$diagonal] /= $this->luMatrix[$diagonal][$diagonal];
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/classes/src/Decomposition/QR.php b/classes/src/Decomposition/QR.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e267506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/src/Decomposition/QR.php
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+qrMatrix = $matrix->toArray();
+ $this->rows = $matrix->rows;
+ $this->columns = $matrix->columns;
+ $this->decompose();
+ }
+ public function getHouseholdVectors()
+ {
+ $householdVectors = [];
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; ++$row) {
+ for ($column = 0; $column < $this->columns; ++$column) {
+ if ($row >= $column) {
+ $householdVectors[$row][$column] = $this->qrMatrix[$row][$column];
+ } else {
+ $householdVectors[$row][$column] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return new Matrix($householdVectors);
+ }
+ public function getQ()
+ {
+ $qGrid = [];
+ $rowCount = $this->rows;
+ for ($k = $this->columns - 1; $k >= 0; --$k) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $qGrid[$i][$k] = 0.0;
+ }
+ $qGrid[$k][$k] = 1.0;
+ if ($this->columns > $this->rows) {
+ $qGrid = array_slice($qGrid, 0, $this->rows);
+ }
+ for ($j = $k; $j < $this->columns; ++$j) {
+ if (isset($this->qrMatrix[$k], $this->qrMatrix[$k][$k]) && $this->qrMatrix[$k][$k] != 0.0) {
+ $s = 0.0;
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $s += $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k] * $qGrid[$i][$j];
+ }
+ $s = -$s / $this->qrMatrix[$k][$k];
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $qGrid[$i][$j] += $s * $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ array_walk(
+ $qGrid,
+ function (&$row) use ($rowCount) {
+ $row = array_reverse($row);
+ $row = array_slice($row, 0, $rowCount);
+ }
+ );
+ return new Matrix($qGrid);
+ }
+ public function getR()
+ {
+ $rGrid = [];
+ for ($row = 0; $row < $this->columns; ++$row) {
+ for ($column = 0; $column < $this->columns; ++$column) {
+ if ($row < $column) {
+ $rGrid[$row][$column] = isset($this->qrMatrix[$row][$column]) ? $this->qrMatrix[$row][$column] : 0.0;
+ } elseif ($row === $column) {
+ $rGrid[$row][$column] = isset($this->rDiagonal[$row]) ? $this->rDiagonal[$row] : 0.0;
+ } else {
+ $rGrid[$row][$column] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->columns > $this->rows) {
+ $rGrid = array_slice($rGrid, 0, $this->rows);
+ }
+ return new Matrix($rGrid);
+ }
+ private function hypo($a, $b)
+ {
+ if (abs($a) > abs($b)) {
+ $r = $b / $a;
+ $r = abs($a) * sqrt(1 + $r * $r);
+ } elseif ($b != 0.0) {
+ $r = $a / $b;
+ $r = abs($b) * sqrt(1 + $r * $r);
+ } else {
+ $r = 0.0;
+ }
+ return $r;
+ }
+ /**
+ * QR Decomposition computed by Householder reflections.
+ */
+ private function decompose()
+ {
+ for ($k = 0; $k < $this->columns; ++$k) {
+ // Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
+ $norm = 0.0;
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $norm = $this->hypo($norm, $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k]);
+ }
+ if ($norm != 0.0) {
+ // Form k-th Householder vector.
+ if ($this->qrMatrix[$k][$k] < 0.0) {
+ $norm = -$norm;
+ }
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k] /= $norm;
+ }
+ $this->qrMatrix[$k][$k] += 1.0;
+ // Apply transformation to remaining columns.
+ for ($j = $k + 1; $j < $this->columns; ++$j) {
+ $s = 0.0;
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $s += $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k] * $this->qrMatrix[$i][$j];
+ }
+ $s = -$s / $this->qrMatrix[$k][$k];
+ for ($i = $k; $i < $this->rows; ++$i) {
+ $this->qrMatrix[$i][$j] += $s * $this->qrMatrix[$i][$k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->rDiagonal[$k] = -$norm;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/LuTest.php b/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/LuTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92328ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/LuTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+assertOriginalMatrixIsUnchanged($grid, $matrix);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testLUDecompositionL($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new LU($matrix);
+ $L = $decomposition->getL();
+ // Must return an object of the correct type...
+ $this->assertIsMatrixObject($L);
+ // ... containing the correct data
+ $this->assertMatrixValues($L, count($expected['L']), count($expected['L'][0]), $expected['L']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testLUDecompositionU($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new LU($matrix);
+ $U = $decomposition->getU();
+ // Must return an object of the correct type...
+ $this->assertIsMatrixObject($U);
+ // ... containing the correct data
+ $this->assertMatrixValues($U, count($expected['U']), count($expected['U'][0]), $expected['U']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testLUDecompositionPivots($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new LU($matrix);
+ $pivots = $decomposition->getPivot();
+ $this->assertEquals($expected['pivots'], $pivots);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testLUDecompositionP($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new LU($matrix);
+ $P = $decomposition->getP();
+ // Must return an object of the correct type...
+ $this->assertIsMatrixObject($P);
+ // ... containing the correct data
+ $this->assertMatrixValues($P, count($expected['P']), count($expected['P'][0]), $expected['P']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testLUDecompositionResolve($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new LU($matrix);
+ $L = $decomposition->getL();
+ $U = $decomposition->getU();
+ $P = $decomposition->getP();
+ $result1 = $P->inverse()->multiply($L->multiply($U));
+ $this->assertEquals($matrix, $result1);
+ $matrix2 = $P->multiply($matrix);
+ $result2 = $L->multiply($U);
+ $this->assertEquals($matrix2, $result2);
+ }
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ 'Simple 2x2' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [3, 4],
+ [0, 0.666666666667],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0],
+ [0.333333333333, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2],
+ [3, 4],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'All the Ones' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [1, 1, 1, 1],
+ [0, -2, -2, 0],
+ [0, 0, -2, -2],
+ [0, 0, 0, -4],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 1, -1, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [0, 2, 1, 3],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 1, 1, 1],
+ [1, 1, -1, -1],
+ [1, -1, -1, 1],
+ [1, -1, 1, -1],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Simple 3x3 Matrix' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [7, 8, 9],
+ [0, 0.85714285714286, 1.7142857142857],
+ [0, 0, 5e-15],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0.14285714285714, 1, 0],
+ [0.57142857142857, 0.5, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [2, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ [7, 8, 9],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '3x3 Magic Square' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [9, 5, 1],
+ [0, 5.888888888888890, 5.777777777777780],
+ [0, 0, 6.792452830188680],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0.222222222222222, 1, 0],
+ [0.444444444444444, 0.132075471698113, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [1, 0, 2],
+ ],
+ [
+ [2, 7, 6],
+ [9, 5, 1],
+ [4, 3, 8],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Another Simple 3x3' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [2, 4, 7],
+ [0, 1, 1.5],
+ [0, 0, -2],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0.5, 1, 0],
+ [0.5, -1, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [1, 0, 2],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [2, 4, 7],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 with positive and negative values' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [5, -4, -3, 1],
+ [0, 5.6, 2.2, -3.4],
+ [0, 0, -2.6428571428571, 7.3571428571429],
+ [0, 0, 0, 9.4594594594595],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0.4, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0.8, 0.92857142857143, 1, 0],
+ [-0.2, -0.5, -0.94594594594595, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [3, 0, 2, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [2, 4, 1, -3],
+ [-1, -2, 2, 4],
+ [4, 2, -3, 5],
+ [5, -4, -3, 1],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 with positive and negative float values' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [-2.5, -1, 0, 1],
+ [0, 2.1, 5, 12.4],
+ [0, 0, 0.11904761904762, -0.9047619047619],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0.10000000000002],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [-0.4, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0.47619047619048, 1, 0],
+ [0.4, 0.19047619047619, 0.40000000000002, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ [0, 0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [0, 3, 2, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [-2.5, -1, 0, 1],
+ [-1, 0, 1, 2.5],
+ [0, 1, 2.5, 5],
+ [1, 2.5, 5, 12],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 Magic square' =>[
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [14, 1, 8, 11],
+ [0, 14.714285714286, 7.714285714286, 1.857142857143],
+ [0, 0, -4.951456310680, 8.252427184466],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0.285714285714, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0.642857142857, 0.364077669903, 1, 0],
+ [0.5, 0.781553398058, -0.6, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [2, 1, 0, 3],
+ ],
+ [
+ [9, 6, 3, 16],
+ [4, 15, 10, 5],
+ [14, 1, 8, 11],
+ [7, 12, 13, 2],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 2 rows 3 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ [0, 0.75, 1.5],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0],
+ [0.25, 1],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 1],
+ [1, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [1, 0],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 3 rows 2 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [5, 6],
+ [0, 0.8],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0],
+ [0.2, 1],
+ [0.6, 0.5],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [2, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2],
+ [3, 4],
+ [5, 6],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 3 rows 7 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3],
+ [0, 1.111111111111, 2.222222222222, 3.333333333333, 4.444444444444, 5.555555555556, 6.666666666667],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0.111111111111, 1, 0],
+ [-0.222222222222, 0.700, 1.000],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [1, 0, 2],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
+ [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3],
+ [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 7 rows 3 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'U' => [
+ [7, 9, 8],
+ [0, -3, -3],
+ [0, 0, -4.428571428571429],
+ ],
+ 'L' => [
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ [0.5714285714285714, 0.7142857142857141, 1],
+ [0.5714285714285714, 0.04761904761904745, -0.35483870967741926],
+ [0.14285714285714285, -0.23809523809523814, -0.25806451612903225],
+ [-0.14285714285714285, -0.42857142857142855, -0.1935483870967742],
+ [0.2857142857142857, -0.14285714285714293, -0.29032258064516125],
+ ],
+ 'P' => [
+ [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ ],
+ 'pivots' => [2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 5, 6],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ [7, 9, 8],
+ [7, 6, 5],
+ [4, 3, -2],
+ [-1, 0, 1],
+ [2, 3, 4],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
diff --git a/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/QrTest.php b/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/QrTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8059d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unitTests/classes/src/Decomposition/QrTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+assertOriginalMatrixIsUnchanged($grid, $matrix);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testQRDecompositionQ($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new QR($matrix);
+ $Q = $decomposition->getQ();
+ // Must return an object of the correct type...
+ $this->assertIsMatrixObject($Q);
+ // ... containing the correct data
+ $this->assertMatrixValues($Q, count($expected['Q']), count($expected['Q'][0]), $expected['Q']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testQRDecompositionR($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new QR($matrix);
+ $R = $decomposition->getR();
+ // Must return an object of the correct type...
+ $this->assertIsMatrixObject($R);
+ // ... containing the correct data
+ $this->assertMatrixValues($R, count($expected['R']), count($expected['R'][0]), $expected['R']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ */
+ public function testQRDecompositionResolve($expected, $grid)
+ {
+ $matrix = new Matrix($grid);
+ $decomposition = new QR($matrix);
+ $Q = $decomposition->getQ();
+ $R = $decomposition->getR();
+ $result = $Q->multiply($R);
+ $this->assertEquals($matrix, $result);
+ }
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ 'Simple 2x2' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.316227766016838, 0.948683298050514],
+ [-0.9486832980505138, -0.316227766016838],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-3.162277660168, -4.427188724236],
+ [0.0, 0.6324555320336751],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1.0, 2.0],
+ [3.0, 4.0],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'All the Ones' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
+ [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5],
+ [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5],
+ [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 1, 1, 1],
+ [1, 1, -1, -1],
+ [1, -1, -1, 1],
+ [1, -1, 1, -1],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Simple 3x3 Matrix' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.12309149097933281, 0.9045340337332908, -0.40824829046386363],
+ [-0.4923659639173309, 0.30151134457776396, 0.8164965809277259],
+ [-0.8616404368553291, -0.30151134457776396, -0.4082482904638628],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-8.124038404635960, -9.601136296387950, -11.078234188139900],
+ [0.0, 0.904534033733293, 1.809068067466580],
+ [0.0, 0.0, -0.000000000000001],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ [7, 8, 9],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '3x3 Magic Square' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.199007438041998, 0.972488642858958, 0.1210862465943296],
+ [-0.895533471188990, -0.230643324147080, 0.3805567750107504],
+ [-0.398014876083996, 0.032703157901452, -0.9167958670713532],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-10.049875621120900, -7.064764050490930, -5.273697108112940],
+ [0.0, 5.752313352981660, 5.865913796218280],
+ [0.0, 0.0, -6.227292681994097],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [2, 7, 6],
+ [9, 5, 1],
+ [4, 3, 8],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Another Simple 3x3' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.408248290463863, 0.707106781186548, -0.5773502691896256],
+ [-0.816496580927726, 0.0, 0.5773502691896257],
+ [-0.408248290463863, -0.707106781186547, -0.5773502691896262],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-2.449489742783180, -4.898979485566360, -7.756717518813400],
+ [0.0, 1.414213562373100, 3.535533905932740],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 1.1547005383792528],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [2, 4, 7],
+ [1, 1, 0],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 with positive and negative values' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.294883912309794, 0.646908108895345, 0.655396891228784, -0.25496723686380474],
+ [0.147441956154897, -0.323454054447673, 0.647746343860355, 0.6738419831400553],
+ [-0.589767824619589, 0.344100057923056, -0.357025543860038, 0.637418092159512],
+ [-0.737209780774486, -0.598734100786117, 0.153010947368588, -0.27317918235407657],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-6.782329983125270, 0.294883912309793, 3.980932816182220, -2.211629342323460],
+ [0.0, 6.317677063467310, 0.763902128589184, -2.112774355647560],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 2.562933368423840, -1.007322070176540],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.374180921595119],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [2, 4, 1, -3],
+ [-1, -2, 2, 4],
+ [4, 2, -3, 5],
+ [5, -4, -3, 1],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 with positive and negative float values' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.870388279778489, -0.225482237707286, 0.265273220832105, -0.34815531191139854],
+ [-0.348155311911396, -0.265273220832101, -0.225482237707296, 0.8703882797784915],
+ [0.0, -0.437700814372966, -0.828978815100310, -0.34815531191138704],
+ [0.348155311911396, -0.828978815100314, 0.437700814372966, -0.000000000000005],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [2.872281323269010, 1.740776559556980, 1.392621247645580, 2.437087183379770],
+ [0.0, -2.284665614416470, -5.504419332266090, -13.024915142856100],
+ [0.0, 0.0, -0.109425203593242, 0.809083323537904],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0870388279778368],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [-2.5, -1, 0, 1],
+ [-1, 0, 1, 2.5],
+ [0, 1, 2.5, 5],
+ [1, 2.5, 5, 12],
+ ],
+ ],
+ '4x4 Magic square' =>[
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.486664263392288, -0.025409618431111, 0.793825739600044, -0.36380343755449956],
+ [-0.216295228174350, -0.755583236958464, 0.121092061972888, 0.6063390625908325],
+ [-0.757033298610225, 0.463372625000684, -0.282548144603405, 0.3638034375544995],
+ [-0.378516649305113, -0.462313890899387, -0.524732268549182, -0.6063390625908323],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-18.493242008906900, -11.463647093240600, -14.599927901768600, -17.952503938471100],
+ [0.0, -16.570600330755600, -9.935160806564540, -0.011998986481357],
+ [0.0, 0.0, -5.489506809437590, 9.149178015729320],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [9, 6, 3, 16],
+ [4, 15, 10, 5],
+ [14, 1, 8, 11],
+ [7, 12, 13, 2],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 2 rows 3 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.24253562503633308, 0.9701425001453319],
+ [-0.9701425001453319, -0.24253562503633308],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-4.123105625617661, -5.335783750799326, -6.5484618759809905],
+ [0.0, 0.7276068751089992, 1.4552137502179976],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 3 rows 2 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.169030850945703, 0.897085227145060],
+ [-0.507092552837110, 0.276026223736942],
+ [-0.845154254728517, -0.345032779671177],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-5.916079783099620, -7.437357441610940],
+ [0.0, 0.828078671210823],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2],
+ [3, 4],
+ [5, 6],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 3 rows 7 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.10783277320343831, 0.8235566226707017, 0.5568900989230126],
+ [-0.9704949588309455, 0.0343148592779462, -0.23866718525271913],
+ [0.2156655464068768, 0.56619517808611, -0.7955572841757288],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ // phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
+ [-9.273618495495706, -8.195290763461317, -7.116963031426934, -6.038635299392549, -4.960307567358166, -3.881979835323781, -2.803652103289398],
+ [0.0, 1.355436941478862, 2.7108738829577295, 4.066310824436593, 5.421747765915459, 6.7771847073943245, 8.13262164887319],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ // phpcs:enable
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
+ [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3],
+ [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Asymetric - 7 rows 3 columns' => [
+ [
+ 'Q' => [
+ [-0.085749292571255, -0.3045082017063, 0.058918029340522],
+ [-0.34299717028502, -0.23977023756402, 0.27272366158654],
+ [-0.60024504799878, -0.5011197965088, -0.30268884489375],
+ [-0.60024504799878, 0.4771427727524, 0.51123032331553],
+ [-0.34299717028502, 0.41240480861011, -0.73839880757692],
+ [0.085749292571254, -0.34766684446783, -0.08361905882349],
+ [-0.17149858514251, -0.28292888032554, 0.13018657342253],
+ ],
+ 'R' => [
+ [-11.661903789690601, -12.433647422831891, -10.032667230836765],
+ [0.0, -3.0666613384437933, -6.27958252180164],
+ [0.0, 0.0, 3.8616617649889395],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ [4, 5, 6],
+ [7, 9, 8],
+ [7, 6, 5],
+ [4, 3, -2],
+ [-1, 0, 1],
+ [2, 3, 4],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }