This campaign type represents Twingle donation forms. Twingle Projects are campaigns which get synchronized between Twingle and your CiviCRM instance in both directions. A Twingle Project has three extra sections:
This section shows the external Twingle id, the identifier and the project type (default, event or membership). You can change the project type at any time, but please be aware that your Twingle donation forms will change their appearance depending on what project type is selevted.
Here you can find almost all settings to configure a donation form. Each setting has a help text.
Currently, there is no front end input validation but all settings get validated on server side when the form gets saved. If the validation fails, an error message will be displayed that contains further information. In this case, the form won't get saved.
These settings allow you to specify the payment methods that you want to offer to users for one time and recurring donations.
Currently, the extension only supports to configure PayPal, bank transfer, debit and Sofortüberweisung as one time payment methods and PayPal and debit as recurring payment methods. This may be enhanced in future versions. Nevertheless, you can configure additional payment methods in the TwingleMANAGER – they won't get overwritten by the Twingle Campaign extension.
Please make sure to establish all payment methods in your general TwingleMANAGER settings before you try to configure them for Twingle Projects.