Running the Big Data Platform requires several tools:
- Docker: Docker provides a container engine to run virtualized containers on the host system.
- k3s/k3d: k3s is a minimal Kubernetes distribution. k3d is used to set-up k3s in Docker containers.
- kubectl: kubectl is an application to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
- Helm: A package manager for Kubernetes.
Please install Docker and docker-compose to run the containers.
You find instructions for the Docker installation on their website.
To test the Docker installation you can open a terminal and execute docker run hello-world
On some OS the Docker installation does not include docker-compose. You can find information for the installation here in case you get a message that docker-compose is missing.
Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows.
It makes the installation of the required tools extremely easy.
Follow the instructions to install choco on your system.
Type choco
in a terminal to verify the successful installation.
Now it is possible to install the other tools via:
choco install k3d kubernetes-cli kubernetes-helm
Verify the successful installation of the tools:
choco list -localonly
It is also possible to install the tools without Chocolatey. Please follow the individual installation instructions if you prefer the manual installation:
Ubuntu needs to use the legacy iptables for successful k3s installation (see).
update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy
update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
In case you want to run Kubernetes on a Raspberry Pi additional settings for the kernel are required.
Ubuntu stores the settings in /boot/firmware/
sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
- append
cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory
Install k3d to create a k3s cluster via Docker (see).
wget -q -O - | TAG=v4.0.0 bash
Kubectl allows to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. Installation instructions for kubectl can be found here. The following commands install the tool via the Ubuntu package manager:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https gnupg2 curl
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
Detailed installation instructions for Helm can be found here. The shortest installation on Linux can be done via:
curl | bash
Create a new cluster with name 'dev', consisting of one server and a loadbalancer.
k3d cluster create dev --port 8080:80@loadbalancer --port 8443:443@loadbalancer
K3d provides the following commands to control the cluster after creation:
Stop the cluster: k3d cluster stop <clustername>
Start the cluster: k3d cluster start <clustername>
Delete the cluster: k3d cluster delete <clustername>
Now it is possible to use kubectl to deploy a first example application. Make sure that kubectl works on the k3s cluster by providing the k3s context.
kubectl config use-context k3d-<clustername>
Confirm that the cluster access works.
List the cluster nodes:
kubectl get nodes
Show additional cluster information:
kubectl cluster-info
Deploy an nginx example application to test the cluster accessibility.
Kubernetes can receive instructions either directly via the command line or via .yml
file for more complex cases.
Create a nginx Deployment, which instructs the Kubernetes scheduler to create a nginx pod and observes its availability. In case of pod failure, the Deployment will create new pods.
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
Create a Service to map the service port 80 to the application port 80.
kubectl create service clusterip nginx --tcp=80:80
Create an Ingress via .yml
file to make the application available via the loadbalancer for outside access:
kubectl apply -f
Display the Kubernetes objects with the following commands:
kubectl get deployment nginx
kubectl get service nginx
kubectl get ingress nginx
Change "get" to "describe" to see more details on each object.
The nginx application is now accessible via the webbrowser at localhost:8080/test
Remove the application and associated Kubernets objects with the following commands:
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete service nginx
kubectl delete deployment nginx
Kubernetes will then instruct the scheduler to remove the example application. Shortly after, the access via the browser will no longer work. Use the same commands to verify that each object got removed:
kubectl get deployment nginx
kubectl get service nginx
kubectl get ingress nginx