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But First, Look Around

We found our ITSE305(Pet Shop management System) and ITCS333(Cinema website) projects that were all possible candidates to use as a basis for this project.

Starting from What We Have

We chose to start with our ITCS33(Cinema website) project since we used GitHub with. the website's development process, and all the files are available on GitHub.

Mission Statement

The ITCS476 PROJECT is an open-source software project for the development of webpages. The Dream Cinema website’s goal is to be a reliable and interactive website for Cinema fans. The website is responsive on different devices.

The purpose of the Name

The name of our ITCS333 project was Dream Cinema, and this is what the current project will also be called. Our website’s interface makes the user feel like they found their Dream Cinema. We also have designed an image for our website based on this name.


  • Note that the project is an open-source project.


  • The ability to browse all showing now movie
  • The ability to browse all upcoming movie
  • The user can book a ticket for a certain movie
  • The user can write comments in the movie page


  • Apache 2.2 or 2.4
  • MySql: 5.6 or 5.7
  • PHP 5.6 or PHP 7.x


You can download the source code by visiting the project repository on GitHub

Communications Channel

The best way to communicate in the project is by using the discussion page in the GitHub repository as it is the official communication channel, and you can discuss anything related to the project. In case of urgent things, you should make the title of your discussion (important).

Developer Guidelines

Discussion guideline:

  • You can discuss anything related to the project on the discussion page of the project repository page on GitHub
  • It is not allowed to write bad words.
  • It is not allowed to write anything that would hurt the feelings of any of the team members.
  • It is not allowed to write anything against religions or countries.
  • Any member who writes things that are not allowed will first get a warning, and if he attempts to do this again he will be kicked out of the project.

Steps for bug or issue reports:

1- Enter the project page on GitHub 2- Click on Issues 3- Write the issue key work in the search bar to check if the bug hasn't been reported before 4- If the bug hasn’t been reported, then click on New issue 5- Write the title of the issue and should give a brief idea about the bug 6- Write the issue detail in the comment section, then click on Submit new issue 7- After the issue has been submitted, a team member will review the bug by the first try to reproduce, and if he finds that the issue is real the n he will try to find the cause of this error and then the team will try to fix it .

How project development is done :

1- First make a branch to the project repository, and make the branch name the same as your GitHub name 2- Make the changes to the code in this branch 3- Once you feel that your changes are ready to be added to the project start a pull request by entering the project page in GitHub and clicking on Pull request then click on New pull request. 4- Then the changes will be reviewed by another contributor and if he finds that your changes is ready then the changes will be added to the main repository

Decision-making mechanism:

Currently, the project decision is decided by first having a discussion on the topic and discussing different ideas proposed by the team members and try to find a solution that everyone can agree on, however, if there is no such solution found then the team will conduct a vote through email and then all the votes will be counted the decision will be made.


We use the canned hosting service GitHub ( for our project to host our free software, which provides us with code repositories, bug trackers, version control, development wikis, and links to development mailing lists, and so on. In addition, the user-facing website indicates that the project is open source.

Codes of Conduct

To guide those who wish to participate in our open-source project "Dream Cinema", we have added a code of conduct. Reporting unacceptable behavior is possible. As a team, we are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for everyone and expect to uphold the Code of Conduct. In addition, violators of our open-source code of conduct will be banned from the site. . . .

A guide to participating in the open source "Dream Cinema" project

Our pledge

  • With the open-source project "Cinema Dream", we pledge to make community participation abuse-free for everyone, regardless of gender identity.
  • Throughout our work and interactions, we pledge to contribute to a welcoming environment.
  • Our commitment is to accept responsibility, apologize to those affected by our mistakes, and learn from them.

Our standards

Among the behaviors that contribute to a positive community environment are:

- Be friendly and patient.

Be Welcome: We strive to create a community that is inclusive of all backgrounds and identities. It includes individuals of all races, socioeconomic classes, educational levels, genders, gender identities, ages, political beliefs, religions, etc.

- Respect different opinions and experiences.

Be respectful: We won't always agree, but disagreement isn't an excuse for misbehavior. There will be times when we feel frustrated, but we shouldn't let that frustration turn into a personal attack. In order for society to be productive, people must not feel uncomfortable or threatened. Try to understand the reason for the difference: There are always social and technical disagreements. The key to resolving differences and contrasting viewpoints is to resolve them constructively. Keep in mind that we are all different. It does not mean that someone is wrong if you do not understand why they hold a particular viewpoint. Instead, focus on solving problems and learning from them.

- Be kind to others.

Choose your words carefully: Kindness to others is important. Be respectful of other participants and do not insult them. Exclusionary behavior and harassment are not acceptable.

Unacceptable behavior includes:

  • The use of sexual language or images.
  • A personal attack or derogatory remarks.
  • Harassment in public or private.
  • If you post someone else's private information, such as an email address or physical address, without their express permission, you will be breaking the law.

Enforcement responsibilities

Community leaders are accountable for clarifying and enforcing the rules of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair action if any inappropriate behavior is observed. Comments, commitments, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that violate the Code of Conduct must be removed, edited, or rejected by community leaders.


An individual is required to adhere to this Code of Conduct when representing the community in public and in all community settings. In addition to using an official email address, posting via an official social media account, or serving as a designated representative at an event, you can also represent our community using an official email address.


It is possible to report abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior to community leaders who are responsible for enforcing the law. There will be a prompt and fair review and investigation of all complaints. The community's leaders are obligated to respect reporters' privacy and security.

Enforcement Guidelines

In determining the consequences of any action, they consider to be in violation of this Code of Conduct, community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines:

  1. Correction Impact on the community: Behavior that is deemed inappropriate or unwelcome by the community, such as inappropriate language. Consequences: Warning from community leaders outlining the nature of the violation and explaining why the behavior was inappropriate. There may be a need for a public apology.
  2. Warning Impact on the community: Violations resulting from a single incident or a series of incidents. Consequences: A warning about the consequences of continuing the behavior. Interactions with individuals are not allowed. The violation of these terms may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
  3. Temporary ban Impact on the community: There is a serious violation of community norms, such as persistent inappropriate behavior. Consequences: Temporary restrictions on public interaction or communication with the community. There may be no communication with the individuals in question in public or privately. A ban might be imposed permanently for violations of these rules.
  4. Permanent ban Impact on the community: Demonstrates a pattern of transgressing social norms, such as persistently inappropriate behavior, or criticizing or ridiculing groups of people. Consequence: A permanent ban on all forms of communal interaction with the public.


If our open-source project becomes applicable, we will announce it. On the main site of the project, we will prepare advertisement pages, and then we will post advertisements on the appropriate forums. Our plan is to announce the project on the forums about "Dream Cinema" to ensure we receive the most attention. Our announcement will be short so that it gets to the heart of the matter and explain the announcement as a new project. This announcement hopes to increase both contributors and new users' participation in our open-source project over time, even if it is a slow process.


Is the project completely open source?

Yes, the project is completely open-source, and you can download the code of the software and use it or even join the project and contribute to it .

What is the bar limit for someone to contribute in the project ?

Everyone can join the project and it is not restricted to the only developer as even marketer can join and try to market the software in social media, so wherever the field you ae into don’t be shy just to enter the discussion page of the project and write to us about your skills and we will be happy to discuss with you to contribute to the project in a you that is suitable with you.

What type of developer can contribute to the code?

Any developer can contribute in the following field of code: The PHP part as much of the project is built using PHP HTML,CSS so if you want to contribute to the html page of code you are welcomed Front end JavaScript to contribute in making the project pages more interactive Note that any other type pf developer can contribute to the code if he show us a way that can improve the project such as and AI developer who may have a python script that will help in data analytic in project or something , so the developer should the writhe in the discussion page about his idea and tool and the team will discuss that with him .

What is the programming languages used in the project ?

Html ,CSS , PHP, JavaScript

Developent Status

  • Convert the project from a private to an open-source
  • Some enhancement
  • Write the code
  • Architect and design the system


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