Here are some stuff that I had need to look between a sea of IRC logs. Hope it helps.
- When I tried to compile ngfd-plugin-droid-vibrator it gives an error
go to
and run
git reset —hard 3e2b4fb5b03a6d3db9ca5a41c7091e771f99cc4f
to reset that repo to a healthy point. Then use
rpm/dhd/helpers/ -b hybris/mw/ngfd-plugin-droid-vibrator -s rpm/ngfd-plugin-native-vibrator.spec
and when you run the whole script, skip the vibrator build process (say N).
- Kickstarter file generation failed
rpm2cpio droid-local-repo/$DEVICE/droid-configs/droid-config-$DEVICE-ssu-kickstarts-1-1.armv7hl.rpm | cpio -idmv
Then in the sed command use
instead of
like this:
sed \
"/$HA_REPO/i$HA_DEV —baseurl=file:\/\/$ANDROID_ROOT\/droid-local-repo\/$DEVICE" \
$ANDROID_ROOT/usr/share/kickstarts/$KS \
> $KS
- When I'm about to create the flashable .zip file, I execute this:
sudo mic create fs --arch=$PORT_ARCH \
--record-pkgs=name,url \
--pack-to=sfe-$DEVICE-$RELEASE$EXTRA_NAME.tar.bz2 \
$ANDROID_ROOT/Jolla-@RELEASE@-$DEVICE-@[email protected]
It gives an error about an unrecognized option, simply check your .ks file. In my case it was an "em dash" — that was causing the issue. Replace it with two dashes --
- This appears in dmesg, no GUI is displayed
kgsl kgsl-3d0: |_load_firmware| request_firmware(a530_pm4.fw) failed: -2
Check your defconfig file, for me I needed to enable these flags.
- is not downloading any submodule, so the compilation fails.
Edit this file
Replace this line
git submodule update >>$LOG 2>&1|| die "pulling of updates failed"
with this
git submodule update --init --recursive >>$LOG 2>&1|| die "pulling of updates failed"
rebuild the MW again.
- ERROR: nothing provides gstreamer1.0-omx, gstreamer1.0-libav
Derp error, remember to download and build the desired MW, like this:
cd $ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/mw
git clone
cd gst-omx
git submodule update —init —recursive
rpm/dhd/helpers/ —mw=
cd $ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/mw
git clone
cd gst-libav
git submodule update —init —recursive
rpm/dhd/helpers/ —mw=
- While building I faced this issue:
configure: error: invalid OpenMAX IL target, you must specify one of —with-omx-target={generic,rpi,bellagio}
The patches for sailfishOS weren't being applied, to fix this i had to enforce the %prep stage in mb2.
- Comment out line 930 in /usr/bin/mb2:
- Also remove "--noprep" in line 1128
This argument----
rpmbuild -bc --noprep --short-circuit --build-in-place --define "_sourcedir $(readlink -f rpm)" rpm/test.spec \
Remember to revert this. Or it may cause some problems in the future.
Also, everytime you need to apply a patch in a package, do this to ensure it gets applied.
- git not found
Run this command to fix it
sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper in git
- When building gstreamer, $ANDROID_ROOT/system/core/rootdir/init.rc doesn't contain "service minimedia"
The file you're looking for is located here:
- If your devices uses 32 bits camera binaries. When building gstreamer, this command:
rpm/dhd/helpers/ $DROIDMEDIA_VERSION
says "Please build droidmedia as per HADK instructions"
For some reason it didn't created the 32 bit binaries even if it already has "BOARD_QTI_CAMERA_32BIT_ONLY := true" in any of the *.mk files of your device tree. To fix it run:
echo DROIDMEDIA_32 := true >> external/droidmedia/
Then try to compile it again with
make -jXX libdroidmedia_32 minimediaservice minisfservice
I will be updating this guide. And I know, some thing may be redundant. Will correct them in the future