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Long Tran edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 3 revisions

This page describes in detail what each property does when generating the meshes.

Name Dice Type Default Description
Generate Numbers ALL boolean true If true, numbers are also created. Otherwise, only a blank is created.
Number Scale ALL Float 1.0 Modifies the size of the numbers on the dice.
Number Depth ALL Float 0.75 Specifies how deep the numbers will be in millimeters>
Font ALL String The font file to use for the numbers. Supported extensions are .ttf and .otf. If empty, Blender's built-in Bfont is used.
number 1 Offset ALL Float 0.0 Offsets the vertical alignment of the 1 digit for a more appealing alignment. 0 is no offset, 1 moves the digit to the "left" a distance equal to the width of the digit bounding box. See here on how to find the exact value for a perfect center alignment.
Orientation Indicator D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Enum None or Period The type of indicator to use for the orientation of the 6 and 9 digits. None means no indicator. Period adds a . symbol after the number. Bar adds an underline to the number.
Period Scale D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Float 1.0 Scales the period orientation indicator up or down.
Period Space D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Float 1.0 Scales the space between the period orientation indicator and the number.
Bar Height D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Float 1.0 Scales the height (or thickness) of the underline.
Bar Width D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Float 1.0 Scales the width of the underline. E.g. 1.0 will set the width of the bar to be equal to the width of the number. 2.0 will double it.
Bar Space D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Float 1.0 Scales the space between the underline orientation indicator and the number.
Center Align Bar D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 Boolean true If false, the underline is ignored when centering the number on the die face.
Face2face Length D4Crystal, D6, D8, D10, D100, D12, D20 Float Varies Defines the size of the dice. This is the distance between two opposite faces of a die.
Face2point Length D4 Float 20 Defines the size of the standard D4. This is the distance between a point and the opposite face.
Number Center Offset D4 Float 0.5 Defines how far the numbers are from the center of the face. 0 positions the numbers into the center. 1 positions the numbers on the points of the dice.
Base Height D4Crystal Float 14 The height of the faces of the D4 crystal.
Point Height D4Crystal Float 7 The height of the pyramids at the ends of the D4 crystal.
Edge2edge Length D4Shard Float 12 Distance between two opposite horizontal edges of the D4 shard.
Top Point Height D4Shard Float 0.75
Bottom Point Height D4Shard Float 1.75
Number V Offset D4Shard, D10, D100 Float Varies
Height D10, D100 Float 0.33

TODO add rest of the properties

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