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Use-Scrollbar enables a component relies on a native scrollbar to replace its native scrollbar with a virtual scrollbar instead, NOT virtual scroll.

🎇 Brief

Assuming a 400px height div, you can easily get a div with beautiful virtual scrollbars by simply wrap the div with ElementPlus Scrollbar scrollbars. But none of the popular scrollbar components provide an interface for handling complex elements, that is to say, you cant wrap an complex component with ElementPlus Scrollbar to have its internal native scrollbar replaced with beautiful virtual scrollbars. So you need use-scrollbar.

⚒️ Feature

  • Powerful API, have ability to deal with complex components1, such as vxe-table、ant-vue-table
  • Customizable, so that you can create your own scrollbar style, animation and user interaction
  • Theme, integrated with these style configurations: ElementPlus, Steam, CSS-Tricks ...
  • Full Typed, with the power of typescript
  • Support Vue3 & Vue2
  • WIP Vue Directives
  • WIP Headless Component
  • WIP Github pages for document and preview

and PRs are welcome

📸 Preview

1. Native Scrollbar VS Customized Scrollbar (theme: default)


2. Native Scrollbar VS Customized Scrollbar (theme: css-tricks)


🤹‍♀️ Usage

Simple example

import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import { useScrollbar } from 'use-scrollbars'

const componentOrElementRef = ref(null);
const barStates = useScrollbar(componentOrElementRef, {
  // override default options

// dont forget to import style.css
// in your main.ts (or entry.ts anyway)
import "use-scrollbars/dist/style.css"

Another example

import { watchEffect, onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import { useScrollbar } from 'use-scrollbars'

const componentOrElementRef = ref(null);
const barStates = useScrollbar(componentOrElementRef, {
  // override default options

const componentStates = ref('your-states');
watchEffect(() => {
  if ( === 'your-states') {
    barStates.theme = 'steam'
  } else {

More example on pnpm dev

📦 Install

pnpm install use-scrollbars

🗂️ Document

1. States

1.1. barStates.theme


const theme = 'normal' // 'normal' | 'steam' | 'css-tricks'
barStates.theme = theme

1.2. barStates.offset

改变滚动条相对挂载元素的偏移量。 = 10 // px
barStates.offset.y.right = 10 // px
barStates.offset.x.left = 5 // px
barStates.offset.x.bottom = 5 // px

1.3. barStates.scrollTop

如果传入多个 wrapper,那么 scrollTop 属性等同于这几个 wrapper 对应 DOM 元素的最大的哪个 scrollTop 属性。如果需要滚动 wrapper 中的内容,可以给 scrollTop 设置值,也可以使用 barStates.scrollTo 方法。

1.4. barStates.scrollLeft

类似 barStates.scrollTop

1.5. barStates.isDragging



1.6. barStates.isScrolling



2. Actions

2.1. barStates.init

如果不是通过显式初始化(即 useScrollbar(elem))的方式自动初始化滚动条,那么需要使用 init 方法手动初始化。init 方法提供了对控制滚动区(甚至多个滚动区)所需要的更细致的参数。

const $parent = cmptRef.value.$el.parentElement;
const $wrapper = $parent.querySelector(".content-wrapper");
const $content = $parent.querySelector(".content");

// 详细 API 见类型文档
  mount: cmptRef.value,
  content: [$content],
  // 可以不传,默认为 content 的 上一级父元素
  wrapper: [$wrapper],
  // 可以不传,默认为 wrapper 或 wrapper 的第一个元素
  viewport: $wrapper,

2.2. barStates.visibleOnHover

监听传入元素的鼠标事件,mouseenter 时显示滚动条,mouseleave 时隐藏滚动条。

2.3. barStates.setOffset

根据传入元素的尺寸自动设置滚动条的偏移量。在某些场景非常有用,比如你想改变一个弹窗,其滚动区域为整个弹窗内容区域,但是内容区填充了一个 position:sticky 头部,此时,如果将滚动条直接挂载到弹窗的内容区域,那么 y 轴滚动条的上方偏移量应为头部的高度。你可以在 barStates.setOffset 中传入此头部元素或组件,动态跟踪其高度并自动设置偏移量。


const cmptOrElemRef = ref(null);

  y: {
    top: cmptOrElemRef,

3. Hooks

3.1 useScrollbar

等同于 useScrollbars,用于将一个已有的滚动系统的原生滚动条替换为虚拟滚动条,也是这个库最主要的功能。

3.2 useNativeScrollbar


const nativeBar = useNativeScrollbar()

console.log(nativeBar.thick) // usually 17px in Windows

🚩 Dev

pnpm install
pnpm serve

近期开发路线:接下来会看一下性能方面的优化,以及如何在 Vue2/Vue3 中通用。

📄 License

MIT License


  1. which is not possible with other libraries