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Unity Simulation Setup (only for internal use)

Fernando Cladera edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 10 revisions

NOTE: this page is only for internal use since our Unity-based simulation pipeline has not been released yet.

One may set up the simulator building the code from source or using Docker.

If you are a developer who will make changes to this code stack, building from source is recommended. Otherwise, if you are a user who will NOT make changes to this code stack, using Docker is recommended.

Build from Source

  1. Build the arl-unity-ros simulator: follow the build from source instructions.

    For any errors related to rosflight, try the following:

    cd ~/arl-unity-ros (your arl-unity-ros workspace folder)
    cd src/external/rosflight
    git checkout tags/1.3.1
    cd ../../..
    catkin clean
    catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    If this still does not work, download the file from here, unzip it and use the extracted folder to replace the /src/external/rosflight folder in your workspace, then

    cd ~/arl-unity-ros (your arl-unity-ros workspace folder)
    catkin clean
    catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  2. Build the autonomy stack:

    1. Download third party dependencies: We use vcstool to clone thrid-party repos. You may install it with apt sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool.

      mkdir -p /path/to/your_code_directory
      cd /path/to/your_code_directory
      vcs import < /path/to/kr_autonomous_flight/external.yaml
      vcs pull
    2. Create symbolic links between the simulator and your repo:

      cd ~/arl-unity-ros (or your arl-unity-ros workspace folder)
      cd src
      ln -s /path/to/your_code_directory/* .

      After this, you should be able to see symbolic links of all repos that you just cloned in this folder.

    3. Install dependencies and build everything:

      sudo apt install libnlopt-dev
      sudo apt install libsdl-image1.2-dev
      cd ..
      catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  3. Run the simulation with autonomy stack:

    Open four terminals, in each terminal source arl-unity-ros workspace you just built:

    source ~/arl-unity-ros/devel/setup.bash

    Then, following the instructions in one of the following scenarios according to your application:

    1. Scenario 1: Run in DCIST prebuilt environments + use ground truth pose

      roscd dcist_utils

      Click motors on after you get commands (i.e., when the commands in rqt GUI window become non-zero). Wait for several seconds, click “take off” in rqt GUI, and you should see the UAV take off.

      Troubleshooting If the robot does not take off. You don't have to relaunch. Instead, you can try clicking the rqt GUI again in the following order:

      motors off -> motors on -> take off

      If the robot still does not take off, kill everything and relaunch.

    2. Scenario 2: Customize and run in your own environments + use ground truth pose

      Please go to this link with your SEAS account for the manual, download the script file and use the script and Unity Editor according to the instructions. This manual contains:

      • How to install the UnityHub and configure the correct version of Unity Editor and arl-unity-robotics repository.
      • How to customize your Unity simulation environments (finding suitable objects and placing them; saving the dynamic map as static scene) And the script is used for massively placing objects.

      Click "Play" in Unity Editor.

      roslaunch dcist_utils full_sim_onboard.launch (TODO!)

Use with Docker

  1. Visit arl-unity-ros for pre-built docker images for simulation:

    1. Download and rename docker image

      docker login
      docker pull
      docker tag arl-unity-ros:latest
    2. Download “” and run the following arl-unity-ros:latest
  2. Run Unity simulator with Husky and RVIZ (for checking simulator)

    git clone
    roslaunch arl_unity_ros_ground simulator_with_husky.launch rviz:=true
  3. Visit dcist-platform-supplemental for running robots:


    1. nvidia-docker2 is assumed
    2. Modify /etc/docker/daemon.json
          "default-runtime": "nvidia",
          "runtimes": {
            "nvidia": {
              "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
              "runtimeArgs": []
    3. Access to Xserver
      xhost +
    4. Login to Sitcore with the following port:
      docker login


    • If login fails (e.g. timeout exceeded), set DNS server to and reconnect the internet
  4. Compose the containers and run the simulation

    1. docker-compose the yaml file

      git clone
      cd dcist-platform-supplemental
      git checkout feature/penn-quad
      docker-compose -f falcon_lejeune.yml down
      docker-compose -f falcon_lejeune.yml up
    2. Open a separate terminal and run

      docker attach dcist-platform-supplemental_falcon_gui_1
      roslaunch client_launch client.launch

      In the gui, click motors on

    3. Open a separate terminal and run

      docker attach dcist-platform-supplemental_falcon_bash_1
      source install/setup.bash
      rosrun arl_unity_ros_air __ns:=falcon
    4. Set waypoints in rviz and click short range


    • If you see many error messages, go to dcist-platform-supplemental folder and open falcon_lejeune.yml
    • Go to line 123 and change into sleep 30 (longer time)

General troubleshooting:

  • If semantic segmentation does not work correctly (giving black colored mask instead of the correct color you specify) in Unity simulator, this is usually because you add multi-shader or multi-material objects to the scene. Try downloading the two files here and replace the corresponding two files in arl-unity-robotics/Assets/scripts with those two.