Task2-DGITL Warning: There's an unresolved CORS policy block issue. So, only those request methods that don't require CORS are accessable. Resolved CORS issue 2020/07/11 No need to run a server. All server-side functions code is in the firebase's cloud. If you wish to view the source code of the server you can simply click here: https://github.com/KraKeN-47/Task2-DGITL/tree/master/server/functions If you wish to check the CORS blocked endpoints You can use Postman application. Api's base url: https://europe-west1-car-plate-numbers.cloudfunctions.net/api Endpoints affected due to CORS policy block: '/deleteCarPlate', '/setCarPlate' To start the project you will need: Step 1: install Node.js , Visual Studio code. Step 2: Open the project via VS Code Step 3: While in VS Code open the terminal. In the top left corner click to open a new terminal and type in 'npm install' Step 4: After the installation is complete type in 'npm start' Step 5: There is no step 5