This example checks the expiration date for the SSL Certificates on URL's being monitored and writes a message if the Expiration Date is within a certain number of days.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharpenUp;
using SharpenUp.Models;
using SharpenUp.Requests;
using SharpenUp.Results;
namespace TestApp
class Program
static async Task Main( string[] args )
UptimeRobot robot = new UptimeRobot( "YOUR_API_KEY" );
MonitorsRequest monitorsRequest = new MonitorsRequest
IncludeSSL = true
MonitorsResult monitorsResult = await robot.GetMonitorsAsync( monitorsRequest );
if ( monitorsResult.Error == null && monitorsResult.Monitors?.Count > 0 )
foreach ( Monitor monitor in monitorsResult.Monitors )
if ( monitor.MonitorType == MonitorType.Keyword && monitorsRequest.IncludeSSL )
TimeSpan timeToExpiration = monitor.SSL.Expires - DateTime.UtcNow;
if ( timeToExpiration.TotalDays < 100 )
Console.WriteLine( $"The SSL Certificate for {monitor.FriendlyName} expires on {monitor.SSL.Expires.ToShortDateString()}." );
if ( monitorsResult.Error != null )
Console.WriteLine( $"There was an error: {monitorsResult.Error.Message}" );
Console.WriteLine( "No Monitors Found!" );