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🌦️ Weather Forecast LWC Project 🌍

Overview 🚀

Welcome to the Weather Forecast LWC Project! This Salesforce Lightning Web Component (LWC) app connects to the OpenWeather API to bring you real-time weather updates. The app lets you:

  • Fetch a 5-day weather forecast by entering a city name 🌆.
  • Automatically fetch weather data based on the Billing City of an Account record 🏢.

Key Features

  1. City-Based Weather Forecast 🌇:

    • Enter a city name to get a 5-day weather forecast.
    • Displays temperature, date, and weather conditions in a user-friendly table.
  2. Billing City-Based Weather Forecast 🏙️:

    • Automatically fetches weather data for the Billing City of an Account record.
    • Perfect for Account-specific insights! 🗺️
  3. Reusable Weather Table 🔄:

    • A reusable LWC component that can be used across different parts of your app to display weather data.

How It Works 🔄

  1. City-Based Forecast 🌇:

    • Go to the page with searchWeather and enter a city name.
    • Click Search to display the 5-day forecast in a table.
  2. Billing City Forecast 🏙️:

    • Go to an Account record that has the Billing City filled.
    • The weatherForecastByBillingCity component will automatically show the weather for the Billing City.

Screenshots 📸

City-Based Weather Forecast

City Weather

Billing City Weather Forecast

Billing City Weather

Project Structure 📂

├── force-app/
│   └── main/
│       └── default/
│           ├── aura/
│           ├── classes/
│           │   └── WeatherForecastController.cls
│           ├── lwc/
│           │   ├── SearchWeatherForecoast/
│           │   ├── ForecastByBillingCity/
│           │   └── WeatherTableForecast/
│           └── layouts/
├── .gitignore
└── images/
    ├── SearchWeather.png
    └── BillingCity.png

Setup Instructions 🛠️

1. Prerequisites 📋

  • Salesforce Developer Org or Sandbox (Make sure you have API access enabled).
  • Salesforce CLI installed.
  • OpenWeather API Key (Sign up here to get one).

2. Clone the Repo 📥

git clone
cd Weather-Forecast-LWC

3. Deploy to Salesforce 🚀

sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app

4. Add Remote Site Settings 🔧

Go to SetupRemote Site SettingsNew Remote Site and add:

  • Name: OpenWeatherAPI
  • URL:

5. Replace API Key 🔑

Replace YOUR_API_KEY in the WeatherController Apex class with your actual OpenWeather API key:

String endpoint = '' + cityName + '&appid=YOUR_API_KEY&units=metric';

6. Assign Components 🔲

  • Search Weather Component: Add searchWeather to any Lightning App Page.
  • Billing City Weather Component: Add weatherForecastByBillingCity to an Account Lightning Record Page.

Improvements & Future Enhancements 🚧

  • Error Handling: Add better handling for incorrect city names or empty BillingCity.
  • Secure the API Key: Use Salesforce Custom Metadata or Custom Settings for storing the API key securely.
  • UI Enhancements: Display more weather details like wind speed, humidity, etc.
  • Test Classes: Improve the test coverage for Apex code to ensure reliability.

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request.

Contact 📬

You can reach out to me on the following platforms:

Connect & Follow 🌍

Let’s stay connected and keep building amazing projects together! 🚀