This page describes the C++ VisionConfig API.
This section describes the existing RPCs used in this API.
Service to configure the Vision Module
VisionConfigClient RPCs
Function name | Return type | Input type | Description |
SetSensorSettings | Empty | SensorSettings | Sets sensor settings (resolution, frame rate, etc) |
GetSensorSettings | SensorSettings | SensorIdentifier | Retrieves sensor settings (resolution, frame rate, etc) |
GetOptionValue | OptionValue | OptionIdentifier | Retrieves option value from the sensor |
SetOptionValue | Empty | OptionValue | Writes new value to sensor option |
GetOptionInformation | OptionInformation | OptionIdentifier | Retrieves option information from the sensor |
OnNotificationVisionTopic | NotificationHandle | NotificationOptions | Subscribes to Vision configuration notifications |
DoSensorFocusAction | Empty | SensorFocusAction | Do a focus action |
GetIntrinsicParameters | IntrinsicParameters | SensorIdentifier | Retrieves sensor intrinsic parameters |
GetIntrinsicParametersProfile | IntrinsicParameters | IntrinsicProfileIdentifier | Retrieves sensor intrinsic parameters for a specific profile |
SetIntrinsicParameters | Empty | IntrinsicParameters | Sets sensor intrinsic parameters |
GetExtrinsicParameters | ExtrinsicParameters | Empty | Retrieves sensor extrinsic parameters |
SetExtrinsicParameters | Empty | ExtrinsicParameters | Sets sensor extrinsic parameters |
This section describes the data classes used in this API.
Class | Description |
DistortionCoefficients | Distortion coefficients for sensor intrinsic parameters |
ExtrinsicParameters | Sensor extrinsic parameters |
FocusPoint | Focus point in the X-Y coordinates of the image |
IntrinsicParameters | Sensor intrinsic parameters |
IntrinsicProfileIdentifier | Intrisic parameters profile to retrieve |
ManualFocus | Abstract value that affects the focus distance |
OptionIdentifier | Sensor and the option to configure |
OptionInformation | Information about the optional settings for the chosen sensor |
OptionValue | Value of the particular option for the sensor |
RotationMatrix | Representation of a 3x3 rotation matrix. To be a valid rotation matrix, the rows must be orthonormal (the rows must each have norm of 1 and the row vectors must be orthogonal to each other). The determinant must also be +1. |
RotationMatrixRow | Single row of a 3x3 rotation matrix. To be a valid possible row of a rotation matrix, the norm of the row must be 1 (the sum of the squares of the row elements has to equal 1). |
SensorFocusAction | Focus action to perform for the specified sensor |
SensorIdentifier | Sensor to configure |
SensorSettings | Main sensor settings - resolution, frame rate, bit rate - for the chosen sensor (color or depth). |
TranslationVector | Provides a 3x1 translation vector configuration |
VisionNotification | Notification about a single vision module event |
Enumerator | Description |
BitRate | Maximum encoded bit rate, in Mbps |
FocusAction | Focus action to perform (start/pause continuous, focus now, disable). Supported only with Color sensor. |
FrameRate | Sensor frame rate |
Option | Admissible vision module sensor options. Note that some options are only available for the color sensor and some are only available for the depth sensor. |
Resolution | Sensor resolution. Note that some settings are only for the color sensor and some are only for the depth sensor. |
Sensor | Vision module sensor to configure |
ServiceVersion | Identifies VisionConfig service current version |
VisionEvent | Admissible Vision module events. |