Member values
Member name | Data type | Description |
control_mode | uint32 | Control mode |
joint_speed_soft_limits | float32 | Software joint speed limits |
Member functions
Function name | Return type | Input type | Description |
control_mode() const | uint32 | void | Returns the current value of control_mode. If the control_mode is not set, returns 0. |
set_control_mode() | void | uint32 | Sets the value of control_mode. After calling this, control_mode() will return value. |
clear_control_mode() | void | void | Clears the value of control_mode. After calling this, control_mode() will return the empty string/empty bytes. |
joint_speed_soft_limits_size() const | int | void | Returns the number of elements currently in the field. |
joint_speed_soft_limits() const | int | int index | Returns the element at the given zero-based index. Calling this method with index outside of [0, joint_speed_soft_limits_size()) yields undefined behavior. |
set_joint_speed_soft_limits() | void | (int index, int32 value) | Sets the value of the element at the given zero-based index. |
add_joint_speed_soft_limits() | void | (int32 value) | Appends a new element to the field with the given value. |
clear_joint_speed_soft_limits() | void | void | Removes all elements from the field. After calling this, joint_speed_soft_limits_size() will return zero. |
joint_speed_soft_limits() const | const RepeatedField<int32>& | void | Returns the underlying RepeatedField that stores the field's elements. This container class provides STL-like iterators and other methods. |
mutable_joint_speed_soft_limits() | RepeatedField<int32>* | void | Returns a pointer to the underlying mutable RepeatedField that stores the field's elements. This container class provides STL-like iterators and other methods. |
Parent topic: ControlConfig (C++)