A messy web application that just do his work correctly and in just 50 seconds.
This is a free software, do everythig you want, modify it, change it, share it, BUT:
Be conscious!
You can test a site only if you are the owner or if the owner formally asks you!
I do not take any responsibility of your usage.
This app work only with a site that has form, a site without form will stall this app.
First install nodeJS if you do not already have it, and then run:
:~$ node server.js
so just type on your browser:
Now in front of you there is a very user-friendly and immediate interface (as you can see below), you will understand immediately where you have to copy the target site URI.
This app only accept link with this form:
This form with the "/" at the end will not work:
This is not good: {everything}.com/
If you have a really slow or busy network this application may not work.
<img src="javascript:alert('patchThis')"></img>
' onerror='alert("patchThis")'>
<img src="http://ineeexist.ent" onerror="javascript:alert("patchThis")"/>
<b onmouseover=alert('patchThis')>click me!</b>
<script type="text/vbscript">alert('patchThis')</script>
This is the web interface:
and then in the same page:
this is a result example, shown in another page:
PS: You can try XSS on this application, in fact (for my will) it does not check your input typed the target form
Site Templete created by: https://html5up.net thank you Html5up!