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Background tasks.

In Umbraco 8 there where background task processes that allowed you to run code in the 'background' of the site - really these where within requests of the site.

In core there is more comprehensive background task management.

within Umbraco there are a number helper classes/services to help with the execution of tasks in the background.

[x] Single background task

Code : /BackgroundQueuingTask.cs Queue some code to run in the background - internally this is how the Examine indexes are rebuilt on a background thread.

to access the background queue, inject IBackgroundTaskQueue into your service/class

then you can add items to the queue.

    cancellationToken => DoBackgroundThing(message, cancellationToken));

The method that you push into the queue needs to return a task.

private Task DoBackgroundThing(string message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

[ ] Recurring tasks.

In theory you should be able to impliment code that inherits from RecurringHostedServiceBase but this is not currently possible in the latest nightly build (9.0.0-beta001.20210307.3)