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Listing bots and phone numbers

You can determine which phone numbers are bound to bots using the Powershell scripts below.

Prerequisites: To use the Powershell scripts below, you will need to additionally install the armclient tool using one of these methods:

  • Chocolatey:

choco install armclient --source=

  • Scoop:

scoop install armclient

  1. Log in to Azure using armclient as follows:
armclient login
  1. Copy the ARM token to clipboard. You will use it as one of the parameters to the Powershell scripts below:
armclient token
  1. The following script will list all bots with Telephony configured. The script expects two parameters:
  • subscription id
  • token (from armclient token call above)
# List all bots with Telephony configured
param ($subscription, $token)

$headers = @{
    Authorization="Bearer $token"

$output = az resource list --subscription $subscription --query "[?type=='Microsoft.BotService/botServices'].{name:name,rg:resourceGroup}" | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach($item in $output){
    $resourceGroup = $item.rg
    $bot = $

    $botdetail = az bot show -n $bot -g $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription | ConvertFrom-Json

    if($ -contains "telephony"){

        $url = ""+ $subscription + "/resourceGroups/" + $resourceGroup + "/providers/Microsoft.BotService/botServices/" + $bot +"/channels/TelephonyChannel?api-version=2020-06-02"

        $properties = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        foreach($prop in $properties){
            $phoneNumbers = [string]::Join(",",($ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty phoneNumber))
            write-output ("{0}: [{1}]" -f $bot, $phoneNumbers)


.\listBots.ps1 839d0dee-dc2c-4022-b9fd-9b949aced033 ey..XYZ
  1. The following script will list phone numbers associated with a given bot. The script expects two parameters:
  • subscription id
  • resource group
  • bot id
  • token (from armclient token call above)
# List phone numbers associated with a given bot
param ($subscription, $resourceGroup, $bot, $token)

$botdetail = az bot show -n $bot -g $resourceGroup --subscription $subscription | ConvertFrom-Json

$url = ""+ $subscription + "/resourceGroups/" + $resourceGroup + "/providers/Microsoft.BotService/botServices/" + $bot +"/channels/TelephonyChannel?api-version=2020-06-02"

$headers = @{
    Authorization="Bearer $token"

if($ -contains "telephony"){
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers
    foreach($item in $response){
        $phoneNumbers = [string]::Join(",",($ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty phoneNumber))
        write-output ("[{0}]" -f $phoneNumbers)


.\listPhoneNumbers.ps1 839d0dee-dc2c-4022-b9fd-9b949aced033 Telephony-bots my-testbot ey..XYZ