Responsible for controlling led module. Gathers data about power consumption and light intensity using energy meter and light sensor then uses 10V PWM to dim the ligth. Can turn off/on light using relay based on peaople presence that is detected using PIR motion sensor. Measured sensor data is send to LocalRpi via BLE (bluetooth low energy), it acts as a server and sends data when LocalRpi asks for it. Implemented on ESP32 devkit board.
Uses (PZEM-004t v3)( for garhering data: voltage, current, power, energy, frequency and power factor. Commenicates via ModbusRTU interface. For handling this device PZEM-004T-v30 library is used.
Uses BH1750 digital sensor with
Uses PIR HC-SR501 sensor and digital input pin to read if motion was detected.
Uses nanopb C library. Files are generated manually using protoc and must be put in include
and src
directories, for convenience use script.
chmod 777
Use PlatformioIO to build and install code to board. For convenience use VSCode plugin.