Thank you very much for considering contributing to this project. Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is a volunteer driven non-profit and we really rely on the community for our success. We welcome and encourage contributors of all skill levels to be a part of our development community and we are committed to making sure your participation in our community is enjoyable and rewarding. If you have never contributed to an open source project before, we are the perfect place to start and will make sure you are supported every step of the way. If you have any questions, please ask!
There are many ways to contribute to a project, below are some examples:
- Report bugs, offer ideas, and/or request features by creating “Issues” in the project repository.
- Fork the code and play with it, whether you later choose to make a pull request or not.
- Create pull requests for changes that you think are needed. From typos and wording changes, to significant new features or major design flaws, you will find lots of opportunities to contribute improvement.
- Review or submit language translations.
All of HOT's projects fall under the general HOT Community Code of Conduct, which is in part based on the well known Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
The short version is:
- Use welcoming and inclusive language
- Be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accept constructive criticism
- Focus on what is best for the community and the project
- Show empathy toward other community members
The main tool to manager the Tasking Manager Software is through its repository on Github. Attached to this repository there is an issue queue, where most communication, planning and reporting of errors is happening. Feel free to take part in these conversations
All kind of contributions are welcome and the issue queue the best way to get started. We have specific guide for contributing to the taksing Manger with: