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diff --git a/qmra/templates/index.html b/qmra/templates/index.html
index dc6b47f..dab3883 100644
--- a/qmra/templates/index.html
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- Welcome to the QMRA Tool for Water Reuse
- This tool is designed to support Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) for human health in the
Welcome to the QMRA Tool for Water Reuse
This tool is designed to support Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) for human health in the
context of water reuse. Whether you're evaluating the safety of treated wastewater or other reclaimed
- water sources, this tool helps you assess potential health risks associated with microbial contaminants.
- Free and User-Friendly
- Our QMRA tool is completely free to use, offering you a powerful resource to assess microbial risks in
- water reuse schemes. You can use the tool without logging in, making it quick and easy to get started.
- Enhanced Features for Registered Users
- If you choose to log in, you'll unlock additional features that enhance your experience:
+ water sources, this tool helps you assess potential health risks associated with microbial contaminants.
Free and User-Friendly
Our QMRA tool is completely free to use, offering you a powerful resource to assess microbial risks in
+ water reuse schemes. You can use the tool without logging in, making it quick and easy to get started.
Enhanced Features for Registered Users
If you choose to log in, you'll unlock additional features that enhance your experience:
- Save Your Assessments: Store your risk assessments for future reference.
- Compare Results: Analyze and compare multiple risk assessments side by side.
- Export Options: Download and share your results in convenient formats.
- With or without an account, this tool provides robust risk estimations. Let's get started on your risk
- assessment journey!
+ With or without an account, this tool provides risk estimations. Let's get started on your risk
+ assessment journey!
diff --git a/raw_public_data/tbl_treatment.csv b/raw_public_data/tbl_treatment.csv
index 04d7014..2efedde 100644
--- a/raw_public_data/tbl_treatment.csv
+++ b/raw_public_data/tbl_treatment.csv
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ id,name,group,description
29,"UV disinfection 40 mJ/cm2, drinking","Primary disinfection","UV-light is mostly effective at 254 nm where it affects DNA or RNA thus preventing reproduction of the organism (inactivation). Log reduction for drinking water UV is based on closed UV-reactors wich have been validated according to appropriate standards (e.g. USEPA or DVGW). Effectiveness of disinfection depends on delivered fluence (dose in mJ/cm2), which varies with lamp intensity, exposure time (flow rate) and UV-absorption by the water (organics). Excessive turbidity and certain dissolved species inhibit this process; hence, turbidity should be kept below 1 NTU to support effective disinfection."
1,"Conventional clarification","Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation","Consists of coagulant and/or flocculant aid (e.g. polymer) dosing, rapid mixing, slow mixing and sedimentation. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings."
2,"Dissolved air flotation","Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation","Compressed air is injected in the water such that air bubbles bring suspended solids to the water surface where they are skimmed off. Coagulant may be dosed. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings."
-3,"High-rate clarification","Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation","Consists of coagulant and/or flocculant aid (e.g. polymer) dosing, mixing and enhanced sedimentation by flock blankets, lamellae- or tube settlers. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings."
+3,High-rate clarification,"Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation","Consists of coagulant and/or flocculant aid (e.g. polymer) dosing, mixing and enhanced sedimentation by flock blankets, lamellae- or tube settlers. Log removal depends on process optimisation. Rapid changes in source water quality such as turbidity increase due to monsoon rainfall or algeal blooms may decrease treatment effect and require adjustment of process settings."
4,"Lime softening","Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation","Lime is dosed to the water to reduce hardness. When flocks are formed, they can entrap pathogens. Note that the technical design of the softening process affects the log reduction. e.g. pellet-softening has no effect on pathogens."
5,"Granular high-rate filtration","Filtration","Water is filtered through a fixed bed of granular media (e.g. sand) generally operatied down flow with rates of 5 to 20 m/h and contact times of 4 to 15 minutes. They are regularly backwashed to remove built up solids in the filter. Log removal depends on filter media and coagulation pretreatment;consistent low filtered water turbidity of ? 0.3 NTU (none to exceed 1 NTU)
are associated higher log removal of pathogens"