This is the LaserCraft app project, it is responsible for taking images and sending them to our laser engraving machine!
With this app, you can either select an image from you galery, or take a picture with your camera, then a preview of the engraved image will be shown, you can either then engrave the image, you use another one!
This project is a native mobile app, developed using the jetpack compose framework
This is a quite simple app, it takes an image, either from the galery of from the cellphone camera and send it to the api. Then, it starts listening on an mqtt topic where the preview of the gcode will be published.
Once an image is published in the topic, it shows it to the user who can then ask to engrave it, in which case the app sends a http request to another route on the api, or send another image.
Once you've opened this project up on Android Studio a file called
should be automatically generated for you. In this file, you
need to configure the connection to the api and mqtt server. You can do so
pasting the following in this file:
# api connection
# mqtt connection
Feel free to change this configs the way suits you best!