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General Linux Guide

To build Cataclysm from source you will need at least a C++ compiler, some basic developer tools, and necessary build dependencies. The exact package names vary greatly from distro to distro, so this part of the guide is intended to give you higher-level understanding of the process.


You have three major choices here: GCC, Clang and MXE.

  • GCC is almost always the default on Linux systems so it's likely you already have it
  • Clang is usually faster than GCC, so it's worth installing if you plan to keep up with the latest experimentals
  • MXE is a cross-compiler, so of any importance only if you plan to compile for Windows on your Linux machine

(Note that your distro may have separate packages e.g. gcc only includes the C compiler and for C++ you'll need to install g++.)

Cataclysm is targeting C++11 standard and that means you'll need a compiler that supports it. You can easily check if your version of g++ supports C++11 by running:

$ g++ --std=c++11
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

If you get a line like:

g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘--std=c++11’

This means you'll need a newer version of GCC (g++).

The general rule is the newer the compiler the better.


Most distros seem to package essential build tools as either a single package (Debian and derivatives have build-essential) or a package group (Arch has base-devel). You should use the above if available. Otherwise you'll at least need make and figure out the missing dependencies as you go (if any).

Besides the essentials you will need git.

If you plan on keeping up with experimentals you should also install ccache, which will considerably speed-up partial builds.


There are some general dependencies, optional dependencies and then specific dependencies for either curses or tiles builds. The exact package names again depend on the distro you're using, and whether your distro packages libraries and their development files separately (e.g. Debian and derivatives).

Rough list based on building on Arch:

  • General: gcc-libs, glibc, zlib, bzip2
  • Optional: lua51, gettext
  • Curses: ncurses
  • Tiles: sdl2, sdl2_image, sdl2_ttf, sdl2_mixer, freetype2

E.g. for curses build on Debian and derivatives you'll also need libncurses5-dev.

Note on optional dependencies:

  • gettext - for localization support; if you plan to only use English you can skip it
  • lua - for full-fledged mods; you'll probably prefer to have it

You should be able to figure out what you are missing by reading the compilation errors and/or the output of ldd for compiled binaries.

Make flags

Given you're building from source you have a number of choices to make:

  • NATIVE= - you should only care about this if you're cross-compiling
  • RELEASE=1 - without this you'll get a debug build (see note below)
  • TILES=1 - with this you'll get the tiles version, without it the curses version
  • SOUND=1 - if you want sound; this requires TILES=1
  • LOCALIZE=0 - this disables localizations so gettext is not needed
  • LUA=1 - this enables Lua support; needed only for full-fledged mods
  • CLANG=1 - use Clang instead of GCC
  • CACHE=1 - use ccache

There is a couple of other possible options - feel free to read the Makefile.

If you have a multi-core computer you'd probably want to add -jX to the options, where X should roughly be twice the number of cores you have available.

Example: make -j4 CLANG=1 CCACHE=1 NATIVE=linux64 RELEASE=1 TILES=1

The above will build a tiles release explicitly for 64 bit Linux, using Clang and ccache and 4 parallel processes.

Example: make -j2 LOCALIZE=0

The above will build a debug-enabled curses version for the architecture you are using, using GCC and 2 parallel processes.

Note on debug: You should probably always build with RELEASE=1 unless you experience segfaults and are willing to provide stack traces.


Instructions for compiling on a Debian-based system. The package names here are valid for Ubuntu 12.10 and may or may not work on your system.

Building instructions, below, always assume you are running them from the Cataclysm:DDA source directory.

Linux (native) ncurses builds


  • ncurses
  • build essentials


sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev build-essential




Cross-compiling to linux 32-bit from linux 64-bit


  • 32-bit toolchain
  • 32-bit ncurses


sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 lib32stdc++-dev g++-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev



make NATIVE=linux32

Cross-compile to Windows from Linux



sudo apt-get install autoconf bison flex cmake git automake intltool libtool scons yasm
mkdir -p ~/src/mxe
git clone -b stable ~/src/mxe
cd ~/src/mxe
make gcc glib



make CROSS=i686-pc-mingw32-

Linux (native) SDL builds


  • SDL
  • SDL_ttf
  • freetype
  • build essentials


sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libfreetype6-dev build-essential



make TILES=1

Cross-compile to Windows SDL from Linux



sudo apt-get install autoconf bison flex cmake git automake intltool libtool scons yasm
mkdir -p ~/src/mxe
git clone -b stable ~/src/mxe
cd ~/src/mxe
make sdl sdl_ttf



make TILES=1 CROSS=i686-pc-mingw32-

Mac OS X

To build Cataclysm on Mac you'll need Command Line Tools for Xcode and the Homebrew package manager. With Homebrew, you can easily install or build Cataclysm using the Cataclysm forumla on Homebrew Games.

Simple build using Homebrew

Once you have Homebrew installed, open Terminal and run one of the following commands.

For a curses build:

brew install homebrew/games/cataclysm

For a tiles build:

brew install homebrew/games/cataclysm --with-tiles

For an experimental curses build:

brew install homebrew/games/cataclysm --HEAD

For an experimental tiles build:

brew install homebrew/games/cataclysm --with-tiles --HEAD

Whichever build you choose, Homebrew will install the appropriate dependencies as needed. The installation will be in /usr/local/Cellar/cataclysm with a symlink named cataclysm in /usr/local/bin.

To launch Cataclysm, just open Terminal and run cataclysm.

To update an experimental build, you must uninstall Cataclysm, then reinstall using one of the above commands. If you want to keep your saved games, be sure to backup the folder /usr/local/Cellar/cataclysm/HEAD/libexec/save first, then uninstall Cataclysm using the command:

brew rm cataclysm

Advanced info for Developers

For most people, the simple Homebrew installation is enough. For developers, here are some more technical details on building Cataclysm on Mac OS X.


SDL2, SDL2_image, and SDL2_ttf are needed for the tiles build. Cataclysm can be built using either the SDL framework, or shared libraries built from source.

The SDL framework files can be downloaded here:

Copy SDL2.framework, SDL2_image.framework, and SDL2_ttf.framework to /Library/Frameworks or /Users/name/Library/Frameworks.

Alternatively, SDL shared libraries can be installed using a package manager:

For Homebrew:

brew install sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf

For MacPorts:

sudo port install libsdl2 libsdl2_image libsdl2_ttf

ncurses and gettext

ncurses (with wide character support enabled) and gettext are needed if you want to build Cataclysm with localization.

For Homebrew:

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install gettext ncurses
brew link --force gettext ncurses

Then, after compiling, be sure to unlink these libraries to prevent conflicts with the OS X shared libraries:

brew unlink gettext ncurses

For MacPorts:

sudo port install gettext ncurses
hash -r


The Cataclysm source is compiled using make.

Make options

  • NATIVE=osx build for OS X. Required for all Mac builds.
  • OSX_MIN=version sets -mmacosx-version-min= (for OS X > 10.5 set it to 10.6 or higher); omit for 10.5.
  • TILES=1 build the SDL version with graphical tiles (and graphical ASCII); omit to build with ncurses.
  • FRAMEWORK=1 (tiles only) link to SDL libraries under the OS X Frameworks folders; omit to use SDL shared libraries from Homebrew or Macports.
  • LOCALIZE=0 disable localization (to get around possible gettext errors if it is not setup correctly); omit to use gettext.
  • LANGUAGES="<lang_id_1>[lang_id_2][...]" compile localization files for specified languages. e.g. LANGUAGES="zh_CN zh_TW"
  • RELEASE=1 build an optimized release version; omit for debug build.
  • CLANG=1 build with Clang, the compiler that's included with the latest Command Line Tools for Xcode; omit to built using gcc/g++.
  • MACPORTS=1 build against dependencies installed via Macports, currently only gettext and ncurses.
  • USE_HOME_DIR=1 places user files (config, saves, graveyard, etc) in the user's home directory. For curses builds, this is /Users/<user>/.cataclysm-dda, for SDL builds it is /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Cataclysm.

In addition to the options above, there is an app make target which will package the tiles build into, a complete tiles build in a Mac application that can run without Terminal.

For more info, see the comments in the Makefile.

Make examples

Build a release SDL version using Clang without gettext:


Build a release SDL version using Clang, link to libraries in the OS X Frameworks folders, don't use gettext, and package it into


Build a release curses version with gettext supplied by Macports:


Compiling localization files

If you just want to compile localization files for specified languages, you can add LANGUAGES="<lang_id_1>[lang_id_2][...]" option to make command:

make LANGUAGES="zh_CN zh_TW"

You can get the language ID from the filenames of *.po in lang/po directory. Setting LOCALIZE=1 may not tell make to compile those localization files for you.


For curses builds:


For SDL:


For app builds, launch from Finder.


ISSUE: crash on startup due to libint.8.dylib aborting

If you're compiling on Mountain Lion or above, it won't be possible to run successfully on older OS X versions due to libint.8 / pthreads version issue.


"There's another issue with building on Lion or Mountain Lion using either "native" or the 10.7 SDK: Apple has updated the pthreads implementation to provide recursive locking. This would be good except that Gettext's libintl uses this and if the pthreads implementation doesn't provide it it fabricates its own. Since the Lion pthreads does provide it, libintl links the provided function and then crashes when you try to run it against an older version of the library. The simplest solution is to specify the 10.6 SDK when building on Lion, but that won't work on Mountain Lion, which doesn't include it. See below for how to install and use XCode 3 on Lion and later for building applications compatible with earlier versions of OSX."

Workaround: install XCode 3 like that article describes, or disable localization support in Cataclysm so gettext/libint are not dependencies. Or else simply don't support OS X versions below 10.7.

ISSUE: Colors don't show up correctly

Open Terminal's preferences, turn on "Use bright colors for bold text" in "Preferences -> Settings -> Text"