Releases: JumpMind/symmetric-ds
Releases · JumpMind/symmetric-ds
- Add NCHAR type to triggers for SQL-Server
- Fix loading of arrays on PostgreSQL
- Fix connection leak when group link is added
- Auto resolve of missing foreign key on load only and extract only
- Fixes to work with MySQL 8 JDBC driver
- Fix escaping of special characters publishing to Kafka
- Fix "token unknown" error on Firebird
- Switched to session_context on SQL-Server for better compatibility
- Select date/timestamp without using functions on initial load for performance
- Fixed auto resolve to work with binary primary keys
- Fixed startup issue with Docker image
- Fixed result closed error on Firebird
- Conflict resolver inclusion of unique key and win/lose foreign key chain
- Fixes for multi-primary replication and initial load
- Postgres improved conflict resolution to avoid aborted transactions
- DB2 support for XML data type
- DB2 z/OS support for loop prevention and CLOB data type
- Fixes for conflicts during initial load
- Added https.need.client.auth property for enabling client TLS cert authentication
- Auto resolve conflict for blocking row that is self-referencing foreign key
- Fixed partial reloads from sending too many rows when table has self-referencing foreign key
- Fixed identifiers on Oracle server in compatibility mode
- Fixed error in conflict detection for LOB/TEXT data types
- Fixed Kafka/Confluent modules installation
- Code cleanup for miscellaneous null pointer exceptions
- Ingres database support is now enabled
- Optimized a query used during purge job
- Fixed various HTTP/2 problems, including backwards compatibility with 3.11 and older
- Kafka integration bug fixes
- Added authentication for JMX with option for localhost only
- Fixed custom before trigger text usage
- Fixed MS SQL binary types in primary key
- Conflict resolution based on newer capture time, now the system default
- Modules system for smaller download size and flexibility
- Upgraded to HTTP/2 for more efficient use of network and better security
- Lock out of nodes when too many failed login attempts
- Fixed index on sym_data to be unique, which will help execution plans
- Improved Oracle triggers to handle multiple character sets
- Upgraded to log4j2 logging system