diff --git a/cspell.json b/cspell.json
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--- a/cspell.json
+++ b/cspell.json
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
+ "declutter",
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@
+ "fileoverview",
@@ -280,6 +282,7 @@
+ "reimplementation",
@@ -327,6 +330,7 @@
+ "stackoverflow",
@@ -341,10 +345,12 @@
+ "tevye",
+ "typerunner",
diff --git a/src/assets/blog/tevye-dancing.webp b/src/assets/blog/tevye-dancing.webp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7436fdcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/blog/tevye-dancing.webp differ
diff --git a/src/content/blog/if-i-wrote-a-linter/index.mdx b/src/content/blog/if-i-wrote-a-linter/index.mdx
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+pubDate: 2024-09-13
+description: "Why I'd write a TypeScript linter in TypeScript, build in TypeScript syntax and type awareness always, and other musings on the state of web linting in 2024."
+ alt: "Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof TODO_ACTIVITY"
+ src: "~/assets/blog/sisyphus.jpg"
+title: "If I Wrote a Linter"
+import tevyeDancing from "~/assets/blog/tevye-dancing.webp";
+import LabeledImage from "~/components/blog/mdx/LabeledImage.astro";
+import LabeledVideo from "~/components/blog/mdx/LabeledVideo.astro";
+> # 🛑 **THIS IS JUST A DRAFT.**
+> I need to run it by other developers in the linter ecosystem.
+> It might be horribly wrong and it might be horribly misrepresenting reality.
+> Please don't take it seriously!
+Anybody who works with a project long enough inevitably fantasizes about rebuilding it themselves.
+Part of that is natural human _"Not Built Here"_ syndrome.
+Part is because any one person will have different drives and goals than the person or group of people in charge of the tool- even if they are one of them.
+And part is the inevitable struggle of long lived tools simultaneously trying to preserve legacy support and keep up with industry trends in real time.
+I've been working on TypeScript linting for a while.
+I started contributing to [TSLint](https://palantir.github.io/tslint) community projects in 2016 and am now a number of the [typescript-eslint](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint) and [ESLint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint) teams.
+I enjoy both those projects.
+This post isn't to rebuttal of either project or their direction, just my idle fantasizing about what could be.
+## Core Architecture
+This is how I would choose to build a linter in 2024.
+### TypeScript Core
+It is my sincere belief that **the standard linter for an ecosystem should be written in the standard flavor of that ecosystem's primary language**.
+For the web ecosystem, that means TypeScript.
+I love the speed gains of native-speed tooling such as Biome and Oxc.
+Those are fantastic projects run by excellent teams, and they serve a real use case of ultra-fast tooling.
+But I think the following reasons around _developer_ and _ecosystem_ compatibility weigh me preferring JavaScript flavor for the core linter and its plugins.
+#### Developer Compatibility
+One of the best parts of modern linters is the ability for teams to write custom rules in their linter.
+Lint rules are self-contained exercises in using ASTs.
+The linter is an important entry point for many developers to enter the wonderful world of tooling.
+Using an alternative language for linter restricts development to developers who are familiar with both languages.
+Most developers writing TypeScript, a high-level memory-managed VM language, aren't also familiar -let alone confident- with Rust, a low-level bare metal language.
+One compromise that Rust linters will likely come to is allowing third-party rules to be written easily in TypeScript.
+That solves some of the issue.
+But that also bifurcates the lint ecosystem: any JavaScript/TypeScript developer who isn't confident in Rust will only be able to contribute to a likely small slice of the linter's ecosystem.
+#### Ecosystem Compatibility
+Most libraries for any ecosystem are written exclusively for that ecosystem's one primary runtime.
+Third-party lint rules, especially those specific to a framework, often end up using those utilities.
+Writing JavaScript/TypeScript lint rules in JavaScript/TypeScript guarantees the lint rules have access to the same set of utilities userland code uses.
+Having to cross the bridge between JavaScript/TypeScript and Rust for a JavaScript/TypeScript would be an added tax to development and maintenance.
+## Type Aware, Always
+[typescript-eslint's Typed Linting](https://typescript-eslint.io/getting-started/typed-linting) is the most powerful JavaScript/TypeScript linting in common use today.
+Lint rules that use type information are significantly more capable than traditional, AST-only rules.
+Many popular lint rules have ended up either dependent on typed linting or having to deal with known bugs or feature gaps without typed linting.[^eslint-plugin-react-hooks-detection-typed-linting][^eslint-plugin-vitest-valid-type-type-checking]
+But, typed linting is not an easy feature for many users right now.
+The divide between untyped core rules and _only some_ typed rules is painful for the ecosystem:
+- Core rules are less powerful than they could be
+- Extension rules have to choose between being fast and easy to set up vs. slow and type-aware
+- ESLint core isn't structured for cross-file linting, so there are known typed linting performance woes[^rfc-feat-parsing-session-objects] and blatant editor extension bugs[^vscode-eslint-cross-file-information]
+Even if you do understand typed linting, you have to go through an additional setup on top of your config's TypeScript configuration.
+Setting it up without hitting typed linting's common configuration pitfalls[^tseslint-troubleshooting-typed-linting] is not a straightforward task.
+On the other hand, if rules can always assume type awareness, the linting story becomes much simpler:
+- Core rules don't need to be delegated to or duplicated by plugins to add in typed linting support
+- Extension rules don't have to choose an awkward dependency on a non-core parser for type information
+- The core linter architecture can be optimized for type-checked linting performance
+For this always-type-aware-world, I envision projects effectively always having [typescript-eslint's new Project Service](https://typescript-eslint.io/blog/announcing-typescript-eslint-v8#project-service) enabled.
+And because the core can optimize for it, it wouldn't have performance issues from including "out-of-project" files.
+All files could be linted with type information!
+What a wonderful world that would be.
+### TypeScript For Type Awareness
+TypeScript is the only tool that can provide full TypeScript type information for JavaScript or TypeScript code.
+Every public effort to recreate it is either abandoned[^stc-abandoned] or stalled[^typerunner-stalled].
+The closest publicly known effort right now is [Ezno](https://github.com/kaleidawave/ezno), which is a very early stage language and has a long way to go.
+TypeScript is a huge project under active development from a funded team of incredibly dedicated, experienced Microsoft employees -- as well as an active community of power users and contributors.
+The TypeScript team receives the equivalent of _millions of dollars a year_ in funding from employee compensation alone.
+A new version of TypeScript that adds type checking bugfixes and features releases every three months.
+Can you imagine the Herculean difficulty of any team trying to keep up with TypeScript?
+I hope for a day when there is a tool that can reasonably compete with TypeScript.
+Competition is good for an ecosystem.
+But it's going to be _years_ until a tool like that can develop.
+### No Type Checking Shortcuts
+It'd be great to avoid the performance cost of a full TypeScript API call.
+One workaround could be to support only limited type retrievals: effectively only looking at what's visible in the AST.
+I'd wager you could get somewhat far with basic AST checks in a file for many functions, and even further with a basic TypeScript parser that builds up a scope manager for each file and effectively looks up where identifiers are declared.
+Sadly, an AST-only type lookup system falls apart fairly quickly in the presence of any complex TypeScript types (e.g. conditional or mapped types).
+Most larger TypeScript projects end up using complex types _somewhere_ in the stack.
+Any modern ORM (e.g. [Prisma](https://github.com/prisma/prisma), [Supabase](https://github.com/supabase/supabase)) or schema validation library (e.g. [Arktype](https://github.com/arktypeio/arktype), [Zod](https://github.com/colinhacks/zod)) employs conditional types and other shenanigans.
+Not being able to understand those types blocks rules from understanding any code referencing those types.
+Inconsistent levels of type-awareness would be very confusing for users.
+A full type system such as TypeScript's is the only way path to fully working lint rules that perform any go-to-definition or type-dependent logic.
+### TypeScript's Assignability APIs
+One shortcut in reimplementing TypeScript could be to only implement part of it.
+Typed linters haven't traditionally needed type errors, just type retrievals.
+Reducing scope for a TypeScript reimplementation could make it achievable outside of the TypeScript team.
+However, typescript-eslint will soon start using TypeScript's type _assignability_ APIs too.[^tseslint-discussion-intent-to-use-checker-is-type-assignable-to]
+That means any TypeScript API replacement would have to not just _retrieve_ the types of AST nodes, but also be able to perform _assignability_ checking (i.e. compare them).
+TypeScript's type retrievals and type assignability are a majority of the tricky logic within the core type checker.
+At this point, the scope reduction from excluding type error reporting isn't enough to make me much less pessimistic about reimplementation efforts landing soon.
+## Built-In TypeScript Parsing
+ESLint is one of the few common modern JavaScript utilities that doesn't support TypeScript syntax out-of-the-box.
+To add support, your configuration must use typescript-eslint.
+Even if you bypass creating your configuration yourself by using a creation tool such as [`@eslint/create-config`](https://www.github.com/eslint/create-config), you'll still come across that complexity whenever you need to meaningfully edit that config file.
+More inconvenient long-term is the inability of core ESLint rules to understand TypeScript types or concepts.
+That's led to the concept of "extension rules" in typescript-eslint[^extension-rules]: rules that replace built-in rules.
+Extension rules are confusing for users and inconvenient to work with for both maintainers and users.
+I'm excited that ESLint is rethinking its TypeScript support[^rethinking-typescript-support-in-eslint].
+Hopefully, once the ESLint rewrite comes out, we'll be able to declutter userland configs and deduplicate the extension rules.
+If I wrote a linter, it would support TypeScript natively.
+No additional packages or "extension" rules.
+The core parser would be TypeScript's, and core rules would understand TypeScript syntax and types.
+### Probably TypeScript's AST
+ESLint's AST representation is [ESTree](https://github.com/estree/estree).
+`@typescript-eslint/parser` works by parsing code using TypeScript's parser into TypeScript's AST, then recursively creating a "TSESTree" (ESTree + TypeScript nodes) structure roughly adhering to ESTree from that.
+Every so often, a tooling aficionado will notice this parse-and-convert duplication and suggest removing one of the two trees to improve performance.
+First off, the cost of parsing two ASTs out of source code has never been the relevant bottleneck in any linted project I've seen.
+Parse time is practically always dwarfed by type-checked linting time[^tseslint-pr-new-eslint-parser-on-swc].
+Runtime performance is not a real reason to avoid the parse-and-convert.
+Second, both of those ASTs are useful:
+- ESTree: means lint rules have no dependency on the corporate-backed TypeScript -- they are compatible with ESLint core
+ - One of the main downsides of TSLint being based on TypeScript's AST was having to rewrite every ESLint/ESTree-based lint rule for TSLint
+- TypeScript's: must be used for AST nodes passed to TypeScript APIs, most notably for typed linting
+The main downside of this dual-tree format is the complication for linter teams and lint rule authors working with TypeScript APIs.
+On the typescript-eslint team, we've had to dedicate a bit of time for every TypeScript AST change to update node conversion logic.
+For lint rule authors, having to convert TSESTree nodes to their TS counterparts before passing to TypeScript APIs is an annoyance.
+We've written utilities to help with common cases[^tseslint-pr-type-checker-wrapper-apis] but the conceptual overhead alone is bad enough.
+Now that typed linting is stable in typescript-eslint and Flow is explicitly not targeting competing with TypeScript for public mindshare[^flow-blog-clarity-on-direction], I'm leaning towards preferring a TypeScript AST shape for core.
+We should be making the acts of writing lint rules and adding type awareness to lint rules as streamlined as possible.
+Especially given my desire for built-in type awareness, I think the tradeoff of having to depend on TypeScript is worth it.
+## Embeddable by Design
+Right now, most web projects that employ both linting and type checking run them separately in CI.
+Projects typically either run them in parallel across two workflows or in series within the same workflow.
+That's inefficient.
+You either use an extra workflow or take roughly twice as long to run.
+The root problem is that projects typically don't connect the type information generated by TypeScript to typed linting in ESLint.
+Designing an embeddable linter is not a straightforward problem.
+A TypeScript plugin isn't sufficient for all projects.
+What if a project lints non-TypeScript files, such as JSON or YML, that the type checker won't run on?
+What if those files include embedded snippets that may run with type information, such as fenced ```ts
code blocks in Markdown?
+I haven't had time to deeply investigate how to deduplicate type checking work would work well.
+[typescript-eslint-language-service](https://github.com/Quramy/typescript-eslint-language-service) is a direction I'd already like to explore in working more closely with typescript-eslint.
+[TSSLint](https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/tsslint) is a recent project that does a great job of integrating with tsserver.
+## User Experience
+### Formatting After Linting
+The primary reason why many ESLint users move to Biome or Oxc is that those tools perform both _formatting_ and _linting_ with a single devDependency and configuration file.
+In doing so, they provide a much easier setup and maintenance story, as well as eliminate the all-too-easy common ESLint misconfigurations that lead to performance issues [^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-stylistic][^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-prettier][^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-import].
+Even better, they can automatically apply formatting after lint rule autofixes and suggestions.
+No more running `--fix` and seeing a bunch of bizarrely formatting `{`s and `}`s until you hit save.
+I still believe a linter should not be used for formatting [^post-stop-using-eslint-for-formatting] [^post-the-blurry-line-between-formatting-and-style].
+But built-in automatic formatting after linting is _really nice_.
+I want that.
+### Only Errors
+All web linters I've found allow configuring rules as _errors_ or _warnings_.
+In theory, this is straightforward: errors are visualized with red squigglies and fail builds; warnings are visualized with yellow squigglies and don't fail builds.
+Warnings are supposed to be transient indicators during migrations or when rules aren't certain about issues [^eslint-pr-docs-warn-severity], not long-lived noice.
+In practice, I think this is not useful:
+- Using the same red color and terminology for _lint_ errors and _type-checking_ errors is confusing both ideologically and practically.
+ I personally tell my VS Code to visualize lint errors with yellow squigglies, to not conflict with red TypeScript squigglies.
+- Warnings tend to live forever in codebases, which trains developers to ignore lint reports.
+- If a problem can't be determined with certainty, it either should be suppressed using an inline config comment with an explanation, or not turned into a lint rule at all!
+In other words, I think warnings are a bad fit for the migration use case.
+Tools like [eslint-nibble](https://github.com/IanVS/eslint-nibble) can provide a more comprehensive experience.
+Editor features such as [VS Code's `eslint.rules.customizations`](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-eslint/pull/1164) can now change how rules are visualized.
+If I were to write a linter, I would have it so rules can only be turned off or on.
+Gradual onboardings of new rules or rule options would be a separately managed feature.
+Changing of visuals for specific rules or categories thereof would be separately managed features in editor extensions.
+### Strongly Typed Rules
+One of my biggest gripes with all existing linter configuration systems today is that _rule options are not type-safe_.
+To recap, you specify them as properties an object, where their string key is their plugin name and rule name, and their value is their severity and any options:
+ "my-plugin/some-rule": ["error", {
+ setting: "..."
+ }]
+Those string keys have no associated types in config files.
+Linters themselves can validate rule options, such as [ESLint's options schemas](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/extend/custom-rules#options-schemas), but those don't translate to TypeScript types.
+You don't get editor intellisense while authoring; instead, you have to use `@eslint/config-inspector` or run your config to know whether you've mistyped the name of a rule or an option.
+I'd love to make a standard plugin creator function that plugin authors are encouraged -even required- to use.
+It could take in a set of rules and return some kind of well-typed function.
+Vaguely, maybe it'd use a TypeScript-friendly schema validation library such as [Zod](https://zod.dev) and look something like:
+import { createRule, createPlugin } from "@joshuakgoldberg/if-i-wrote-a-linter";
+import { z } from "zod";
+const someRule = createRule({
+ options: {
+ option: z.string(),
+ },
+export const myPlugin = createPlugin({
+ name: "My Plugin",
+ rules: [someRule],
+...and in usage could look something like:
+// linter.config.ts
+import { myPlugin } from "@joshuakgoldberg/my-plugin";
+export default [
+ {
+ rules: myPlugin.rules({
+ someRule: {
+ option: "...",
+ },
+ }),
+ },
+Under that kind of system, users would receive intellisense as they type plugin rules, and all those settings could be type checked.
+Doing so would even coincidentally solve the issue of [plugin namespacing and rule config duplication](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/discussions/17766).
+Config values would still be verified at runtime by the schema validation library.
+### Strongly Typed Plugin Settings
+An even less type-safe part of ESLint's current config system is the [shared `settings` object](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/configuration-files#configuring-shared-settings).
+You can put whatever you want in there, and any plugin may read from it.
+In theory, cross-plugin shared settings can be used for related plugins, while plugin-specific settings are by convention namespaced under their name.
+In practice, I don't think I've ever seen a shared setting used across plugins.
+I think a settings system more true to how plugins use it would have plugins define their own settings and settings types.
+Vaguely, maybe it'd use a TypeScript-friendly schema validation library such as [Zod](https://zod.dev) and look something like:
+import { createPlugin } from "@joshuakgoldberg/if-i-wrote-a-linter";
+import { z } from "zod";
+export const myPlugin = createPlugin({
+ name: "My Plugin",
+ rules: [
+ /* ... */
+ ],
+ settings: {
+ setting: z.string(),
+ },
+...and in usage could look something like:
+// linter.config.ts
+import { myPlugin } from "@joshuakgoldberg/my-plugin";
+export default [
+ {
+ plugins: [
+ myPlugin({
+ setting: "...",
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+As with rules, allowing plugins to define their own settings types would help with the config authoring experience.
+It would also newly allow shared settings to be validated by both type-checking and the core linter.
+Doing so means plugins can be more confident in defining settings and changing them over time as needed.
+### Strongly Typed Configuration Files
+Let's take a step back from all these strong typings.
+I think there are roughly two classifications of linter configs in common use today:
+- Direct JSON ([`biome.json`](https://biomejs.dev/linter/#configuration), [Deno](https://docs.deno.com/runtime/fundamentals/configuration/#linting), [Oxlint](https://oxc.rs/docs/guide/usage/linter#configuration-file))
+- Nuanced JS (ESLint: [`.eslintrc.js` (deprecated)](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/configuration-files-deprecated), [`eslint.config.js`](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/configuration-files))
+Direct JSON is a nice and straightforward "walled garden" that shines in small projects.
+But I don't think it scales well.
+The user experience of typing config files isn't great if you're not using a custom editor extension to get JSON intellisense.
+More importantly, specifying plugin modules isn't conceptually straightforward.
+Once the native language linters support plugins, we'lll have to specify them by some string specifier matching the plugin's module entry point.
+That duplication of core JavaScript semantics feels off to me.
+Nuanced JS configurations from ESLint, on the other hand, are "just JavaScript" and so utilize native module importing for plugins, global variables, and shared configurations.
+That's great for understandability and simplifying the plugin loading model.
+ESLint's flat config is a huge step forward from the confusing `overrides` model of ESLint's legacy configs.
+But, I think we're learning the hard way what nuances trip people up this far outside the "walled garden":
+- Because all config entries are just JavaScript objects, there's no way to lint only the user's own config entries [^eslint-change-request-report-unnecessary-config-overrides]
+- Directory relativity becomes confusing when nested configs `import` from a higher-up config [^eslint-change-request-inherit-flat-configs-from-root]
+- `ignores` is not very intuitive right now [^stackoverflow-parsing-error-was-not-found-by-the-project-service-but-ive-ignored-these-file] [^tseslint-discord-help-eslint-not-ignoring-js-files]
+- Plugins' shared configs being able to set file matches and other settings besides rules adds complexity to configs that use multiple plugins
+I think we could solve most of that by:
+- Creating delineated functions or objects to create `ignores` blocks, shared configs, and plugins.
+- Having plugins automatically register themselves when their rules are included
+- Only allow plugin configs to specify rules and shared rule settings
+Doing so would clarify the intentions behind each portion of a config both to users and to tooling.
+I think a good goal would be to make it so you don't have to understand anything about a config _system_ to be able to read and understand a _config file_.
+Here's a rough sketch of what the root monorepo config could like with a config system more akin to a [`tsup.config.ts`](https://tsup.egoist.dev/#using-custom-configuration) or [`vitest.config.ts`](https://vitest.dev/config), but with explicit functions for common operations:
+// if-i-wrote-a-linter.config.ts
+import { linter } from "@joshuakgoldberg/if-i-wrote-a-linter";
+import { someExample } from "@joshuakgoldberg/plugin-some-example";
+export default linter.config({
+ files: [
+ {
+ extends: [
+ linter.recommended.logical(),
+ linter.recommended.stylistic(),
+ someExample.recommended({
+ setting: true,
+ }),
+ ],
+ glob: "**/*.{js,ts}",
+ rules: [
+ linter.rules({
+ someCoreRuleA: false,
+ someCoreRuleB: true,
+ someCoreRuleC: {
+ someSetting: true,
+ },
+ }),
+ someExample.rules({
+ somePluginRule: true,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ ignore: ["packages/*/dist/", "generated/"],
+ workspaces: ["packages/*"],
+Each `packages/*` workspace directory could define its own config that explicitly indicates its root directory:
+// packages/example/if-i-wrote-a-linter.config.ts
+import { linter } from "@joshuakgoldberg/if-i-wrote-a-linter";
+export default linter.config({
+ files: [
+ {
+ glob: "src/**/*.ts",
+ rules: [
+ linter.rules({
+ someCoreRuleD: false,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ ignore: "lib/",
+ root: "../..",
+Those config file sketches are a little more verbose than ESLint flat config.
+But they're more explicitly clear on what they do, and can be made much more type-safe using the APIs like `linter.config()` and `linter.rules()`.
+The core linter could then even let users know of any redundant properties passed to a `linter.rules()`, `somePlugin.rules()`, or `somePlugin.settings`.
+That config system is just a sketch and I have no way of knowing how its tradeoffs would work in production today.
+But I'd really love to see how its tradeoffs are experienced by users.
+## Userland Standardization
+### Consistent Glossary
+Most developers I've talked to do not understand or use the right terms when talking about linting.
+Heck, most developers don't want to talk about the linter in the first place -- let alone understand the difference between, say, a config and a plugin.
+Many important linting terms have inconsistent usage or even definitions in the wild today.
+For example, _"stylistic"_ can alternately refer to:
+- [Stylistic (Rule)](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/core-concepts/glossary#stylistic-rule): The category of lint rules that enforce _formatting_, naming conventions, or consistent usage of equivalent syntaxes
+- [ESLint Stylistic](https://eslint.style): The plugin that ESLint's _formatting_ rules were migrated to, along with a small selection of non-formatting stylistic rules
+- [typescript-eslint's stylistic shared configs](https://typescript-eslint.io/users/configs#stylistic), which enforce consistent usage of equivalent syntaxes, as well as general TypeScript best practices that don't impact program logic
+I work on linters and I have a hard time keeping this all straight.
+The [ESLint Glossary](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/core-concepts/glossary) is a very good first step towards solidifying terminology.
+I would want to go one step further and have a single term and definition for all the linting concepts that authors and/or end users care about.
+Doing so would provide authors with the guidance to name their configs, plugins, and rules consistently to each other and the linter core.
+Users then would have an easier time navigating the plugin ecosystem and understanding how they all fit together.
+### Granular Rule Categories
+Over the last decade, the linter community learned the hard way that users need properly categorized shared configs.
+If you give everyone one config that mixes _logical_ and _stylistic_ rules the way, say, `eslint-plugin-airbnb` did, users will resent the portions they disagree with and turn away from linting altogether.
+Plugins that include both of those broad areas of rules now tend to provide dedicated shared configs for different areas of rules [^jsdoc-granular-flat-typescript-configs] [^typescript-eslint-configs].
+Once a consistent glossary exists, its definitions can be used to consistently categorize configs and rules.
+Heck, the linter could even provide recommended utilities for generating configs based on rule categories.
+I think that'd go a long way towards further standardizing and making clear the ecosystem of plugin rules.
+At the very least, it'd help encourage plugin authors to make it easier for users to include only the categories of rules they want from the plugin.
+### First Party Templates
+## Userland Help
+### Thorough Config Initializer
+### Thorough Examples
+### Thorough FAQs
+Full explanation docs for all decisions
+### Thorough Troubleshooting Guide
+## Community
+### First Party Community Repositories
+First party built in for what is the current slate of popular plugins
+## Features for Developers
+### Full Virtual File System
+something something linting file permissions
+### Rich Cross File Fixes
+A linter is in many ways the best codemod platform for many kinds of migrations.
+It allows you to define a granular, testable set of migration rules, and then keep them enforced over time so developers don't add regressions.
+I've personally used lint rules to great effect in rolling out design system updates, enforcement of best practices, and other niceties.
+Unfortunately, the "one file at a time" model all of today's linters doesn't lend itself well to all the operations a codemod might need.
+Rules may need to make fixes or suggestions to files other than the one being linted [^eslint-change-request-apply-suggestions-to-other-files].
+If I were to write a linter, I would add in a rich system for rule fixes and suggestions:
+- The ability to indicate changes to virtual files other than the one being linted
+- Other file system operations, such as renames and permissions changes
+## Implementation
+### Session Objects
+Full project context available up front including preprocessors and session object
+### Pluggable Architecture and APIs
+Pluggable api for embedding in places like typescript, TS, config and biome project
+[^eslint-change-request-apply-suggestions-to-other-files]: [eslint/eslint#17881 Change Request: Provide a way for rules to apply suggestions to other files](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/17881])
+[^eslint-change-request-inherit-flat-configs-from-root]: [eslint/eslint#18385 Change Request: Make it easier to inherit flat configs from the repo root](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/18385). [eslint/rfcs#120 feat!: Look Up Config Files From Linted File](https://github.com/eslint/rfcs/pull/120) was accepted to change lookup locations, but there's still a _conceptual_ ambiguity of how one config file's relative paths should work in another config file.
+[^eslint-change-request-report-unnecessary-config-overrides]: [eslint/eslint#15476Change Request: report unnecessary config overrides](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/15476)
+[^eslint-plugin-react-hooks-detection-typed-linting]: [facebook/react#25065 Bug: Eslint hooks returned by factory functions not linted](https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/25065)
+[^eslint-plugin-vitest-valid-type-type-checking]: [vitest-dev/eslint-plugin-vitest#251 valid-type: use type checking to determine test name type?](https://github.com/vitest-dev/eslint-plugin-vitest/issues/251)
+[^eslint-pr-docs-warn-severity]: [eslint/eslint#16696 docs: Add explanation of when to use 'warn' severity](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/16696)
+[^extension-rules]: [typescript-eslint > Rules > Extension Rules](https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/#extension-rules)
+[^flow-blog-clarity-on-direction]: [Clarity on Flow's Direction and Open Source Engagement](https://medium.com/flow-type/clarity-on-flows-direction-and-open-source-engagement-e721a4eb4d8b)
+[^jsdoc-granular-flat-typescript-configs]: [eslint-plugin-jsdoc: Configuration > Granular Flat Configs](https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc?tab=readme-ov-file#granular-flat-configs)
+[^post-stop-using-eslint-for-formatting]: [Configuring ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript Together > STOP USING ESLINT FOR FORMATTING](/blog/configuring-eslint-prettier-and-typescript-together/#stop-using-eslint-for-formatting)
+[^post-the-blurry-line-between-formatting-and-style]: [The Blurry Line Between Formatting and Style](/blog/the-blurry-line-between-formatting-and-style)
+[^rethinking-typescript-support-in-eslint]: [eslint/eslint#18830 Rethinking TypeScript support in ESLint](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/discussions/18830)
+[^rfc-feat-parsing-session-objects]: [eslint/rfcs#102 feat: parsing session objects](https://github.com/eslint/rfcs/pull/102)
+[^stackoverflow-parsing-error-was-not-found-by-the-project-service-but-ive-ignored-these-file]: [StackOverflow: Parsing error: was not found by the project service, but I've ignored these files](https://stackoverflow.com/a/78873727/1830407)
+[^stc-abandoned]: [dudykr/stc#1101 Project is officially abandoned](https://github.com/dudykr/stc/issues/1101)
+[^tseslint-discord-help-eslint-not-ignoring-js-files]: [Discord help thread: Eslint not ignoring .js files and throwing Definition for rule ... not found error](https://discord.com/channels/1026804805894672454/1283776448188121158)
+[^tseslint-discussion-intent-to-use-checker-is-type-assignable-to]: [typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#7936 🔓 Intent to use: checker.isTypeAssignableTo](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/discussions/7936)
+[^tseslint-explore-ts-vfs]: [typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#1891 Explore switching tests to @typescript/vfs](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/issues/1891)
+[^tseslint-pr-new-eslint-parser-on-swc]: [typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#7680 feat: add a new ESLint parser built on top of SWC](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/pull/7680)
+[^tseslint-pr-type-checker-wrapper-apis]: [typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#6404 feat(typescript-estree): add type checker wrapper APIs to ParserServicesWithTypeInformation](https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/pull/6404)
+[^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-import]: [typescript-eslint Troubleshooting & FAQs > Typed Linting > Performance > `eslint-plugin-import`](https://typescript-eslint.io/troubleshooting/typed-linting/performance#eslint-plugin-import)
+[^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-prettier]: [typescript-eslint Troubleshooting & FAQs > Typed Linting > Performance > `eslint-plugin-prettier`](https://typescript-eslint.io/troubleshooting/typed-linting/performance#eslint-plugin-prettier)
+[^tseslint-troubleshooting-performance-stylistic]: [typescript-eslint Troubleshooting & FAQs > Typed Linting > Performance > `@stylistic/ts/indent` and other stylistic rules rules](https://typescript-eslint.io/troubleshooting/typed-linting/performance#stylistictsindent-and-other-stylistic-rules-rules)
+[^tseslint-troubleshooting-typed-linting]: [typescript-eslint > Troubleshooting & FAQs > Typed Linting](https://typescript-eslint.io/troubleshooting/typed-linting)
+[^typerunner-stalled]: [marcj/TypeRunner Is there still a chance of kickstarting the project?](https://github.com/marcj/TypeRunner/issues/14)
+[^typescript-eslint-configs]: [typescript-eslint: Shared Configs > Recommended Configurations](https://typescript-eslint.io/users/configs#recommended-configurations)
+[^vscode-eslint-cross-file-information]: [microsoft/vscode-eslint#1774 ESLint does not re-compute cross-file information on file changes](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-eslint/issues/1774)