1.3.1 (2024-12-29)
1.3.0 (2024-12-29)
1.2.1 (2024-12-29)
- data being cached with wrong conditions (c8cfa72)
- redis image not being recognized (b658550)
- redundant checking of caching (099bf14)
- status code being out of range (e68e755)
- system time being used instead of ph time (add9750)
1.2.0 (2024-12-19)
- cache data gets stale and still gets returned (b392793)
1.1.0 (2024-11-30)
- add ci flag to release it (b5e8a5f)
- add node redis (22be8ce)
- add redis client (cb48cf0)
- cache results (a4c7c6c)
- initialize redis client (5e953b0)
- error always logging internal server (3dcb08f)
- redundant gameId showing on results (4c755bb)
- remove redundant string literal (22aaebf)
- add async wrapper (ed442de)
- add barrel file for helper files (76b8e2e)
- add cheerio (ffce511)
- add constants file (3a14988)
- add dotenv (7415b30)
- add error handler (4f4646a)
- add format game id helper (bbe4805)
- add game interface (6f092f5)
- add get by date and by id route (cdc75da)
- add get days helper fn (c240836)
- add get results by date (5dd9230)
- add get results today controller (249aadb)
- add get results today controller (ebae2e8)
- add group by helper (6cf4b05)
- add interfaces (853fcf8)
- add months (25a9596)
- add old instance of lapu lapu city (ea70991)
- add old instances of game ids (a749d32)
- add readme.md (a585113)
- add release-it (ec41e0b)
- add results enums (6731546)
- add routes barrel file (f9683c6)
- add scripts (fc203e1)
- add temp routes (f6d36c8)
- add url encoded (7601b04)
- also replace slashes (d3beea5)
- exclude .idea (c6e2cb2)
- improve per gameId response (1933c9e)
- make level debug (1f6fdd2)
- re implement parse results (528c21b)
- replace generic message (6909cfe)
- separate prod return object (7ee3f57)
- sign commits (20b634c)
- use create error constructor (c60ccd0)
- use default release script (dc75227)