Welcome to the CHIVII User Manual. This document will guide you through the setup, usage, and optimization of the CHIVII software.
欢迎使用 CHIVII 用户手册。本手册将引导您完成 CHIVII 软件的安装、使用和优化。
- ⚙️ Environment Setup / 环境设置
- 🖥️ Software GUI Explanation / 软件界面说明
- 📘 How to Use / 如何使用
- 🌟 How to Help Improve / 如何改进软件
To use CHIVII, ensure your system meets the following requirements:
为了使用 CHIVII,请确保您的系统满足以下要求:
If you encounter any issues with your system, first run the following commands/scripts AS ADMINISTRATOR to help fix them:
REM System repair / 系统修复
sfc /scannow
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
REM Network reset / 网络重置
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
netsh winhttp reset proxy
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
In this section, we will explain the usage of each widget within the software. Refer to the provided images for detailed explanations. Click to show image.
Settings / 设置界面
- GUI and misc settings / 图形界面以及额外设置
- Shortcuts to Legitbot settings / 跳转到机器人设置的快捷方式
- Switch settings for different games / 为不同游戏切换不同个性化设置
Devices / 设备界面
- 8 different simulation methods / 8种不同的键鼠模拟方式
- 3 different image transmission methods / 3种不同的图像传输方式
This section explains how to use and configure the settings as well as what each setting represents.
You can either select an existing configuration option or start with the default settings.
- Enter a bot or training room in the game.
- Find an isolated enemy who is sufficiently distant to appear small in the game window.
- Press the hotkeys Home+Backspace to start the test automatically.
This data serves as the basis for accurate movement
- 进入游戏中的机器人房间或训练场。
- 找到一个足够远的孤立敌人,使其在游戏窗口中显得较小。
- 按下热键 Home+Backspace 自动开始测试。
Pick a simulation method(A usable simulation method has been automatically loaded already, modify only if you know what you are doing and feel necessary)选择一个键鼠模拟(程序运行时已经自动加载了一个可用的键鼠模拟方式,如非必要无需调整,除非你了解相关方式)
- Adjust cursor move speed properly for aimbot.
- 妥善调整辅助瞄准中指针的移动速率。
- Configure triggerbot settings
- 调整扳机配置
Dual PC usage includes the same content as single PC usage, except for the method of obtaining frames from another PC. Methods include LAN connection or using capture card.
LAN / 局域网
On first PC, copy compiled plugin (dlls) to folder location of correspond software and replace original file. Those plugins won't influence your daily usage of this software.
Currently you got those options: Discord, QQ, WeChat, Huya, Douyin, Douyu, Bilibili and KOOK.
目前有以下几种选项: Discord,QQ,微信,虎牙,抖音,斗鱼,哔哩哔哩直播姬和KOOK。
You need to start selected software as administrator to make it (LAN) work.
- Copy IP and Port on popup window and put those in Device -> Capture -> LAN
- 将IP和Port数值记录并输入到 设备->流采集->LAN
Port value will be random value each time. Pressing left control & 8/9/0 and hold for 0.5 second will automatically correct screenshot position on the first PC, pressing left control & 6/7 will pause/resume screenshots.
Click "SET!" at Device -> Capture -> LAN to finalize the connection.
在界面 设备->流采集->LAN 点击 "设置!" 以完成连接。
Capture card / 采集卡
- Go to Device -> Capture -> CAM and select one that has actual video shows at Scan frame.
- 导航至 设备->流采集->CAM 后选择一个能使得扫描界面正常出画面的选项。
Learn how you can contribute to the improvement of this software.
Report to your agent about bugs and wishing features.
Take screenshot and upload undetect targets.
Join the Annotation Team.