Course AI projects, a lot of fun!
The hrd file provides three input.txt files with uncompleted input file and the input3.txt is the classical 横刀立马. provides the solver with A* and dfs algorithm.
run by "python3 (input file) (DFS output file) (A* output file)"
(if "python3" does not work, try "py")
ie "python3 puzzle5.txt puzzle5sol_dfs.txt puzzle5sol_astar.txt"
hrd.validate is a script to compare the generated output file with given solution files. There's no solution file for input3.txt, but the optimal solution for it suppose to be cost of 116.
The Checker file provides three input.txt files with uncompleted input file. provides the solver used Game Search Tree, Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning.
run by "python3 (input file) (output file)"
(if "python3" does not work, try "py")
checkers.validate is a script to compare the generated output file with given solution files.
Running Minimax algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning on Game Search Tree to filled all battleships onto the board.
Running Viterbi algorithm after fitting training data to HMM model with word & part of speech pairs to tags all words in testing set with a precision rate over 98%.