- Migrate to .NET 9
- Update all dependencies
- Add Resqueue dashboard
- Add new videos in README for the initial launch and configuration of collections
- Fix various issues after migration to .NET 9
- Add date in file info (left bottom corner)
- When you click calculate hash, it will be compared with the stored hash for the file; if they are different, the hash will be highlighted in red
- Support for dodji (archives or comic formats) and their previews
- Support opening zipped galleries: zip 7z rar cbz cbr etc It will be extracted to a temporary folder and opened as a folder. You can set up ImoutoViewer as a default app to open cbz for example.
- File formats are only checked if the file has a supported image extension. So it means you are no longer required to create 2 different source folder entry with and without this flag.
- ExHentai support as tags provider for files (".zip", ".rar", ".7z", ".tar", ".ace", ~~~~".cbz", ".cbr", ".cb7", ".cbt", ".cba")
- Fill the login data in the config from cookies
- Fix the issue with migrating masstransit schema, now it will be done automatically
- Some dependencies were updated
- You have to delete all db functions in masstransit sql transport database in order for its migrations to work.
- Improve open telemetry support:
- Use otel-collector
- Remove Jaeger/Prometheus exporters
- Add docker compose and configurations to run:
- otel-collector
- jaeger
- prometheus
- Don't deploy after failed build in BuildAndDeploy.ps1 file
- Some dependencies were updated v2
- Use central package versioning
- Add order mode to the settings with the ability to list new entries first
- Fix crash on non-webp images that have webp extension
- Pause preview video when opening full screen preview
- Remember video timing when switching between preview and fullscreen preview
- Fix source deletion in the collection settings
- Improve splashscreen
- Migrate project to CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
- New tool: quick tagging, CTRL+Q to open
- Show splashscreen longer until the app is fully loaded
- Add availability check service that will stop consumers when it's search engine isn't available
- Create activity for each PeriodicJob
- Improve rapid run scenario
- Remove periodic jobs, use file system watcher instead to track changes in source folders
- Optimize checking for existing files in one-folder scenario (1 db query instead of 1 per file)
- Fix crashes in FileSystemWatcherEventStream
- Optimize db queries for saving new parsed tags
- Ignore old and expired LoadTagHistory and LoadNoteHistory commands from mass transit
- Fix webp previews in the list view
- Add button to enable/disable imouto pics upload in Room
- Add jfif to the list of supported image formats
- Add in-memory settings to enable/disable imouto pics upload and api for it
- Add tests for the imouto pics upload settings
- Move extensions to common project
- Add settings for auto shuffle on every reload (default: false)
- Improve startup performance
- Clean up warnings and enable TreatWarningsAsErrors
- Support WebP format in FullScreenPreview
- Add splashscreen
- Show notes in full screen preview
- Fix duplicates in TagsEditVM when clicking right mouse button on image tag
- Add ability to download faved danbooru pictures through gelbooru
- Ignore banned posts without exceptions
- Simplify nswag generated clients
- Add incremental source generator for generating Add*WebApiClients methods
- Auto sign all commits and tags
- Remove RabbitMq and migrate to the new MassTransit SQL Transport
- Fix infinite loading
- Fix set association for image file types
- Remove quartz from Room and use simple PeriodicRunnerHostedService
- Add a command to revert selected items to the previous version, so you can fix you mistake if you accidentally miss clicked
- Add pixel size to the file status window for images and ugoira
- Now you can scroll images with mouse wheel even when mouse cursor is not on the image itself
- Add popular character tags in tags editor
- Add selected files count to the status bar
- Change title bar to show file name in full screen preview mode
- Add time/length for videos in full screen preview mode
- Ignore unhandled exception in App.cs
- Refactor code style in several common converter and behaviors
- Update packages
- Fix error in searching tags by contains query string
- Add integration tests
- Move ImoutoRebirth.Hasami to its own folder
- Add hotkey descriptions for Viewer and Navigator desktop apps
- Upgrade to net 8.0
- Add an option to create tag as counter
- When adding tag to file automatically set value to Counter:1 if tag is counter
- Add Options field to the tag entity to store counter flag
- Refactor entire service to DDD style architecture
- Optimize release notes
- Add tag "my wallpapers" to the file when setting wallpaper from context menu
- Add counter tags initial support: you have to create tag with value "Counter:0",then you can increase it in left tags window
- Fixed bug with deletion of user tags with custom value
- Add cancellation support for room controllers
- Add separate query for filter exising file hashes
- Add memory cache for this filter
- Add memory cache for RelativesBatchQuery
- Remove oboe and use simple fetch with AbortController
- Add changelog file
- Add build step to create release notes body based on latest changelog