- 1 Backend
- 1.1 Database
- 1.1.1 数据库查询优化器的艺术,原理解析与 SQL 性能优化
- 1.1.2 Peter Bailis Readings in Database Systems 5th
- 1.1.3 HBase
- 1.1.4 MySQL
- 1.1.5 Redis
- 1.1.6 Specials
- 1.2 HA
- 1.3 MicroCN
- 1.1 Database
- 2 Distributed
- 2.1 DataEngineering
- 2.2 DistributedComputing
- 2.2.1 Ajay Distributed Computing, Principles, Algorithms, and Systems
- 2.2.2 分布式计算:原理、算法和系统
- 2.2.3 Hadoop 技术内幕:深入理解 MapReduce 架构设计与实现原理
- 2.2.4 Hadoop 技术内幕:深入解析 Hadoop Common 和 HDFS 架构设计与实现原理
- 2.2.5 Getting Started With Apache Spark
- 2.2.6 Manning Hadoop in Practice 2nd
- 2.2.7 Apache Kylin
- 2.2.8 Akidau Streaming Systems
- 2.2.9 Flink 基础教程
- 2.3 DistributedSystem
- 2.3.1 Özsu Principles of Distributed Database Systems 3rd
- 2.3.2 七周七并发模型
- 2.3.3 Concurrent Programming for Scalable Web Architectures
- 2.3.4 The Art of Scalability Scalable Web Architecture 2nd
- 2.3.5 Distributed Systems 3rd edition
- 2.3.6 Martin Kleppmann Designing Data Intensive Applications The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
- 2.3.7 Optimization of Distributed Crawler under Hadoop
- 4 Specials
- 4.1 吴军 浪潮之巅 完整清晰版
- 4.2 Series
- 4.2.1 InfoQ
- 4.2.2 The New Stack
- Applications and Microservices with Docker and Containers
- Automation and Orchestration with Docker and Containers
- Monitoring and Management with Docker and Containers
- Networking Security and Storage with Docker and Containers
- The Docker and Container Ecosystem
- The State Of The Kubernetes Ecosystem
- Use Cases For Kubernetes
- CI CD with Kubernetes
- Guide To Cloud Native DevOps
- Guide To Cloud Native Microservices
- Guide To Serverless Technologies
- Kubernetes Deployment And Security Patterns
- Kubernetes Solutions Directory
- 5 Language
- 5.1 AlgoDS
- 5.2 DesginPattern
- 5.3 Theory
- 5.4 Zoo
- 5.4.1 C
- 5.4.2 Go
- 5.4.3 Java
- A Little Java A Few Patterns
- Java 8 in Action_Lambdas,Streams,and Functional Style Programming
- Java Performance The Definitive Guide
- Norman Netty in Action
- Java 面试宝典
- Thinking in Java 4th
- Java 基础核心总结
- Spring
- 并发编程
- 阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册 v1.4.0
- 5.4.4 JavaScript
- 5.4.5 Python
- 5.4.6 Rust
- 6 Frontend
- 7 System
- 7.1 Architecture
- 7.1.1 Roy Thomas Fielding 架构风格与基于网络的软件架构设计
- 7.1.2 Martin Fowler 企业应用架构模式
- 7.1.3 Eric 领域驱动设计:软件核心复杂性应对之道
- 7.1.4 Vaughn Implementing Domain Driven Design
- 7.1.5 简约之美:软件设计之道
- 7.1.6 Practical Scalability Analysis With The Universal Scalability Law
- 7.1.7 Scott Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain Driven Design
- 7.1.8 架构师 架构漫谈
- 7.1.9 Martin Fowler Clean Architecture A Craftsman's Guide
- 7.1.10 Martin Fowler 架构整洁之道
- 7.1.11 John Ousterhout A Philosophy of Software Design
- 7.1.12 Martin Fowler Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing Code
- 7.1.13 面向模式的软件架构
- 7.2 Teamwork
- 7.1 Architecture
- 8 Infrastructure
- 8.1 Cloud
- 8.2 InfoSecurity
- 8.3 OS
- 8.3.1 What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
- 8.3.2 汤子瀛 计算机操作系统 3rd
- 8.3.3 CSAPP 2nd
- 8.3.4 Linux Shell Scripting Cookboos
- 8.3.5 深入理解计算机系统 2nd
- 8.3.6 深入理解计算机系统
- 8.3.7 How Linux Works What Every Superuser Should Know 2nd
- 8.3.8 陈莉君 Linux 操作系统原理与应用 2nd
- 8.3.9 Bash Notes For Professionals
- 8.3.10 Operating System Concepts 10th
- 8.3.11 Jon Stokes Insidethe Machine
- 9 AI
- 9.1 美团机器学习实践
- 9.2 Application
- 9.2.1 RecommendSystem
- 9.3 ComputerVision
- 9.4 DeepLearning
- 9.5 MachineLearning
- 9.5.1 Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective
- 9.5.2 Machine Learning in Action
- 9.5.3 李航 统计学习方法
- 9.5.4 DataScience From Scratch
- 9.5.5 Beating Kaggle the Easy Way
- 9.5.6 Data Mining The Textbook
- 9.5.7 Python Data Science Essentials
- 9.5.8 Text Data Management and Analysis
- 9.5.9 AndrewNG Machine Learning Yearning
- 9.5.10 周志华 机器学习
- 9.5.11 诸葛越 百面机器学习
- 9.5.12 Liang 机器学习笔记
- 9.5.13 Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem
- 9.6 Mathematics
- 9.7 NLP
- 10 Business
- 10.1 产品
- 10.1.1 人人都是产品经理
- 10.1.2 启示录,打造用户喜爱的产品
- 10.1.3 用户故事地图
- 10.1.4 幕后产品:打造突破式产品思维
- 10.1.5 微信背后的产品观
- 10.1.6 Build
- 10.1.7 设计
- 10.1.8 运营
- 增长黑客
- 10.2 创业
- 10.3 思维
- 10.4 管理
- 10.5 经济
- 10.6 营销
- 10.7 金融
- 10.1 产品