diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7894b3f..1a9c348 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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The project contains:
1. Three publishable libraries:
- - `@ngx-ssr/cache` - in-memory implementation of the cache for GET requests and HTML. It is possible to change the
+ - [@ngx-ssr/cache](./libs/ngx-ssr/cache/README.md) - in-memory implementation of the cache for GET requests and HTML. It is possible to change the
- - `@ngx-ssr/timeout` — implementation of timeout for requests
- - `@ngx-ssr/platform` — utilities for convenient work with platform-specific data
+ - [@ngx-ssr/timeout](./libs/ngx-ssr/timeout/README.md) — implementation of timeout for requests
+ - [@ngx-ssr/platform](./libs/ngx-ssr/platform/README.md) — utilities for convenient work with platform-specific data
2. One side publishable library:
- `ngx-rickandmorty`
3. [The Rick and Morty application](https://ng-rickandmorty.web.app/character) based on the Rick and Morty API. The
@@ -18,121 +18,3 @@ The project contains:
All developed libraries are used in the application.
[Taiga UI](https://taiga-ui.dev/) is used as a UI framework.
-# How to use
-## @ngx-ssr/cache
-Install package
-npm i @ngx-ssr/cache
-Import the `NgxSsrCacheModule` module to cache all GET requests
-import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
-import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
-import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
-import { NgxSsrCacheModule } from '@ngx-ssr/cache';
-import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
- declarations: [AppComponent],
- imports: [
- BrowserModule,
- NgxSsrCacheModule.configLruCache({ maxAge: 10 * 60_000, maxSize: 50 }),
- ],
- bootstrap: [AppComponent],
-export class AppModule {
-HTML caching is also available for express
-import { ngExpressEngine } from '@nguniversal/express-engine';
-import { LRUCache } from '@ngx-ssr/cache';
-import { withCache } from '@ngx-ssr/cache/express';
- 'html',
- withCache(
- new LRUCache({ maxAge: 10 * 60_000, maxSize: 100 }),
- ngExpressEngine({
- bootstrap: AppServerModule,
- })
- )
-## @ngx-ssr/timeout
-Install package
-npm i @ngx-ssr/timeout
-Use `NgxSsrTimeoutModule` to set timeouts for all requests
-import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
-import {
- ServerModule,
-} from '@angular/platform-server';
-import { AppModule } from './app.module';
-import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
-import { NgxSsrTimeoutModule } from '@ngx-ssr/timeout';
- imports: [
- AppModule,
- ServerModule,
- NgxSsrTimeoutModule.forRoot({ timeout: 500 }),
- ],
- bootstrap: [AppComponent],
-export class AppServerModule {
-## @ngx-ssr/platform
-Install package
-npm i @ngx-ssr/platform
-To determine the platform, use the tokens `IS_SERVER_PLATFORM` and `IS_BROWSER_PLATFORM`
- selector: '[some-directive]',
-export class SomeDirective {
- constructor(
- @Inject(IS_SERVER_PLATFORM) isServer: boolean,
- ) {
- if (isServer) {
- viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(templateRef);
- }
- }
-Use the `ifIsServer` and ` ifIsBrowser` structural directives in your template for rendering contents depending on the
- selector: 'ram-root',
- template: '',
- styleUrls: ['./app.component.less'],
-export class AppComponent {
diff --git a/libs/ngx-ssr/cache/README.md b/libs/ngx-ssr/cache/README.md
index 04f499b..3075de8 100644
--- a/libs/ngx-ssr/cache/README.md
+++ b/libs/ngx-ssr/cache/README.md
@@ -1 +1,46 @@
# @ngx-ssr/cache
+Install package
+npm i @ngx-ssr/cache
+Import the `NgxSsrCacheModule` module to cache all GET requests
+import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
+import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
+import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
+import { NgxSsrCacheModule } from '@ngx-ssr/cache';
+import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
+ declarations: [AppComponent],
+ imports: [
+ BrowserModule,
+ NgxSsrCacheModule.configLruCache({ maxAge: 10 * 60_000, maxSize: 50 }),
+ ],
+ bootstrap: [AppComponent],
+export class AppModule {
+HTML caching is also available for express
+import { ngExpressEngine } from '@nguniversal/express-engine';
+import { LRUCache } from '@ngx-ssr/cache';
+import { withCache } from '@ngx-ssr/cache/express';
+ 'html',
+ withCache(
+ new LRUCache({ maxAge: 10 * 60_000, maxSize: 100 }),
+ ngExpressEngine({
+ bootstrap: AppServerModule,
+ })
+ )
diff --git a/libs/ngx-ssr/platform/README.md b/libs/ngx-ssr/platform/README.md
index 5e9e3d8..4ace994 100644
--- a/libs/ngx-ssr/platform/README.md
+++ b/libs/ngx-ssr/platform/README.md
@@ -1 +1,37 @@
# @ngx-ssr/platform
+Install package
+npm i @ngx-ssr/platform
+To determine the platform, use the tokens `IS_SERVER_PLATFORM` and `IS_BROWSER_PLATFORM`
+ selector: '[some-directive]',
+export class SomeDirective {
+ constructor(
+ @Inject(IS_SERVER_PLATFORM) isServer: boolean,
+ ) {
+ if (isServer) {
+ viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(templateRef);
+ }
+ }
+Use the `ifIsServer` and ` ifIsBrowser` structural directives in your template for rendering contents depending on the
+ selector: 'ram-root',
+ template: '',
+ styleUrls: ['./app.component.less'],
+export class AppComponent {
diff --git a/libs/ngx-ssr/timeout/README.md b/libs/ngx-ssr/timeout/README.md
index b790295..77de2bb 100644
--- a/libs/ngx-ssr/timeout/README.md
+++ b/libs/ngx-ssr/timeout/README.md
@@ -1 +1,29 @@
-# @ngx-ssr/timeout
+Install package
+npm i @ngx-ssr/timeout
+Use `NgxSsrTimeoutModule` to set timeouts for all requests
+import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
+import {
+ ServerModule,
+} from '@angular/platform-server';
+import { AppModule } from './app.module';
+import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
+import { NgxSsrTimeoutModule } from '@ngx-ssr/timeout';
+ imports: [
+ AppModule,
+ ServerModule,
+ NgxSsrTimeoutModule.forRoot({ timeout: 500 }),
+ ],
+ bootstrap: [AppComponent],
+export class AppServerModule {