Note that the file names must match EXACTLY the names and relative structure as above. The agent name is only determined and reflected in the parent directory name.
In the future, the naming convenction will probably be more flexible, but for now it is very strict to simplify serialization logic
In general, a directory with the structure above can be trained with the human_aware_rl module in the overcooked_ai repo. Specific installation instruction is available.
You can move this agent into Overcooked-Demo by running
cd <Overcooked-Demo-Root>/server/static/assets/agents/
mkdir RllibMyAgent
Note that all rllib agent directory names must match the regex pattern /rllib.*/i
Now copy over the appropriate files
cp -r ~/ray_results/MyAgent_0_2020-09-24_01-24-43m6jg7brh/checkpoint_<i> ./RllibMyAgent/agent
cp -r ~/ray_results/MyAgent_0_2020-09-24_01-24-43m6jg7brh/config.pkl ./RllibMyAgent/config.pkl
If the PPO agent is trained with a BC agent, you also need to supply the trained BC_model
cd <Overcooked-Demo-Root>/server/static/assets/agents/RllibMyAgent
mkdir bc_params
The train_bc_model
function human_aware_rl.imitation.behavior_cloning_tf2
takes in a model_dir
parameter. Find the saved bc_model at that location, and move everything to the bc_params directory we just created.
For example, if the model_dir="...../bc_results/model1"
cp -r ...../bc_results/model1 <Overcooked-Demo-Root>/server/static/assets/agents/RllibMyAgent/bc_params
Another option is to use the file and supplies the path to the checkpoint directory and an agent name
python ~/ray_results/MyAgent_0_2020-09-24_01-24-43m6jg7brh/checkpoint_<i> RllibAgentX
It also takes in optional arguments to overwrite existing agent and to copy bc_model
You can also directly call the function via CLI by typing
overcooked-demo-move path/to/checkpoint RllibAgentX
The same optional arguments apply
Relaunching the Overcooked-Demo server, you should now see RllibMyAgent
in the dropdown of available agents
Please ensure that agents trained on layout <X>
are only run on layout <X>
. Attempting to run such an agent on layout <Y>
will either result in very poor performance, or, if observation dimensions are mismatched, the thread executing the agent's actions will fail silently and the agent will remain stationary for the entire duration of the game! We recommend including the compatible layout names in the agent name, for example RllibPPOSelfPlay_CounterCircuit
is a name of one of our trained agents.