- Increased default maxForgerConnections to 100, forger connections pool will only work for forger nodes
- Updated dependencies
- [Bugfix] /node/removeFromBlackList now don't require explicitly the port number
- [Bugfix] Node was not able to get new peers other than the known ones under some configurations
- Improved banning mechanism for deprecated nodes (nodes not updated after an hardfork will start to ban updated nodes because receiving newer blocks without a known parent - this will prevent unnecessary network traffic)
- Added support for forger's connections prioritization
- Node synchronization improvements:
- Optimization of lookup strategy in modifiersCache
- Preserve the order of block during synchronization
- Added option to force only connecting to known peers
- Fixes/Improvements on the way the SyncTracker handles the internal statuses maps
- Fix in the handshake process - start connecting to nodes only after the Synchronizer is initialized
- P2p rate limitng feature - added tx rebroadcast when rate limiting is reenabled
- Seeder nodes support
- P2p rate limitng feature
- Changed library for the Bcrypt hashing algorithm and added additional unit tests
- UPnP module removed
- DisconnectPenalty: new penalty that causes the node to close the connection with the peer
- CustomPenaltyDuration(duration: Long): a class for a custom penalty duration time
- added new endpoints:
- GET /peers/peer/{address} -> get peer by address
- DELETE /peers/peer -> delete a peer from the internal database
- DELETE /peers/blacklist -> remove a peer from the blacklist
- existing endpoints changes:
- POST /peers/blacklist -> body {"address": String, "durationInMinutes": Int} (the durationInMinutes default value is 60)
- POST /peers/connect -> body {"address": String}
- messages renaming:
- RandomPeerExcluding → RandomPeerForConnectionExcluding
- Blacklisted [NetworkController.message] → DisconnectFromAddress
- configuration changes:
- maxIncomingConnections & maxOutgoingConnections in place of maxConnections
- penalizeNonDelivery: penalize remote peers not answering our requests during deliveryTimeout
- messageLengthBytesLimit: max message size
- maxRequestedPerPeer: limit for the number of modifiers to request and process at once
- maxModifiersSpecMessageSize in place of maxPacketSize: maximum modifier spec message size
- storageBackupInterval: interval to backup peers' storages
- storageBackupDelay: delay to start peers' backup
- Hotfix - mistakenly penalizing peers during synchronization
- Application execution context name fixed.
- Peers penalization flow fix: do not increment safe interval in case of repeated penalties.
- CI/CD implementation
- Delivery Tracker - limit requests map per peer
- add request tracker actor
- add upper bound limit for peers database
- rename Scorex -> Sparkz
- update lib versions to latest, check and fix vulnerabilities
- KnownPeers should never be discarded
- exclude unconfirmedConnections and already active connections when selecting a new candidate peer to connect to
- akka, akkaHttp and circe updated to latest version.
- add SessionIdPeerFeature
- updating last seen & dropping inactive connections
- maven https support
- pass details message by name into ValidationState.validate
- message parse in Synchronizer trait
- Simplified check for transaction delivery
- externalizing MessageSerializer
- Fixed "too many open files" error
- moved peerSynchronizer creation to app
- Keep-Alive flag removed
- Banning peers for sending adversarially constructed messages
- api_key header added to CORS
- Terminate node if port is in use
- akka versions 2.5.24 and 10.1.9
- modifierCompanions renamed to modifierSerializers in NodeViewHolder
- MinimalState interface simplification: validate() puled away from the basic trait
- maxRollback field added to MinimalState
- No transactions field with an optional value in PersistentNodeViewModifier, use TransactionsCarryingPersistentNodeViewModifier descendant for modifiers with transactions.
- Non-exhaustive pattern-matching fix in NodeViewholder.pmodModify()
- Simplification of type parameters in many classes around the whole codebase
- FastCryptographicHash removed
- Some obsolete code removed, such as temp/mining folder, ScoreObserver class
- Scrypto 2.0.0
- Using tagged types instead of Array[Byte], suppertagged microframework is used for that
- MinimalState interface made minimal
- protocolVersion in P2P Handshake
- Scrypto 1.2.3
- BoxMinimalState moved to scorex.mid.state
- Transaction interface simplified (fee & timestamp fields removed)
- Scala 2.12
- IODB 0.3.1
- reportInvalid() in History
- Issue #19 fixed
- MapDB dependency removed
- StateChanges reworked
- TwinsCoin example improved
- IODB dependency upgraded to 0.2.+
- TwinsChain example massively improved, README on it has been added (see "examples" folder)
- akka-http dependency removed, Swagger updated
Serialization have been reworked throughout the core to be consistent (see the new Serializer interface).
Handshake timeout implemented: (p2p/handshakeTimeout in settings.json) Agent name and version have been moved to settings.json ("agent" and "version" settings)
Hybrid chain example got bugfixing and new tests.
- Wallet interface added
- MvStore dependency removed
- StoredBlockchain trait removed
- ViewSynchronizer trait removed
- Miner and MiningController are removed from the core
- Maven artefact has been renamed from "scorex-basics" to "scorex-core"
- blockFields method of a Block has been removed