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GabyTM edited this page Apr 21, 2018 · 39 revisions

Options & Configurations

The page is divided into 2 sections, GUI options and then Item options. GUI options are what comes first in the configuration, and the Item options are for any items defined underneath the "items:" section of the GUI config.

TEXT Replace this with any text. Check the description to find out if you can use color/formatting codes.
BOOLEAN Replace this with true or false (If used with PlaceholderAPI for view_requirements this may be yes/no instead of true/false [This is the default configuration for PlaceholderAPI]).
EXPRESSION A java/placeholder expression/comparison. See this page for more information.
# Replace this with a number. Check the description to see if there are limits.
SOUND Replace this with the sound name.
COMMAND Replace this with the command you want without slash "/"


    menu_title: 'TEXT'
    open_command: TEXT
    open_requirement: EXPRESSION
    - '[player] COMMAND'
    - '[console] COMMAND'
    - '[commandevent] COMMAND'
    - '[message] TEXT'
    - '[openguimenu] MenuName'
    - '[connect] ServerName'
    - '[json] {"text":"message"}'
    - '[refresh]'
    - '[broadcastsound] SOUND'
    - '[sound] SOUND'
    - '[takemoney] #'
    size: #
    update_interval: #

Note: If you're using an external reference to a gui .yml file your configuration will start at the menu_title: option!

menu_title: 'TEXT'

This is the menu title that is shown at the top of the open GUI. You can use color and formatting codes in this area. You can also use Placeholders in this title (Like %player_name%).

open_command: COMMAND

This defines the command used to open the GUI. This needs to be ONE word.


This defines the command(s) used to open the GUI. It may contain more than one word.

     type: <type>

This will give you able to open the menu if you have for example a specific permission, amount of money, etc See this page for more information about it.


Example GUI Menus

Here I show a ranks example that was created by @clip and I am now bringing it live (with a few modest changes). This mines gui requires EZRanksPro in order to function properly, of course you can still edit what you need to. Hope you enjoy.

To make this work fine you have to download PlaceholdersAPI and download the Player, EzRanksPro expansions using:

/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download EzRanksPro
/papi reload

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