Want an RPG system? Is Into the Odd's WHOLE PAGE of player rules too much for you? Three stats getting you all confused?
Roll a SKILL rating of 3d6, and 1d6HP. Choose one weapon, one tool, and one personal trinket.
When you do something risky, roll a d20 equal or under your SKILL score to avoid harm. This is a SKILL Roll.
To attack, roll your weapon's damage (d6 for one handers, d8 for two). The target loses that many HP. If no HP remain, lose SKILL points instead and pass a SKILL roll to avoid Critical Damage, which takes you out of action. If you run out of SKILL, you die.
Armour reduces an attack's damage by it's score (1 for all personal armour).
HP are recovered with a moment's rest. SKILL is recovered with a week's comfortable rest.
Each time you survive an expedition you gain 1 SKILL and 1d6HP. When you reach 20HP you no longer improve with experience.
A Shilling is worth one-hundred pennies, and buys you a tool or good meal.
A Guilder is worth one-hundred Shillings and buys luxury items.
Arcana are items that carry a strange power that can be used freely.
Giant Bee body, beardy-man torso, golden crown (3g). Wants to be adored, and to gather workers.
SKILL 15, 12hp, Armour 1, Trident (d8), Stinger (d6, lose d6 SKILL on Critical Damage).
Tiny metallic worms with rusty little jaws. Want to eat organic matter.
SKILL 6, 10hp, Armour 1, Jaws (d6). Ignore individual attacks.
Finely dressed man with a bag of blackpowder. Wants to watch something blow up in a spectacular way and eat pies.
SKILL 10, 6hp. Dagger (d6), Black Powder (d12 damage when lit).
Wants to charm people into doing stupid things.
SKILL 12, 3hp. Bite (d4), Charming Gaze (SKILL Roll or become charmed into doing something stupid but not life-threatening)
Source: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ChrisMcDowallRPG/posts/L8mV2uDKxN8