This repository maintains a reading list of Machine Learning technologies, algorithms and API's focused on javascript.
- Can run on any web client, the end user doesn't have to install anything.
- Easy integration with device sensors such as camera, microphone, gyroscope, light sensor, etc.
- End user does not have to send privacy-sensitive data to a server.
- Easy integration with user interface and interactive elements.
- Easy install process for developer, less sensitive to computer setup issues, python setup issues, version conflicts.
- Convert your AI code to a web server with one line of code.
- Can still use models trained in Python.
- Training uses the same underlying C / GPU capabilities of your computer.
Python is used in the science community, so there are much more python libraries for math and computer science subjects available. Most AI tutorials will use python.
- Getting started
- Neural networks
- Algorithms
- Language models
- Image recognition
- Speech
- Loading and evaluating data
- Datasets
- Community
- Cloud GPU
- Random links
- 🔥 Elements of AI part 1 and part 2
- De Nederlandse AI Cursus
- - tutorial app with daily questions
- A visual introduction to Machine Learning
- ML5
- BrainJS
- TensorflowJS.
- Build a Neural Network in JS without any libraries
- Get started with ML5 neural networks and add hidden layers
- Building your first Neural Network in Tensorflow JS
- Regression with Tensorflow
- Getting started with TensorflowJS
- CodePen, Traversy and W3Schools tensorflow tutorials.
- Build rock-paper-scissors with Reinforcement Learning and github
- Reinforcement Learning library with github and game tutorial
- A visual tour of machine learning algorithms
- Machine Learning algorithms for newbies
- Math concepts for Programmers
- K-Nearest Neighbour and an explanation of writing your own KNN in Javascript
- K-Means
- Decision Tree, Random Forest and Regression Tree
- Movie Recommender System in Javascript and a quick and dirty tutorial on building your own recommender system
- Create a self-driving car with a evolving genetic algorithm and another example on
- LangChain LLM library gives you a unified workflow for working with all kinds of different language models, providers, datastores, etc.
- OpenAI API
- Azure OpenAI library and docs, you can use this if you have a Microsoft Azure key instead of a OpenAI key.
- LLama API, Mistral API, Claude API. These models have API's so you don't have to install anything.
- Use OLLama to run language models locally, talk to the LLM with the built-in webserver.
- 🐐 Geitje is a Dutch large language model.
- Read more about language processing, Natural Language Processing in Javascript, Create your own mini-LLM in Paperspace
- What are word vectors? and 📺 Understanding Word2Vec
- Google MediaPipe for pose, object, image, segment detection
- ML5 Image Classifier and Object Detection in ML5.js
- Create teachable machine from scratch with TensorFlowJS
- Use KNN to classify poses with ML5
- Recognise handwriting in Javascript
- Face-JS, a library to track facial expressions
- Hand Tracking JS
- Image recognition with your own images and Feature Extraction documentation
- Generate voices with Elevenlabs
- Listen to human speech in the browser, and a Simple demo of listening and speaking with javascript
- OpenAI Whisper
- Recognise sound using the browser, microphone, and TensorflowJS
- Code example web speech and webcam
- Load CSV data in javascript with Papa Parse, and code example to load and filter data
- Visualise data with D3.js, VEGA, ChartJS or PlotlyJS
- Code example for drawing Scatterplot from a CSV file
- Code example for data normalisation
- Visualise Tensorflow with TFVis
- Manipulate large amounts of data with Danfo.js
- Google Dataset Search
- HuggingFace Datasets
- Kaggle Datasets
- Socrata Open Data search
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Open Images Dataset
- MovieLens - data on 45.000 movies by 270.000 users
- 🐱 440 Cat meows in different contexts and Cats per square kilometer
- Speech Audio dataset
- QuickDraw - Doodles dataset
- COCO - Common Objects in Context
- Rotterdam Open Data en Rotterdam 3D data
- Netherlands Open OV Data
- Traffic data "persons in urban traffic scenes" TU Delft
- Dataregister van de Nederlandse Overheid
- Cars data with 20.000 images of 190 types of car
- Celebrity faces dataset on Kaggle and source
- International Football Results from 1872 to 2017
- Luchtmeetnet luchtvervuiling CSV data
- Daily stock prices
- AI Stackoverflow
- Kaggle - Machine Learning challenges
- Instagram
- AI x Design Community, Instagram and Resources Reading List
- Rotterdam AI Meetup
Cloud GPU enables you to train models with large amounts of data on professional infrastructure.
To host a node.js
project, the best option is to create a serverless app. There are several providers that offer free node or serverless hosting options:
- amazon serverless
- huggingface spaces
- github codespaces
A collection of interesting links, tools and tutorials
- Quick AI Introduction with javascript code examples
- Generate images with the Dall-e API
- Tensorflow Playground
- React Native AI code snippets
- Visualise how a Neural Network recognises numbers
- 📺 Build a security camera with TensorflowJS and React
- Integrating TensorflowJS into your User Interface with Parcel
- 📺 Coding a single neuron (perceptron) in Javascript and the result
- Use BrainJS to get started with a simple neural network or watch the 📺 video tutorial
- Perceptron (single neuron) code snippet
- Creating a Recommender System in Javascript
- 😱 hacking a model to make a wrong prediction with Adversarial.js
- Predict your location in your home using the strength of your wifi signal
- Using a Javascript Perceptron to classify dangerous snakes
- Classify an image on Codepen in 5 lines of Javascript
- Neural Drum Machine and Voice-based beatbox created with MagentaJS
- Evolving Genetic Algorithm with Flappy Bird
- Google AI experiments
- Watch a perceptron learn
- Synaptic JS Neural Networks and Tutorial
- Control a ThreeJS game with Teachable Machine
- Silence of the Fans - running TensorflowJS on Google Colab - and code example
- Using AutoEncoders with TensorflowJS tutorial
- Figment uses an intuitive UI to use AI tools without coding
- Hogeschool Rotterdam Datalab: Rob van der Willigen's Blog about AI
- Google API's for Translate, Vision, Speech and Language Processing
- Microsoft Azure Machine Learning APIs
- Teachable Machine and Lobe.AI can export a model and all necessary code for your website.
- Cognimates: An AI education platform for building games, programming robots & training AI models
- can train a model with CSV data right in the browser.
- Check the Hardware, Python and Games reading list.
Since the field of AI is evolving so rapidly, some links may be outdated. This list is maintained by Erik Katerborg.
Last updated: 22 january 2024.