All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.12 (2019-05-25)
- package: update @types/node to version 10.0.3 (91cd71c)
- package: update @types/node to version 11.9.0 (5f1a021)
- package: update @types/node to version 9.6.5 (23b36ea)
- update some test (5fa3fd2)
0.1.11 (2018-04-11)
0.1.10 (2017-12-31)
0.1.9 (2017-12-31)
0.1.8 (2017-07-30)
- default export (86f39f6)
0.1.7 (2017-07-30)
- default export and Options Interface (8fe8556)
0.1.6 (2017-07-30)
0.1.5 (2017-07-30)
0.1.4 (2017-07-29)
- skip clean up after test (b689d42)
0.1.3 (2017-07-29)
- use ctx.throw instead (d187090)
0.1.2 (2017-07-27)
0.1.1 (2017-07-27)
0.1.0 (2017-07-21)
- unittest (972fa1f)