All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
(At the time this repo was created, the bot was already in V3.0, so there may be a lack of information or inaccuracy in what features were developped for previous versions)
- Created the bot
- Created ticket templates (available fields: type, project, urgency, context, activity)
- You can create tickets with the bot:
-> command to start ticket creation- Asks for the name of the ticket
- Display menu with buttons for each editable fields:
- template, description, responsible, criticality, priority, estimated work
- When finished, click on "Créer" to show a summary of the ticket. You can either modify it again or confirm its creation
-> command to stop any ongoing command/state
-> displays current data for the user (i.e. current command, set fields, etc.)
- New fields in ticket templates: responsible (doesn't work until V4.0+), criticality
- New editable fields with the bot: type, project, urgency, context, activity
- Added icon for ticket template menu
fields have been moved from Resource to User
- Only models with accessible projects for the user are selectable
-> sends user data to an admin for debugging
- Code cleanup
- Projects are sorted by wbs
- Commands name can be modified more easily (
- You can display information about a ticket or an activity
-> starts the process- Displays a menu to select a class (available: Ticket, Activity)
- Then displays a menu to select a project (project -> sub-project -> etc.) -> then "Choisir"
- Displays a list of available elements for the selected class and project
- Information about element (displayed if set):
- Ticket: name, description, type, project, urgency, criticality, context, activity, responsible, work (
planned - real = left
), status - Activity: name, description, type, project, responsible, work (
planned - real = left
), component, product, status
- Ticket: name, description, type, project, urgency, criticality, context, activity, responsible, work (
- Some buttons may appear below depending on the class and current status:
- Assign
- Start / stop work (doesn't work properly until V4.2+, work time is attributed to the wrong user)
-> displays information about the bot
- When selecting an element to display, the choices are display as follow
name state-emoji priority-emoji
- When selecting a project to display elements, you can choose only the selected project or include its sub-projects recursively
- You can create questions:
- Asks for the name
- Asks for a project (remembers last choice but can be modified)
- Asks for a description
- Asks for a responsible
- "Dismiss" or "Validate"
- When validated, question is saved and an "Assign" button appears
- When a question is assigned via the bot, it is sent to the responsible. There is an "Answer" button
- When answer is clicked, an answer is asked, then "Save" or "Send"
- Save -> adds the answer to the current save answer
- Send -> sends answer to the creator
- Only accessible projects to the user are available when display an element
- You can display questions with
:- The "Assign" and "Answer" buttons may be available if the question has the right status
- You can display elements from there reference
This is intended for unique references, from V4.2+ there will be an option to choose from multiple elements with the same reference
-> asks for a reference and display information about the element- OR type
and start writing a reference to be prompted with available references which you can select. When you click on one, it'll send the command/reference selected-reference
which does the same as above
- Responsible is now correctly set when a ticket template is used
- You can now attach files when creating a ticket
- New button in the field selection menu
- When you press "Ajouter", just send files to attach them. If you add a caption to the message containing the file, it will use this caption as its name. If you add a caption to a message containing multiple files, it will use this caption as the name for all the files. It may take a few seconds to add the files (rate limited to 1 file per second to avoid invalid data due to poor code structure, will be improved later)
- If there are attachments, you can delete them by clicking on "Supprimer" and then selecting the ones you want to remove
- Attachments are displayed on the ticket summary at the end of the creation process
- New button in the field selection menu
- Work time is now attributed to the correct user when using the start/stop work button.
- When displaying an element by reference, if there are multiple items with the same reference, a menu will let you choose the correct one.
- You can now view notes from elements, reply to them or create new ones.
- Display templates, used when displaying elements
- Summary templates, which define what fields to display and in which order in the summary of
- New TelegramBotUser class, to store data for users, instead of a .dat file
- Translations !
- Refactorized entire script
- Bot settings are now store in the database and not directly written in the file. Accessible in ProjeQtOr's global parameters menu.
are now combined in one command. Use/chercher
(search) to do the following:/chercher
: Same as old/afficher
, but you can now also send a reference as with the old/reference
/chercher {reference}
: Same as old/reference {reference}
- Inline queries (aka @BotId) still works as before
- "Leave empty" button when selecting a template (ticket creation) now works
- "Leave empty" button when choosing a project (ticket creation) now works
- Added translations for "telegramBotMsgFieldProj" and "telegramBotMsgInvalidFieldEstimatedWork"
- When using the search command, if no display template is defined, a message is now displayed (instead of crashing)
- When selecting a template/urgency/priority/criticality/..., only non-idle items are displayed
- You can now create sub-tasks ("points à traiter") with the create command
- You can configure which profile can use the create and search commands (in habilitation, specific access)
- Fixed major security breach: credentials are now required to access the script.
- The system used for defining which fields can be set for each class has been reworked to be more flexible. (see function getEditableFields for examples)
- Added translations for:
- "telegramBotMsgNoClasses"
- "telegramBotMsgRefClass"
- changed "telegramBotMsgCreateName" to "telegramBotMsgFieldName"
- "telegramBotMsgCreatedNoRef"
- "telegramBotMsgFieldPrio"
- "telegramBotMsgNoRightCreate"
- "telegramBotMsgNoRightDisplay"
- "telegramBotMsgNoRightCreateCmd"
- "telegramBotMsgNoRightSearchCmd"
- "telegramRights"
- "telegramBotRightCreate"
- "telegramBotRightSearch"
- The description of elements is now correctly displayed (stripping html tags)
- ProjeQtOr's access rights are now respected. Users can only create and view elements if they can through ProjeQtOr