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2724 lines (1362 loc) · 68.4 KB

06.1 - Junior developer prompts for frontend

File metadata and controls

2724 lines (1362 loc) · 68.4 KB



Create a simple php application using the laravel framework, a mysql database and the React JS framework on the frontend.

If you are familiar with that, create it as a Single Page Applications. So the backend will be pure REST API and frontend

will be compiled static javascript, which communicates with backend API only via ajax requsts.

The application will work with two DB tables, one containing users, the other containing countries.

Users will have a first name, last name, date of birth and relation to the country. Country contains only id and name.

On the home page, display a "pie chart" from the library, whose parts will mean

country and the value will be the number of users in that country.

To the right of the graph, display two inputs that will serve as a date filter for the range

of dates from - to, which will be applied to the date of birth. Choose a suitable plugin for

datepicker and apply it to the inputs. After selecting the dates, this filter will be automatically

apply to the graph and will only display users whose birth dates fall within the specified range

range. This filter should be sent as a parameter to the backend where it is applied.

Below the graph, display the list of filtered users, choose the appropriate react component on

data grid in which users will be displayed. After clicking on the grid line, display a popup window,

which will display the user details in the form. Confirm the form to edit the user

on the backend and apply the change to both the table and the chart. Allow adding and deleting users.

When you are done, please test the application and check the edge cases if you are

didn't miss any usecase. Feel free to display any notifications or warnings, if you think it's needed.

Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository.

END Project


  • Set up the development environment (complexity: 15) - "install and configure the necessary software and dependencies, such as PHP, Composer, Node.js, and the Laravel and React frameworks."

  • Create the database and tables (complexity: 10) - "create the MySQL database and the two tables for storing user and country data."

  • Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "create the necessary routes, controllers, and models for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data."

  • Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "implement the date filter functionality on the user data."

  • Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15) (Backend) - "We use TDD, keep that in mind."

  • Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - "display a "pie chart" from the library, whose parts will mean country and the value will be the number of users in that country."

  • Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "Allow adding and deleting users."

  • Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20) (Backend) - "Confirm the form to edit the user on the backend and apply the change to both the table and the chart."

  • Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "After selecting the dates, this filter will be automatically apply to the graph and will only display users whose birth dates fall within the specified range range."

  • Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "After clicking on the grid line, display a popup window, which will display the user details in the form."

  • Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "Allow adding and deleting users."

  • Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15) (Frontend) - "This filter should be sent as a parameter to the backend where it is applied."

  • Ensure that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository."

  • Write test cases for the integration (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "We use TDD, keep that in mind."

  • Test and debug (complexity: 20) - "Test and debug (complexity: 25, risk: low) - This task involves thoroughly testing the application for any bugs or edge cases and debugging any issues that are found."

  • Deploy the application (complexity: 10) - "Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository."

END Tasks

add a specification of tasks scopes and finish conditions in a less than 3 sentence


This project involves creating a simple PHP application using the Laravel framework and a MySQL database for the backend, and the React JS framework for the frontend. The application will work with two DB tables, one for users and the other for countries. The frontend will be a single page application that communicates with the backend through AJAX requests. The home page will display a pie chart that shows


add to each task a specification scopes and finish conditions in a less than 3 sentence


  • Set up the development environment (complexity: 15) - Install and configure PHP, Composer, Node.js, Laravel, and React. Finish condition: Application runs without error on local development environment.

  • Create the database and tables (complexity: 10) - Create a MySQL database and the two tables for users and countries. Finish condition: Tables are created and accessible via the application.

  • Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - Create routes, controllers, and models to handle CRUD operations. Finish condition: CRUD operations can be performed on the user and country data via the API.

  • Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - Implement date filtering on user data based on date range input. Finish condition: User data can be filtered by date range and returned via the API.

  • Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15) (Backend) - Test CRUD operations and date filtering functionality. Finish condition: All test cases pass.

  • Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - Create components to display pie chart and date range inputs. Finish condition: Pie chart and date range inputs are displayed and functional on the frontend.

  • Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10) (Backend) - Allow for adding new users via the API. Finish condition: New users can be added to the database via the API.

  • Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20) (Backend) - Implement functionality to update and delete existing users via the API. Finish condition: Existing users can be updated and deleted via the API.

  • Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10) (Backend) - Implement date range filtering on user data and return filtered results via the API. Finish condition: User data can be filtered by date range and returned via the API.

  • Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - Create components to display user details in a pop-up window. Finish condition: User details can be viewed in a pop-up window on the frontend.

  • Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - Implement functionality to add, update and delete user details on the frontend. Finish condition: User details can be added, updated and deleted on the frontend.

  • Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15) (Frontend) - Connect the frontend to the backend API for data retrieval and manipulation. Finish condition: Data is properly retrieved and manipulated on the frontend via the API.

  • Ensure that data is properly displayed and the application works as expected(complexity: 10) - Test the application and check for edge cases. Finish condition: Application is tested and works as expected.

  • Deploy the application to a public repository (complexity: 10) - Deploy the application to a publicly available repository. Finish condition: Application is deployed and accessible to the public.


group tasks


  1. Backend Development (complexity: 55)
  • Set up the development environment (complexity: 15)

  • Create the database and tables (complexity: 10)

  • Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10)

  • Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 10)

  • Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15)

  1. Frontend Development (complexity: 70)
  • Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20)

  • Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10)

  • Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20)

  • Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10)

  • Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10)

  • Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10)

  • Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15)

  1. Testing and Deployment (complexity: 20)
  • Ensure that data is properly displayed and the application works as expected (complexity: 10)

  • Deploy the application to a public repository (complexity: 10)


backend part are done

Describe frontend UI


The frontend UI for this application will consist of several key components:

Pie Chart: This component will be built using the echarts library and will display the number of users in each country as a pie chart. The chart will update automatically based on the data received from the backend API.

Date Filter Inputs: These inputs will allow the user to select a date range to filter the user data by. A suitable plugin for datepicker will be applied to these inputs to make it easy for the user to select a date range.

User Data Grid: This component will display a list of filtered users in a data grid. The grid will be implemented using a suitable React component and will allow the user to view, add, update and delete users.

Pop-up Window: This component will be displayed when the user clicks on a grid line. It will show the user details in the form and allow the user to edit the user details.

Notifications: The application will display notifications and warnings if necessary, for example, when a user is added, updated, or deleted.

Overall, the frontend will be designed to be user-friendly and intuitive to use, with clear navigation and easy-to-use interface elements.


UI layout


The layout of the frontend UI for this application can be broken down as follows:

Header: This will contain the title of the application and any other necessary elements such as navigation links or buttons.

Main Content: This will contain the main components of the UI including the pie chart, date filter inputs, and user data grid.

Pop-up Window: This will be displayed as a modal on top of the main content when the user clicks on a grid line.

Footer: This will contain any necessary elements such as copyright information or links to additional resources.

Notifications: This will be a section on top of the layout that will display notifications and warnings when necessary.

The layout will be responsive, meaning that it will adjust to fit different screen sizes. Additionally, the layout will be designed to look good on both desktop and mobile devices.


Main area layout


The main content area of the frontend UI will consist of:

  1. Pie Chart: This will be a large, interactive chart that takes up a significant portion of the main content area.

  2. Date Filter Inputs: These inputs will be placed next to the chart or below the chart, the user will be able to filter the data by selecting the date range.

  3. User Data Grid: This will be placed below the pie chart and date filter inputs, it will be a tabular representation of the data that the user can interact with.

  4. Pagination: If the data is large, pagination will be added to navigate through the data and improve the performance.

  5. Overall, the main content area will be designed to clearly present the data to the user and make it easy for them to interact with the data and filter it as needed.


List Date Filter Inputs


The date filter inputs for this application will likely include:

  1. Date range picker: This will be two inputs, one for the start date and one for the end date. Users will be able to select a date range to filter the user data by.

  2. Apply button: This button will trigger the filter when the user has selected the date range and will update the pie chart and user data grid with the filtered data

  3. Clear button: This button will clear the selected date range, reset the filter and update the pie chart and user data grid with the unfiltered data.

  4. Optionally, there might be a pre-defined date ranges such as this week, last month, last year, etc.

  5. Optionally, a calendar view instead of date picker to make it easier for the user to select the date range

Please keep in mind that these are common examples and the actual implementation may vary depending on the specific requirements and design choices.


Hierarchical list of UI elements and proposed filenames/components


  1. Header
  • Header.js
  1. Main Content
  • PieChart.js

  • DateFilterInputs.js

    • DateRangePicker.js
    • ApplyButton.js
    • ClearButton.js
  • UserDataGrid.js

    • DataTable.js
    • Pagination.js
  1. Pop-up Window
  • UserDetailsPopup.js

    • UserForm.js
  1. Footer
  • Footer.js
  1. Notifications
  • Notifications.js

All the above components are supposed to be in a folder called "components"

The above list is a hierarchical representation of the UI elements and proposed filenames/components of the application. Each component can have its own styles, state and functionality. These components will be connected to each other and to the backend via their respective props and callbacks. It's important to note that the actual implementation may vary depending on the specific requirements and design choices.


list react routes


The following routes can be used in the React application:

  1. Home: '/' - Display the main content of the application that includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid.

  2. Add User: '/add' - Display a form to add new users.

  3. Edit User: '/edit/:id' - Display a form to edit existing users, where ':id' is a dynamic parameter that represents the user's id.

  4. User Details: '/user/:id' - Display the user details in a pop-up window, where ':id' is a dynamic parameter that represents the user's id.

  5. Not Found: '*' - Display a 404 page when a user navigates to a non-existent route.

These routes can be defined in the App.js file using the react-router-dom library. Each route will be connected to its corresponding component, and the component will be rendered when the user navigates to that route. The exact routing configuration may vary depending on the specific requirements and design choices.



This is the recommended router for all React Router web projects. It uses the DOM History API to update the URL and manage the history stack.

It also enables the v6.4 data APIs like loaders, actions, fetchers and more.

import * as React from "react";

import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import {



} from "react-router-dom";

import Root, { rootLoader } from "./routes/root";

import Team, { teamLoader } from "./routes/team";

const router = createBrowserRouter([


path: "/",

element: <Root />,

loader: rootLoader,

children: [


    path: "team",

    element: <Team />,

    loader: teamLoader,







make a routers.js with createBrowserRouter function. Pages in "views". Use common layout


Sure, here is an example of how the routers.js file could be set up using the createBrowserRouter function and a common layout:javascript

import * as React from "react";

import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";

import Layout from "./views/Layout";

import Home from "./views/Home";

import AddUser from "./views/AddUser";

import EditUser from "./views/EditUser";

import UserDetails from "./views/UserDetails";

import NotFound from "./views/NotFound";

const routes = [


    path: "/",

    element: <Layout><Home /></Layout>,

    children: [


        path: "add",

        element: <Layout><AddUser /></Layout>,



        path: "edit/:id",

        element: <Layout><EditUser /></Layout>,



        path: "user/:id",

        element: <Layout><UserDetails /></Layout>,





    path: "*",

    element: <Layout><NotFound /></Layout>,



const router = createBrowserRouter(routes);

export default router;

In this example, the routers.js file exports the browser router and the routes are defined in an array of objects. Each route object has a path, an element, and optionally children routes. The layout is wrapped around each element to provide a common layout across all pages. The :id in


list all related files


Here is a list of all the related files that would be required to implement the application:

  1. routes/routers.js - This file sets up the browser router and defines the application's routes.

  2. views/Layout.js - This file contains the common layout that is used across all pages.

  3. views/Home.js - This file contains the code for the home page, which displays the pie chart, date filter inputs, and user data grid.

  4. views/AddUser.js - This file contains the code for the add user page, which allows the user to add new users.

  5. views/EditUser.js - This file contains the code for the edit user page, which allows the user to edit existing users.

  6. views/UserDetails.js - This file contains the code for the user details page, which displays the user details in a pop-up window.

  7. views/NotFound.js - This file contains the code for the 404 page, which is displayed when the user navigates to a non-existent route.

  8. components/* - this folder will contain all the react components.

  9. services/* - this folder will contain all the services like API, utils, etc.

  10. config/* - this folder will contain all the application's config files.

  11. styles/* - this folder will contain all the application's stylesheets.

  12. index.js - This is the entry point of the application and it renders the RouterProvider with the router.

Keep in mind that these are examples of how the files could be structured and named, actual implementation may vary.


one line cmd create all related files by touch


The command to create all the related files by using the touch command would be:bash

touch routes/routers.js views/Layout.js views/Home.js views/AddUser.js views/EditUser.js views/UserDetails.js views/NotFound.js components/.gitkeep services/.gitkeep config/.gitkeep styles/.gitkeep index.js

This command creates an empty file with the specified name for each file path provided to the touch command. The .gitkeep files are created to make it easy to add the folders to git.

Please keep in mind that this command should be run from the root of your project directory.

You can also use mkdir command instead of touch to create directories, and put the files inside them.bash

mkdir routes views components services config styles && touch routes/routers.js views/Layout.js views/Home.js views/AddUser.js views/EditUser.js views/UserDetails.js views/NotFound.js index.js

This command first creates the directories and then creates the files inside them.


list views


Here is a list of all the views that would be required to implement the application:

  1. Home - This view displays the main content of the application which includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid.

  2. Add User - This view displays a form that allows the user to add new users.

  3. Edit User - This view displays a form that allows the user to edit existing users.

  4. User Details - This view displays the user details in a pop-up window when the user clicks on a grid line.

  5. Not Found - This view displays a 404 page when the user navigates to a non-existent route.

  6. Layout - This view contains the common layout that is used across all pages.

Each view may have its own styles, state and functionality. These views will be


add this info to each file. put to beginning of empty views a comment with descr and all required info for developer

use bash file


Here is an example of how you could add the required information to each file using the echo command in a bash file:bash

echo "// Home view - displays the main content of the application which includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid." > views/Home.js

echo "// Add User view - displays a form that allows the user to add new users." > views/AddUser.js

echo "// Edit User view - displays a form that allows the user to edit existing users." > views/EditUser.js

echo "// User Details view - displays the user details in a pop-up window when the user clicks on a grid line." > views/UserDetails.js

echo "// Not Found view - displays a 404 page when the user navigates to a non-existent route." > views/NotFound.js

echo "// Layout view - contains the common layout that is used across all pages." > views/Layout.js

You can also use this command to create a separate file with all the required information for the developer and put a reference to the file in each filebash

echo "// Home view - displays the main content of the application which includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid." > views/


Create selfexplained description for each view to send it to a developer. Put each to a code block



Home view - This view displays the main content of the application which includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid. 

The pie chart is built using the echarts library and shows the number of users in each country. The date filter inputs allow the user to filter the data by selecting a date range. The user data grid shows the filtered data and allows the user to interact with the data. The grid also shows a pagination if the data is large.


Add User view - This view displays a form that allows the user to add new users. The form includes inputs for first name, last name, date of birth, and relation to the country. The form is validated and data is sent to the backend to be added to the database.


Edit User view - This view displays a form that allows the user to edit existing users. The form includes inputs for first name, last name, date of birth, and relation to the country. The form is validated and data is sent to the backend to be updated in the database.


User Details view - This view displays the user details in a pop-up window when the user clicks on a grid line. The view includes all the information about the user, and it allows the user to edit the data in a form and send it to the backend.


Not Found view - This view displays a 404 page when the user navigates to a non-existent route. The view is displayed when the user


Layout view



Layout view - This view contains the common layout that is used across all pages. The layout includes a header, a main content area, a footer, and a notification area. The header and footer are common across all pages and the main content area changes depending on the route. The notification area is used to display any notifications or warnings to the user.

This view is responsible for providing the basic structure of the application and will likely include components such as the header and footer that are reused across multiple pages. The main content area will be used to render the views specific to each route. Additionally, the Layout view may also handle global state and provide context for the entire application such as a logged in user, etc.


any srvices/api?


Yes, services or API are required in this application to handle the communication between the frontend and the backend. These services can handle the sending and receiving of data from the database through the use of HTTP requests.

Here are a few examples of services that may be required in this application:

User Service - This service is responsible for handling all the CRUD operations related to users, such as creating new users, reading existing users, updating existing users, and deleting users.

Country Service - This service is responsible for handling all the CRUD operations related to countries, such as reading existing countries, updating existing countries, and deleting countries.

Authentication Service - This service is responsible for handling the user authentication and authorization process.

Request Service - This service is responsible for handling the communication between the frontend and the backend, such as sending and receiving data through HTTP requests.

Data Service - This service is responsible for handling data transformation and data manipulation, such as filtering the data by date range, pagination, etc.

These services may be implemented using HTTP libraries such as axios, fetch, or superagent and they should be separated into different files in the services folder.


Write user stories for UI in a format:

  • in initial state (page url, data, etc)

  • action

  • expectations


  1. As a user, I want to view a pie chart showing the number of users in each country
  • Initial state: User is on the home page (/)

  • Action: User views the page

  • Expectation: A pie chart is displayed, showing the number of users in each country

  1. As a user, I want to filter the data by date range
  • Initial state: User is on the home page (/) and the pie chart is displayed

  • Action: User inputs a date range in the date filter inputs and clicks the apply button

  • Expectation: The data in the pie chart and the user data grid is filtered by the date range

  1. As a user, I want to view the details of a user
  • Initial state: User is on the home page (/) and the user data grid is displayed

  • Action: User clicks on a line in the user data grid

  • Expectation: A pop-up window is displayed, showing the details of the selected user

  1. As a user, I want to add a new user
  • Initial state: User is on the add user page (/add)

  • Action: User fills in the form and clicks the submit button

  • Expectation: A new user is added to the database and the user is redirected to the home page

  1. As a user, I want to edit an existing user
  • Initial state: User is on the edit user page (/edit/:id)

  • Action: User fills in the form and clicks the submit button

  • Expectation: The selected user is updated in the database and the user is redirected to the home page

  1. As a user, I want to delete




  1. As a user, I want to delete an existing user
  • Initial state: User is on the home page (/) and the user data grid is displayed

  • Action: User clicks the delete button for a user in the data grid

  • Expectation: The selected user is deleted from the database and the user data grid is updated

  1. As a user, I want to navigate to a non-existent route and see a 404 page
  • Initial state: User is on any page and types in a non-existent route in the address bar

  • Action: User navigates to the non-existent route

  • Expectation: A 404 page is displayed with a message indicating that the requested page could not be found.

  1. As a user, I want to see notifications or warnings when needed
  • Initial state: User is on any page

  • Action: User performs an action that triggers a notification or warning

  • Expectation: A notification or warning is displayed in the notification area of the layout.

These stories are examples, you may need to add more stories according to your application's requirements.


organize them hier by components


Home component

  • As a user, I want to view a pie chart showing the number of users in each country

  • As a user, I want to filter the data by date range

  • As a user, I want to view the details of a user

Add User component

  • As a user, I want to add a new user

Edit User component

  • As a user, I want to edit an existing user

User Details component

  • As a user, I want to view the details of a user

Not Found component

  • As a user, I want to navigate to a non-existent route and see a 404 page

Layout component

  • As a user, I want to see notifications or warnings when needed

In this organization, all stories that involve viewing the pie chart, filtering data, and viewing user details are related to the Home component, all stories that involve adding new users are related to the Add User component, all stories that involve editing existing users are related to the Edit User component, all stories that involve viewing user details are related to the User Details component, all stories that involve navigating to a non-existent route and viewing a 404 page are related to the Not Found component and all stories that involve viewing notifications or warnings are related to the Layout component.

This will help to keep things organized and make it easier for the developer to know which component is responsible for which functionality.


make store.js that has function create new redux store with redux-toolkit, provider


Here's an example of how you could create a store.js file that creates a new Redux store using redux-toolkit and the Provider component from react-redux:javascript

import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

import { Provider } from "react-redux";

import rootReducer from "./reducers";

const store = configureStore({

  reducer: rootReducer


const StoreProvider = ({ children }) => (

  <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>


export { StoreProvider };

export default store;

In this example, we are importing configureStore from redux-toolkit and the Provider component from react-redux. We are then creating


Test example:

it('should fetch and display the correct data for each user', async () => {

const users = [

  { id: 1, first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', country_id: 1, date_of_birth: '1990-01-01' },

  { id: 2, first_name: 'Jane', last_name: 'Smith', country_id: 2, date_of_birth: '1995-05-05' },

  { id: 3, first_name: 'Bob', last_name: 'Johnson', country_id: 3, date_of_birth: '1985-10-10' },


// Mock the API call


  rest.get('/api/users', (req, res, ctx) => {

    return res(ctx.json(users));




const browser = renderWithProvider(<Home />);

const fullNames = => user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name);

// Wait for the data to be fetched and displayed

await waitFor(() => browser.findByText(fullNames[0]));

// Check that the correct data is displayed for each user

fullNames.forEach((fullName) => {




make test for user story 1. use CSS selector #pie-users. Write only test without setup, import, etc. call /api/countries



it("should display a pie chart showing the number of users in each country", async () => {

    const countries = [

      { id: 1, name: "USA", users: 10 },

      { id: 2, name: "Canada", users: 20 },

      { id: 3, name: "Mexico", users: 15 },


    // Mock the API call


      rest.get("/api/countries", (req, res, ctx) => {

        return res(ctx.json(countries));



    // Render the Home component

    const { findByTestId } = renderWithProvider(<Home />);

    // Wait for the pie chart to be displayed

    const pieChart = await findByTestId("pie-users");

    // Check that the correct data is displayed in the pie chart

    countries.forEach((country) => {

      expect(pieChart).toHaveTextContent(`${}: ${country.users}`);



This test uses the findByTestId method from the @testing-library/react library to find the element with the data-testid attribute of pie-users, which is the expected id of the pie chart element. It then checks that the text content of each country with the number of user is displayed correctly.

It also mocks the API call to /api/countries and returns a list of countries with their respective number of users.

This test cases makes sure that the frontend is correctly displaying the data fetched from the backend for the number of users for each country.

It also makes sure that the pie chart is correctly rendered, showing the data for each country and number of users.


install pie chart from project descr


To install the pie chart library specified in the project description (, you can use npm or yarn package manager. Here are the steps to install the library using npm:

  1. Open your command line interface and navigate to the root directory of your project

  2. Run the following command:

npm install echarts

  1. This will install the echarts library in your project and you can start using it in your code.

Alternatively, you can use yarn by running the command yarn add echarts

Once the library is installed, you can import it in your component file and use it to create the pie chart.

You can also check the library documentation for more information on how to use it and customize the chart.

You can check the echarts documentation for the different ways to install the library, it could be via CDN, npm, yarn and more.



// Home view - This view displays the main content of the application which includes the Pie Chart, Date Filter Inputs, and User Data Grid.

// The pie chart is built using the echarts library and shows the number of users in each country. The date filter inputs allow the user to filter the data by selecting a date range. The user data grid shows the filtered data and allows the user to interact with the data. The grid also shows a pagination if the data is large.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import { fetchUsers } from 'store/usersSlice';

import { fetchCountries } from 'store/countriesSlice';

class Home extends Component {

async componentDidMount() {

await this.props.fetchUsers();

await this.props.fetchCountries();


render() {

const { users } = this.props;

if (!users.length) {

  return <h1>Loading...</h1>;


return (




      { => (

          <li key={}>{user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name}</li>








export default connect(

state => ({

users: state.users


{ fetchUsers }


use echarts-for-react in Home.js component


To use the echarts library in the Home component, you'll need to import it and the echarts-for-react library, which is a react wrapper for the echarts library. Here's an example of how you could update the Home component to include the pie chart:javascript

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import { fetchUsers } from 'store/usersSlice';

import { fetchCountries } from 'store/countriesSlice';

import ReactEcharts from 'echarts-for-react';

class Home extends Component {

  async componentDidMount() {

    await this.props.fetchUsers();

    await this.props.fetchCountries();


  getPieChartOption() {

    const { countries } = this.props;

    return {

      title: {

        text: 'Number of Users by Country',

        left: 'center'


      tooltip: {

        trigger: 'item',

        formatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'


      legend: {

        orient: 'vertical',

        left: 'left',

        data: =>


      series: [


          name: 'Country',

          type: 'pie',

          radius: '55%',

          center: ['50%', '60%'],

          data: => ({value: country.




users, name:})),

emphasis: {

itemStyle: {

shadowBlur: 10,

shadowOffsetX: 0,

shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'







render() {

const { users, countries } = this.props;

if (!users.length || !countries.length) {





return (


    { => (

  • {user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name}
  • ))





export default connect(

state => ({

users: state.users,

countries: state.countries


{ fetchUsers, fetchCountries }


This example uses the `ReactEcharts` component from `echarts-for-react` library to render the pie chart. 

It also defines a `getPieChartOption` method that returns the options for the pie chart, including the title, tooltip, legend, and series data. The data for the chart is obtained from the `countries` props.

It also added the import for the echarts-for-react library and added `ReactEcharts` component and getPieChartOption method to render the chart.

Also in componentDidMount, it fetch both users and countries, and pass the data to the option in `ReactEcharts` component.

This component uses `fetchUsers` and `fetchCountries` actions to retrieve the data from the backend and pass it to the component as props.

It also checks if the data is loaded before rendering the component.

It also import the echarts-for-react library.


bootstrap container full size, min height is page, columns 4+8, chart and users


You can use Bootstrap's grid system to create a layout that has a full-size container with a minimum height of the page, and is divided into two columns: one for the pie chart and one for the user data. Here's an example of how you could update the render method of the Home component to achieve this layout:javascript

render() {

  const { users, countries } = this.props;

  if (!users.length || !countries.length) {

    return <h1>Loading...</h1>;


  return (

    <div className="container-fluid min-vh-100">

      <div className="row">

        <div className="col-4">

          <ReactEcharts option={this.getPieChartOption()} />


        <div className="col-8">


            { => (

              <li key={}>{user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name}</li>








It added bootstrap classes container-fluid min-vh-100 to container div and classes row and col-4 and col-8 to child divs.

It also rendered the chart and user list in these columns.

It also used the class min-vh-100 to set the minimum height of the container to be the height of the page.

And also it used bootstrap's grid system to create a layout that has a 4 columns for chart and 8 columns for users list.

This will create a full-size container with a minimum height of the page, with two columns: one for the pie chart and one for the user data. The pie chart will take up 4 columns of the grid and the user data will take up 8 columns.

You need to import bootstrap to use these classes.


extract chart to components/UsersChart.js

step by step, no code


  1. Create a new file


in the project.

  1. Move the


method and the


component from the


component to the new



  1. In the


component, import the


component, and replace the code for the pie chart with the



  1. Pass the




props to the


component as props.

  1. In the


component, update the


method to use the props instead of the component's props.

  1. Remove the import of echarts-for-react library in Home.js, and add it to UsersChart.js

  2. Remove the fetchUsers and fetchCountries actions from the connect function in Home.js

  3. Test your application to make sure the pie chart is still displayed correctly, and that the data is passed correctly to the




chart depend only countries


  1. In the


component, update the


method to only use the


prop, instead of both





  1. Remove the


prop from the


function in the


component that maps the state to props.

  1. Pass only the


prop to the



  1. Test your application to make sure the pie chart is still displayed correctly, and that the data is passed correctly to the



  1. Remove any references to




  1. Update the propTypes of UsersChart.js to only expect countries props

This way the UsersChart component will only depend on countries data and will no longer depend on the users data. It will only use countries data to render the chart.


ReactEcharts rendered to canvas. how to test it content?


Testing the content of a React component that renders to a canvas can be challenging, as the canvas element is not part of the DOM and cannot be queried like regular elements.

One way to test the content of the chart is to use a library like jest-canvas-mock which mocks the canvas element and allows you to access the drawn content.

You could use it to check if the chart contains the expected data by comparing the chart's data to the expected data.

Another approach is to test the chart's data directly. You can do this by testing the data that is passed to the option prop of the ReactEcharts component. Since the chart data is generated by the getPieChartOption method, you can test this method directly by passing in the countries prop and checking the returned object for the correct data.

You could also take screenshots of the chart and compare them to a reference screenshot.

You can use some libraries like jest-image-snapshot to compare the image with the expected image.

In any case, it is important to keep in mind that testing the content of a canvas rendered by a React component can be challenging and will require additional setup.


test getPieChartOption


To test the getPieChartOption method in the UsersChart component, you can create a test case that:

  1. Imports the



  1. Creates a mock data of countries

  2. Passes the mock data to the



  1. Asserts that the returned object contains the expected data

Here is an example of how you could write the test using Jest:javascript

import UsersChart from './UsersChart';

describe('getPieChartOption', () => {

  it('should return the correct option for the pie chart', () => {

    const countries = [

      { id: 1, name: 'United States' },

      { id: 2, name: 'Canada' },

      { id: 3, name: 'Mexico' },


    const expectedOption = {

      title: { text: 'Number of Users per Country' },

      series: [


          type: 'pie',

          data: [

            { value: 0, name: 'United States' },

            { value: 0, name: 'Canada' },

            { value: 0, name: 'Mexico' },








In this test, we first create a mock data of countries. Then we pass it to the getPieChartOption method. After that, we check if the returned object has the expected data.

This test will ensure that the getPieChartOption method is working correctly and it will return the correct option for the pie chart.

You could also test the component with different types of data as a test case and


notifications should display a global popup box in overlay. How to impl. only with redux/react/bootstrap?


To implement notifications that display a global popup box in overlay using Redux, React, and Bootstrap, you can do the following steps:

Create a new Redux slice for notifications that stores the current notification and its status (e.g. whether it's open or closed). This slice should include actions for showing, hiding and removing notifications.

Create a new component called Notification that will be responsible for rendering the global popup box. This component should be connected to the notifications slice and should use the state from the slice to determine whether to show or hide the notification.

In the Notification component, use Bootstrap's Modal component to create the overlay and the notification box. The Modal component should have a show prop that is controlled by the state of the notifications slice.

In the Notification component, use the useEffect hook to listen for changes in the notifications state and update the show prop of the Modal component accordingly.

In any component where you want to show a notification, import the notification actions and dispatch the appropriate action (e.g. showNotification) with the necessary payload.

Add the Notification component to your global layout, so it will be rendered on every page.

This way, you have a central store that handles notifications, a reusable component that renders notifications and a way to dispatch actions to show notifications from any component of your application.

You could also use libraries like react-notifications, react-alert to handle notifications in your application.


code sketch of Notifications component

its a class. notifications could be more then 1. Should be shown in right bottom corner as a stack. Modal layer should allow access//click other elements


Here is a code sketch of a Notifications component that uses a class component and renders multiple notifications in the right bottom corner as a stack:javascript

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import { removeNotification } from 'store/notificationsSlice';

import { Modal, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';

class Notifications extends Component {

  renderNotifications() {

    const { notifications, removeNotification } = this.props;

    return, index) => {

      return (




          onHide={() => removeNotification(}



            position: 'absolute',

            bottom: 25 + (index * 75),

            right: 25








            <Button variant="secondary" onClick={() => removeNotification(}>








  render() {

    return <div>{this.renderNotifications()}</div>;



const mapStateToProps = state => ({

  notifications: state.notifications


const mapDispatchToProps = {



export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Notifications);

This component maps through the notifications in the store and renders a Modal component for each notification. The modals are displayed in the right bottom corner


use Overlay


Here is a code sketch of a Notifications component that uses a functional component and renders multiple notifications in the right bottom corner as a stack using Overlay component from 'react-bootstrap':javascript

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

import { removeNotification } from 'store/notificationsSlice';

import { Overlay, Button } from 'react-bootstrap';

const Notifications = () => {

  const notifications = useSelector(state => state.notifications);

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  const [currentNotification, setCurrentNotification] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {

    if (notifications.length > 0) {




  }, [notifications]);

  const handleClose = () => {


    setTimeout(() => {


      if (notifications.length > 1) {




    }, 300);



  return (

    <Overlay show={show} placement={'bottom'} target={document.body}>

      {({ placement, scheduleUpdate, arrowProps, ...props }) => (

        <div {...props} style={{, padding: '2px 10px', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)', color: 'black', borderRadius: '4px', boxShadow: '0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', }}>


            {currentNotification ? currentNotification.message : null}

            <Button onClick={handleClose} style={{float: 'right', marginTop: '5px'}}>Close</Button>







export default Notifications;

This component uses the Overlay component from 'react-bootstrap' to display the notifications. It uses the useSelector hook to access the notifications from the store and the useDispatch hook to dispatch the removeNotification action. A state variable currentNotification is used to keep track of the current notification to be displayed and show variable to control the visibility of the overlay.

It uses useEffect to set the currentNotification and show variable based on the notifications from the store.

It also uses a handleClose function that removes the notification from the


its show just modal window, not popup notification


You are correct, my apologies. The Overlay component in react-bootstrap is intended to be used as a modal window, not a popup notification.

A possible alternative implementation for a global popup notification system would be to create a custom component that uses state and CSS positioning to create the notifications. The component could use a queue to store the notifications and display them one at a time. It could have functionality to dismiss and remove notifications, and to add new notifications to the queue.

Here is an example of a basic Notification component that uses state and CSS to create and display notifications:javascript

import React, { useState } from 'react';

const Notification = () => {

    const [notifications, setNotifications] = useState([]);

    const addNotification = (notification) => {

        setNotifications([...notifications, notification]);


    const removeNotification = (id) => {

        setNotifications(notifications.filter(notification => !== id));


    return (

        <div className="notifications-container">

            { => (

                <div key={} className="notification">

                    <div className="notification-message">{notification.message}</div>

                    <button onClick={() => removeNotification(}>X</button>






export default Notification;

In this example, the component uses a state variable notifications to store an array of notifications and two functions addNotification and removeNotification to add and remove notifications from the state. The component then maps over the notifications and renders each one as a div with a message and a button to dismiss the notification.

It is important to style the notifications container and each individual notification using CSS to position them and give them the desired look.

You could also use a library like react-toastify to create a notification system, it provides a lot of functionalities and is widely used.


css for this


Here is an example of some CSS that can be used to style the Notification component:css

.notifications-container {

    position: fixed;

    bottom: 20px;

    right: 20px;

    z-index: 1000;


.notification {

    background-color: #f1f1f1;

    padding: 10px;

    border-radius: 5px;

    margin-bottom: 10px;

    display: flex;

    align-items: center;


.notification-message {

    flex: 1;

    margin-right: 10px;


button {

    background-color: transparent;

    border: none;

    cursor: pointer;


This CSS positions the notifications-container to the bottom right of the page, gives it a high z-index so that it appears on top of other elements, and styles each individual notification with a light gray background color, padding, and rounded corners. It also styles the dismiss button to be transparent with no border and a pointer cursor.

You can also use CSS animation to add animation effect when the notification is added and removed.

You can also customize it as per your desired look and feel.


slice for notifcs


To implement the notifications using redux, you can create a notifications slice that includes the following actions and reducers:

addNotification(notification): This action is used to add a new notification to the store. The notification object should include the message and an id.

removeNotification(id): This action is used to remove a notification from the store by its id.

notifications: This is the state variable that holds an array of notifications.javascript

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = [];

const notificationsSlice = createSlice({

  name: 'notifications',


  reducers: {

    addNotification: (state, action) => {



    removeNotification: (state, action) => {

      state.filter(notification => !== action.payload);




export const { addNotification, removeNotification } = notificationsSlice.actions;

export default notificationsSlice.reducer;

In this example, the notifications slice uses the createSlice function from the @reduxjs/toolkit library to create a slice of the redux store for handling notifications. The slice includes an initial state of an empty array and two actions addNotification and removeNotification which are used to add and remove notifications from the store respectively.

You can then use these actions in your components to add and remove notifications.

You can also add selectors to your slice to retrieve the notifications from the store, and use it in your component.

You will also need to add the notifications slice to your store's root reducer to make it available in the store.


hook axios and notify about errors


Here is an example of how you can use the axios library in combination with a useEffect hook to handle errors and display notifications using the Notification component and the notifications slice:javascript

import axios from 'axios';

import { useEffect } from 'react';

import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

import { addNotification } from 'store/notificationsSlice';

function useErrorNotification() {

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  useEffect(() => {

    // Add a response interceptor


      response => response,

      error => {

        // Handle error

        if (error.response) {

          const { status, data } = error.response;



            message: `Error ${status}: ${data.message}`,

            type: 'error',



        return Promise.reject(error);



  }, [dispatch]);


export default useErrorNotification;

This hook uses the useEffect hook to add an interceptor to the axios library that listens for responses. If a response returns an error, it extracts the status and message from the error object, and dispatches an addNotification action to the store with the error message.

You can then use this hook in your components that make API calls to automatically display error notifications.javascript

import useErrorNotification from './useErrorNotification';

function SomeComponent() {


  // ...


You can also add a similar interceptor for request and handle any error related to request.

You can also use this hook to handle other types of notifications such as success notifications by dispatching a different action when the request is successful.


title should include error code and url

message currently null, fix it


Here is an example of how you can update the useErrorNotification hook to include the error code and URL in the notification title, and handle cases where the message is null:javascript

import axios from 'axios';

import { useEffect } from 'react';

import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

import { addNotification } from 'store/notificationsSlice';

function useErrorNotification() {

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  useEffect(() => {

    // Add a response interceptor


      response => response,

      error => {

        // Handle error

        if (error.response) {

          const { status, data, config } = error.response;

          let message = data.message || 'An error occurred';



            title: `Error ${status} (${config.url})`,

            message: message,

            type: 'error',



        return Promise.reject(error);



  }, [dispatch]);


export default useErrorNotification;

In this example, I've added the config object from the error.response object, which contains the URL of the request, to the title of the notification. I've also added an additional check to handle cases where the message is null. If the message is null, the notification will display the message "An error occurred".

By using this hook, you will be able to see the error code and url in the title of the notification, and also the message of the error will be handled if it is null, it will show "An error occurred"

It's also a good practice to add some validation on the data and config, to prevent the component from crashing when the data is not accessible.



whats next task?


The next task would be to implement the functionality for adding and deleting users in the backend. This would involve creating the necessary routes, controllers and models to handle the CRUD operations for the user data.

Also, you will need to implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users in the backend and frontend, as specified in the project description. This includes displaying a form for editing user details, sending the form data to the backend, and updating the data in the database and on the frontend.

Also, you will need to implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range, as specified in the project description. This includes sending the date range filter to the backend and updating the data displayed on the frontend.

Once you've finished with these tasks, you can test the application and check for edge cases and any missing use cases. Feel free to display any notifications or warnings if you think it's needed. Finally, you can deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository.


so, its about User Data Grid area?


Yes, that's correct. The next task is to implement the functionality for adding, reading, updating and deleting users in the User Data Grid area. This includes creating the necessary routes, controllers and models for handling the CRUD operations for the user data in the backend, as well as creating the necessary components for displaying the form for editing user details, filtering the user data based on the date range, and updating the data displayed on the frontend.

Additionally, you will need to connect the frontend to the backend API for handling the requests for fetching, adding, updating and deleting user data.

Once you've finished with these tasks, you can test the application and check for edge cases and any missing use cases. Feel free to display any notifications or warnings if you think it's needed. Finally, you can deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository.


what may be a prompt for a beginner/junior developer to perform this task? backend is ready, only frontend


Here is a prompt that can guide a beginner/junior developer to implement the functionality for the User Data Grid area in the frontend:

Start by creating a new file UserDataGrid.js in the components directory. This file will contain the components for displaying the User Data Grid.

Create a new component UserDataGrid that will display the filtered user data in a table format. You can use a library such as react-table to create the table.

Connect the UserDataGrid component to the Redux store so that it can fetch and display the user data from the backend.

Create a new component UserDataFilter that will contain the date filter inputs for filtering the user data by date range.

Connect the UserDataFilter component to the Redux store so that it can send the date range filter to the backend and update the user data displayed in the UserDataGrid component.

Create a new component UserDataForm that will contain the form for editing user details.

Connect the UserDataForm component to the Redux store so that it can send the form data to the backend for updating the user data in the database.

Create a new component UserDataPopup that will display a popup window for editing user details when a user is clicked on the UserDataGrid component.

Connect the UserDataPopup component to the Redux store so that it can fetch and display the user data for editing.

Finally, add the functionality for adding and deleting users in the UserDataGrid component by connecting it to the backend API.

Test the application and check for any edge cases or missing use cases. Display any necessary notifications or warnings.

Finally, make sure that your code is well-organized, commented and readable.

It is important to note that this prompt is a general guide, and you may need to adjust it depending on the specifics of your application.


what may be a prompt for a beginner/junior developer to create user service and countries service? backend is ready, only frontend. API host taken from config


Here is a prompt that can guide a beginner/junior developer to create user and countries services in the frontend:

Start by creating a new directory services in the src directory. This directory will contain the services for handling the API requests for user and countries data.

Create a new file user.service.js in the services directory. This file will contain the service for handling the API requests for user data.

In the user.service.js file, import axios library and create a new instance of it with the baseURL set to the API host taken from config file.

Create a new function fetchUsers() that will make a GET request to the /users endpoint to fetch the user data. This function should return a promise that resolves with the user data.

Create a new function createUser(userData) that will make a POST request to the /users endpoint to create a new user. This function should return a promise that resolves with the created user data.

Create a new function updateUser(userId, userData) that will make a PUT request to the /users/:id endpoint to update an existing user. This function should return a promise that resolves with the updated user data.

Create a new function deleteUser(userId) that will make a DELETE request to the /users/:id endpoint to delete an existing user. This function should return a promise that resolves with the deleted user data.

Create a new file countries.service.js in the services directory. This file will contain the service for handling the API requests for countries data.

In the countries.service.js file, import axios library and create a new instance of it with the baseURL set to the API host taken from config file.

Create a new function fetchCountries() that will make a GET request to the /countries endpoint to fetch the countries data. This function should return a promise that resolves with the countries data.

Finally, in the components that require this data, import this services and use it to fetch and update data from the backend.

Test the application and check for any edge cases or missing use cases. Display any necessary notifications or warnings.

Finally, make sure that your code is well-organized, commented and readable.

It is important to note that this prompt is a general guide, and you may need to adjust it depending on the specifics of your application.


Make a slice with next structure:

UI: { dateFrom, dateTo, country, page, pages }


To create a slice for the user interface state, you can use the createSlice function from the @reduxjs/toolkit library. The slice should include the following state properties:


: a string representing the start date for the date range filter


: a string representing the end date for the date range filter


: an integer representing the selected country for the filter


: an integer representing the current page of the data grid


: an integer representing the total number of pages in the data grid

Here is an example of what the slice might look like:javascript

import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const uiSlice = createSlice({

  name: 'ui',

  initialState: {

    dateFrom: null,

    dateTo: null,

    country: null,

    page: 1,

    pages: 1


  reducers: {

    setDateFrom: (state, action) => {

      state.dateFrom = action.payload;


    setDateTo: (state, action) => {

      state.dateTo = action.payload;


    setCountry: (state, action) => { = action.payload;


    setPage: (state, action) => { = action.payload;


    setPages: (state, action) => {

      state.pages = action.payload;




export const { setDateFrom, setDateTo, setCountry, setPage, setPages } = uiSlice.actions;

export default uiSlice.reducer;

You can then import the slice and its actions into your component, and use the actions to update the state in response to user interactions.

For creating the User and Countries services, you can create a new folder called services in your project and create two new files, users.js and countries.js respectively. In these files, you can import the axios library and create functions that make API calls to the appropriate endpoints on your backend. The functions




The next step would be to create actions and reducers for the slice. The actions should handle updating the dateFrom, dateTo, country, page, and pages properties in the UI state. The reducers should handle the corresponding state updates based on the actions that are dispatched. Once the slice is set up, it can be connected to the User Data Grid component to allow the user to interact with the data and filter it by date range